GDKP in Season of Discovery

Just like the players.


GDKP’s cause inflation, what are you talking about. When people can just spend a ton of gold on stuff the economy inflates. Prices don’t drop when demand goes up. As stagnate as the economy has been and the amount of gold that has been piled. If we allow GDKP’s to happen then all the stockpiled gold will enter the economy and inflate it.

No, you are not understanding this. They are undercutting because, say it with me, demand as went DOWN so supply is up. They have to sell their supply, if they have a competitor it’s a race to the bottom. If demand exceeds supply then prices rise due to lack of supplies. So gold prices are a reflection of demand.

Yes, demand goes up for gold you need to get more. You need more, say it with me, supplies. When demand exceeds supplies gold becomes more expensive because there is, say it with me, less of it in the gold selling marketplace. It’s fairly simple. Gold demand goes down prices for gold go down, supply goes up. Gold demand goes up prices for gold go up, supply goes down. That is the reality of the situation. Gold demand and gold price go hand in hand.

That was obvious as I wanted to keep examples as simple as possible. The reality is no matter how many you inject in there doesn’t change the fact that if Farmer B is the lowest priced to make a profit it can price everyone out of the area. So if they can do that then they can monopolize the area. If another farmer tries to come in they’ll price them out or the new farmer will be the new monopoly. So under your logic you are saying that there should be monopolies because of infinite scaling of bots for gold demands.

I’m pointing out to your suggesting of the scaling of bots to infinite gold demand. Someone would be able to dominate the market at the lowest cost possible. There would also be no gold fluctuation. I find that this isn’t true due to graphs and multiple gold sellers.

Not really, your one pinned hope right now is to disprove this graph. You’re trying very hard to do so. I’m using your own logic against you as I point to reality.

You can say you defended it all you want but it was nonsense. So if you’re saying the nonsense is your defense that is fine. Go ahead and run with that. You can’t magically say you’re right because you think you are. That is essentially what you have been doing. Your defenses have been very very weak.

Point I’m making is process of elimination when you are trying to determine something. It happens all the time.

You cannot deny reality. I’ve already won this debate. The GDKP’s are still gone and you’re still groveling. Needless to say, I was explaining to you that we had our minds made up. I’ll gladly agree to disagree and leave it at that. As long as you don’t go to the “Oh you’re done, then I win” approach. When you realize something is a poor investment you stop it.

Gdkp generates zero gold. You’re making this so easy. Next.

GDKP actually gives people a reason to save gold to transact with other GDKPers, which is disinflationary. You’re inventing stuff thats completely detached from reality. So the gold floating around currently is unused, but it becomes used with GDKP? Give me a break.

No, they arent. They will undercut to an equilibrium price regardless of demand. Why? Because they can just turn the dial up or down on bots to meet demand. If each bot makes $20 a month you arent going to try to make $30 a month by charging more when your gold reserves get low, you’re just going to deploy more bots that make $20 a month.

You’re clearly confused about supply. Gold supply comes from the bots. The bots can be dialed up or down depending on demand. So gold supply will always match demand, meaning it doesnt affect price. Inflation affects price. Inflation comes from a different kind of supply. The supply of the entire market place, not just the gold seller supply. Inflations is always trending up in SoD, so the price of gold will always trend down. There will of course be short term volatility but thats not the discussion here.

Again, thats not how competition works. You completely ignored capex and opex. There is a reason the world is filled with many small businesses and not giant monopolies.

Again this is false. Do you have infinite money to scale? The bot ecosystem will expand and contract to meet demand. Some will make more money than others based on many factors in the business model. But the price is not driven by demand, that much is clear.

You’re confused. This started because you’re claiming the graph is meaningful. I’m saying it isnt. I have a lot of posts discussing other topics. This is your fixation, but I’m not letting you have it because it is false, as I’ve demonstrated

Then defeat them and stop simply saying you have.

Please use this to prove a generic, unqualified negative statement. Get as creative as you like.

I didnt say I won because you’re done participating. I said you’re done because you’re defeated and have no arguments left. I’ve defended against all of what you’ve said. There is nothing you can point to showing RMT is meaningfully down because of the GDKP ban. Certainly not gold prices.


Just let people engage with the content whether that is within guilds or a GDKP as they want. GDKPs keep people doing the raids at every level for alts or to farm some gold. Makes people play to a higher standard if they choose to go to GDKPs. RMT is happening regardless.

And while we are at it. Make mail instant between alts and for the love of god, make enchant rods backwards compatible. Why are enchanters still getting punished for bag space


We are talking in circles. I’ve proven my examples time after time. You are attacking the gold price graph as you have no proof. The graph itself disproves majority of your arguments. We are talking in circles. We both disagree on things and that’s fine. I’m tried of talking in circles. As I reply I see that I’m constantly pointing to something over and over. You seem to ignore it. I have to say it multiple times until you can literally address it. It’s becoming taxing and non-productive. We could continue like this for weeks only to arrive where we are at now.

Blizzard hasn’t reversed the GDKP’s end of discussion. That’s all there is to this. No matter how much mental gymnastics you try to do. No matter how wrong your understanding of supply and demand works. No matter how much I point to a legit graph. You will do everything in your power to deny. I get it, you don’t like to be wrong. You’re probably that person that will do everything in their power to prove something they said was right even if it was wrong.

Good luck out there.

Yes, because you keep saying the same exact thing is a fact after I just discredited it.

You’ve tried, and I’ve expained in detail why you’re mistaken each and every time. Must be very frustrating.

“The graph itself” isn’t an argument. You’ve played out all your cards and now are just pointing to a graph.

You can say a lot but you cant say this. I’ve responded to the ridiculous amount of statements you’ve made, then to all the corrections you make when cornered into an opinion, then distilled your argument down to gold prices, and dismantled that argument entirely. I didn’t ignore anything at all, even though I probably should ignore you.

How ironic :joy: If you present a fundamentally sound argument you’ll find I’m quite receptive. What I’m not receptive to is disinformation and false truths. You’re very fond of stating your opinion as a self-evident logical truth.

Sadly, you’ve taken a position on this topic that is indefensible and then you dug your heels in. You’re now frustrated because I didnt give up like 99% of people would. You simply couldn’t make a solid case and I called you on it every step of the way. Now you’ve run out of arguments and it feels bad.

Take care :wave:

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Keep lying to yourself man. I cornered you about your points. Needless to say, you were complaining that I was dismantling your statement.

You can’t keep saying the something is bad cause I say so. This is literally your entire argument, you have no proof!!! I say, neither do you.

Disinformation or false truths? You running for election there? It’s either false or true. So you are just saying things you don’t like or disagree with. You’re the one continuously trying to disprove a graph because it hurts your argument. You haven’t legitimately had a sound argument.

You point to me when I realize a bad investment because you are down right making things up at this point. I’m not frustrated you didn’t give up. I’m just pointing to the fact we are going no where fast. I’m sure we have better things to do. I made a solid case, you’ve dug your heels in with the “No proof” argument. I provided proof and you literally claim false statements against supply and demand that make zero sense. I tried to work with you. You keep saying the same BS as I point to what you say makes no sense at all. No matter what I say you will always say graph bad.

Never ran out of arguments just trying to get you to prove that the evidence I showed is false. You have failed and continued to fail.

You have failed to prove your case. :wave:


Oh lord, is he in ALL the GDKP threads? lmao


Yes, this guy is trying to get GDKP’s back in a big way. I went from trying to understand the argument to pretty much anti-GDKP just because of him. He’s also very salty about being wrong. He’ll literally talk in circles and tell you you’re wrong if you provide legit proof. He is literally denying a gold graph that lines up with population graph. Says demand doesn’t determine prices of gold. Apparently if demand for gold is high then they’ll sell you gold dirt cheap if they don’t have very much of it. Also if demand is low and they have a ton of it they can charge you a lot. Makes no sense and also the graphs tell something different. Further states that those are wrong, proof? Because I said they were wrong.


I mean Peepo rekt everything you said

Perception is a funny thing I guess, you perceive you winning.

You tried to use a graph to show that gold buying is low based off price but failed to acknowledge it’s low in demand because Sod has no players lmfao.

All of your arguments have literally been destroyed.

You’re fighting for a dead game.

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You could have a literal professor of economics in here explaining it and he’d still be like “nuh uh!”

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Professor of Economics here.

Many of the real world economic principles don’t apply to an MMO game, because unlike the real world, players in an MMO can both be the consumer AND supplier. For the most part, MMO economies will normalize themselves over time. To put it in simple terms, unlike the real world, higher prices in an MMO also mean a better opportunity for players to make gold.

No, I’m not really a professor.

You know I noticed that you and Bel are the highest posting on this forum. You all have been living in this echo chamber.

It’s not happening. I posted and proved his points wrong. To the point is was crying to me about pointing out how flawed his arguments were.

When you go from arguing to screaming, “no evidence” as your argument. I’ve won the conversation. So what do I do, I find evidence because why not. What does he do well supply and demand doesn’t work like that, no proof.

I further want to point out the both you and Bel have majority posts on this forum. Are you the same person I don’t know. I just find it odd how you all are posting on all these GDKP forums to get them back. What is in it for you? Most people kind of post and go.

I came here to understand some things and point to reasons why Blizzard was doing still continuing the ban. I even agreed that GDKP’s were collateral damage. You all have went to the extremes to the point where I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m now an anti-gdkp person. Congrats you have changed my mind from middle of the road to against GDKP’s entirely.

You’re delusional. Keep saying that unfortunately for you reality exists. I tore into his argument and you shills went silent. Until he came back screaming no proof and then literally arguing against supply and demand. Trying to disproof a graph that literally follows the population graph.

No I’m beating a dead horse. You all will never change your mind no matter how much I prove you wrong. So you crying like a child isn’t proving anything. Just because you are the same person Bel or buddies supporting him, lends you no power here.

This is literally the conclusion I came to man. I realized after hours of posts I’ve circled back to where we started. Knowing that no matter what either side says at this point. The decision is on Blizzard.

Lol I like your sense of humor man. Even though we tend to disagree you are funny.

Hope your day is going well.

That’s because real word economics and video game economics have absolutely nothing in common, the only way to learn about a video game’s economy is to play the video game

in real life do we have menial tasks that are in the top percentiles of earning while also having zero cost of living and nearly zero cost to start?

pretty much every facet of real world economics is broken by wow economics, where we own the means of production (its us) and we just pull resources out of thin air in an infinite loop

Not that this has anything to do with gold prices and correlation not equalling causation, which is a lost cause on Big L

“as soon as you tell me i’m full of it and can’t prove a thing i’ve said, i’ve won”

:clown_face: Big L strikes again, I don’t call him Big L because of his name

Genuinely think he might be slightly ill, he has been repeating himself since I left, he has spent 12 hours of his sunday telling us he’s leaving but never leaves

yes, that’s what i’ve been saying from the beginning, the price of gold drops as the population drops, which is what you’ve been arguing against for 12 hours, if the gold keeps dropping as the population keeps dropping, it proves you more wrong by the minute because gdkp isn’t influencing the gold prices…because its banned… :man_facepalming:

Quote this. Oh that’s right you can’t. because you’re outright lying now.

My arguments are detailed and support my thesis. At this point we’re no longer even discussing them because you’re focused on me the individual.

Look up false truths. you’ll learn something

I’m not trying to disprove a graph. The graph is consistent with my thesis. You’re trying to draw from it a false conclusion, that lower gold prices means there is less demand for RMT.

Quote me then. You have a habit of simply saying things when you could offer justification. In this case, there is no justification.

I think I’ve made my argument very clear and it completely negates the idea that gold prices are evidence of the GDKP ban’s alleged success.

And I respond to you each time explaining why it is justified. What’s ironic is I don’t even disagree with the chart. It supports my thesis. You’re just interpreting it incorrectly so that it fits your bias.

I’ve done that repeatedly. Gold prices are not an indication of RMT demand, as I’ve shown in many posts now and you know it.

And you’re still wrong. Liking me is not a requirement and I wouldn’t think you would be a fan of me constantly shooting down your posts.

Nope, for the 3rd time the graph supports my thesis.

I don’t need you to falsely summarize my viewpoint.

Lol, you wish. Quote me.

Again, not addressing the argument at all and misrepresenting it on top of that.

So because of a few individuals challenging you’ve changed your viewpoint on the topic to be against whatever they’re supporting. Very telling of your character. No wonder your confirmation bias is so strong. Also, nice try acting like you were neutral on GDKP.

Oh, hes delusional too? :joy:

Quote this or stop saying it. You’re desperate and defeated.

Not my argument, for the 10th time.

Try doing it once.


Dude, you’re not the worth time. You have poor grammar and arguments. You think you’re clever and witty, you’re not.

Blizzard hasn’t reversed GDKP ban. Doesn’t matter what anyone in this forum currently says because this is still true.

The only big L is you. You apparently love to lose arguments.

Oh, look another text wall of nothing.

I’ll sum up the argument. You, Bergelmir have zero evidence for bringing back GDKP’s. I have evidence stating that RMT’s demands are down as gold has hit rock bottom. Even if I didn’t have evidence we’d both be at a stalemate with no evidence. Even then Blizzard hasn’t reversed the ban, they know something. No matter how much you whine and beg. No matter how many illogical arguments you put together or bold face lies you tell. No matter how bad you are at supply and demand, GDKP’s are still banned.

Live with it.

but you’ll still be here going in circles in 12 hours time, no doubt, your time is worthless

well that’s very observant of you, its not going to change that gold prices change through many different reasons and that’s why they are still changing months after gdkp was banned

now we are onto “blizzard say its good so its good” arguments, where in our lack of ability to post evidence (because we can’t) becomes “blizzard know something we can’t possibly know”

“my opinion is formed off of the guess that blizzard know something” is really a massive self own

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