GDKP in Season of Discovery

I don’t understand how he’s trying to build his argument off of numbers that are public and then lying about the numbers

i got him to answer the ah ban thing and he completely owned himself, it was glorious stuff, good times in the thread


You’ve proven you don’t understand how it works, you’re just upset that it goes against your argument. Called me a clown with an emote, how mature.

You know Mark Twain said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” Couldn’t agree more with this especially since you called me a clown. I’d be upset to if I lost the debate. Good day to you.

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lets do a “i’m done counter”


If he stops talking to you then im going to make a bold prediction that the amount of replies he has will go down.

gdkp ban is working!

i think i know what ur trying to say (that he’s stupid) but because u did it in such a jumbled way, you imply that you are the stupid one and you dragged him down to your level so that you could win

think you meant “too” but maybe mark twain was off school with the measles the day they taught the different versions of “to”

Still no answer only conjecture. Thanks for wasting my time man.

That’s clipped out of context talking about population actual size. Talking about real players and not including alts. You can still use it follow the curve to a certain degree. Less toons being played less RMT’s it goes hand in hand. That graph doesn’t show actual players just over raiders. That is including main and alts unfortunately.

RMT’s buy gold. You not buying gold, gold gets cheaper. You just don’t understand or want to listen. I don’t care anymore. I cannot hold a legit conversation with you when you don’t understand. You’re not even trying.

Present it better instead of a clutter of garbage.

Yes I’ll see you later desperate man, good luck on not getting GDKP’s unbanned.

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ah so we want to go further down the rabbit hole of grammar do we? cheap shot but ok, lets do it

Doesn’t know how to use to

real money trader’s [possessive] buy gold?

their buys gold?

bad english again

i didn’t know chogall used the forums

wait wait he got it right

no wait he got it wrong again

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I have a graph for gold saying it started to go down in phase 2. It was an all time low by the end of April.

You have a graph showing a decline in “raiders” which are a combo of mains and alts. I pointed that people quit due to ban but no one close to you arguing 1 for 1 on the graph.

Not bad faith, we all are stuck with the info we have at hand. This is for Blizzard to decide. Only reason I’m throwing around the gold graph is evidence for RMT’s is all. Doesn’t matter as Blizzard has all the info and this argument is mute.

Think just going to call it a day and play a game. Don’t think either one of us is getting much use out of our time. We have our minds made up man.

Trust me, I’m logical! :joy:

Then show it.

Still saying this as if it is a fact.

No, they dont. I’ll shorten my post explaining it for you. In this business model the gold price is always going to be marginally above costs. Why? Because consider bot farm A and B, each running 100 bots. They are meeting demand at a fictional price of $1/gold. If demand increases and farm A keeps the same 100 bots but charges 25% more due to increased demand, then they will lose out to bot farm B that scaled to 200 bots (or 300) and is still selling at $1/gold. Because bots are infinitely scalable, they will simply scale to meet demand. Their profits increase, but not price of gold.

What else you got?

Oh, thats right, you’re out of ideas.

Lol, again with this. If you can defeat me then do it. You haven’t even tried. You just keep going on and on about gold pricing as if it means anything. I’ve shown it doesnt.


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sooner rather than later i guess

its absolutely bad faith, you know for sure that changes in the game beyond the gdkp ban are going to change gold prices (like incursions) just as i know that players will quit for 20 different reasons, the only difference is that one of us will continue to use the same argument forever

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Nice try but no.

You’re right on too. No capitalization of Think along with no capitalization of Mark Twain. Ending the sentence without a period. The irony is overflowing. You should probably just quit at this point. Once again Mark Twain is correct.

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the thing, i’m not trying to be grammatically correct, i’m just typing because i’m not trying to be mark twain, you quoting mark twain and being unable to use the right version of too is hilarious

weren’t you leaving anyway? or how many times do you typically say “i’m leaving” before you actually leave?

Dont worry, I’m quite experienced in defeating stupid arguments.

By the way I didnt call you personally a clown, but rather your statement. You on the other had have launched a personal attack by suggesting I’m a stupid person via this quote.

This doesnt help prove your thesis on gold prices, which I’ve debunked several times now and you keep ignoring it, saying you’re done talking about it. Okay be done talking about it then, dont turn around and state the same thing I just debunked without first addressing it.

I meant as to the jumbled up mess you call a sentence. Still not doing too hot on proper grammar. I also never once tore apart your grammar, but looks like we are seeing the cries of a desperate man. Sad really. Not making yourself look intelligent by critiquing my grammar with your bad grammar. Never made it about that.

You got me, should of been the word too. Where is the punctuation at the end of that sentence. Failure again I see.

Real money transfer’s, it’s an action not a noun. You really didn’t look into this did you. You should of just went away. You are making yourself look dumber and dumber.

Really man? I’d say the pot calling the kettle black. This is on another level.

Plays wow and misspelled Cho’gall. Very sad day indeed.

More examples of you wasting time to make yourself feel better but falling flat.

Poking fun at each other isn’t helping either of us. No matter how insecure you may be.

Would any of you pro-GDKP’ers be opposed to saying you want a more Chinese Server based raid system/culture in the US servers?

It kinda of sounds like you do.

I’d be curious if any of you who have thought about this.

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“real money transfers buy gold” ? isn’t that like extremely redundant?

“burger sellers sell burgers”


I want gold buyers perm banned and gdkp restored, i actually have to go now so i’ll be back later (i’m actually going outside, Big L wouldn’t know about it)

:rofl: Are you serious? No matter how you spin this if the demand exceeds the supply then it will increase. Neither of the farmers have an indefinite supply of gold. :joy: The fact you have no idea what you’re talking about is just too good to be true. Hey you’re wrong because they have infinite gold it’ll always we low :rofl:. Bots were so infinitely scalable that once the gold hit the market the gold price has always been the same. Nice try, go look at the gold graph. If you don’t look at it there is no reason to argue. Your logic falls apart because you’re saying the words infinite which doesn’t exist in reality. The fact gold prices go up and down due to demand is reality. Economics doesn’t stop working inside of a video game.

What else you got??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: I’m done trying to educate a :clown_face: as you put it.

I have defeated you with my arguments. You decided to wake up and wipe everything you previously said to me with the “you have no evidence” approach. I fired it back at you showing that I have it with the gold graph. Then you pretty much doubled down on no evidence approach, in which, yourself showed none. You say look at the forums on bots. You have no evidence you are saying random things with no evidence. Needless, we have nothing further to argue about.

You will have your reasons and I have mine. At the end of the day the only decision that matters is Blizzards.

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Can’t debunk something by saying it’s infinite because I said so. You are making no sense. If they have infinite supply they would keep undercutting one another until profit margins and then bail. You have zero logic, the fact you think you’re intelligent is laughable. You did the clown emote and called me a clown.

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