GDKP in Season of Discovery

Since you play on living flame and obviously have zero idea how economy works let me give you quick rundown. What you are talking about is called inflation, gdkps dont cause inflation, because they dont generate gold.

You need to go get mad at incursions not gdkps.

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This is the dumbest take I have heard lmfao.

Guys billionaires are making bread cost more lmfao.

I’m crying.


The reason people horde gold in GDKP’s is so they can spend it in the future on high priority items in new content, or to gear future alts.

I’ll grant GDKP does contribute to consume costs increasing (not by “insane numbers” though) because unlike random pugs, consumes are generally required by GDKP’s. I will argue that the cost increase caused by GDKP however is trivial relative to the cost increase due to inflation from Incursions.

buying gold generates gold…people buy gold to get their gear use some common sense
thanks also if you dont play on Living Flame how do you know what our economy is …were the same current raiding pop as Lone wolf…so again your wrong

Classic was up to over 1000g for 1 flask…and it was because of GDKPs and a mix of bot banning

also post on your main stop hiding behind an alt you look pathetic

You mean ERA? I mean the economy there is giga inflated because its been around for years now, thats not honestly a good example. Nearly everything is gona be way more expensive there because there is more gold in circulation.

When Classic era released Naxx I think flasks were costing me in the range of 50-75g a pop. It’s been years so I cant remember exactly.

Again I am in agreement with you on the point you’re making, I just think you are inflating it.

Mega post inc.

Summarizing what’s been claimed for clarity (its been a lot).

  1. You’ve stated that GDKPs create an increased demand for RMTs, implying that RMT demand fell significantly following the GDKP ban. You’ve offered gold prices as justification for thinking this a couple of times, but mostly just stated this as a fact.
  2. You’ve stated that Blizzard has no way to police RMT and used that as a justification for the ban, implying that banning GDKP is a budget friendly control on RMT. No justification provided for there being no way to police RMT. Otherwise related to (1) for justification.
  3. You’ve acknowledged the pros of GDKP, but claim the increased RMT activity outweighs the pros as a con. Related to (1) for justification.
  4. You’ve stated that the economy suffers with GDKP. No justification provided.
  5. You’ve acknowledged that there are many bots to this day, but stated that they aren’t making money. Gold prices offered as justification.
  6. You’ve offered the fact that Blizzard hasn’t reinstated GDKP as evidence that the ban is working. Justification appears to be faith in Blizzard.
  7. You’ve stated that this is Blizzard’s game not the player’s/community’s and that the devs will take this same position if asked. No justification provided.
  8. You’ve accused me of supporting the RMT community and criticized me for posting on a classic era character. No justification provided.
  9. You’ve stated that without GDKP the number of alts and gold sellers decreases and that the lower population is a benefit. No justification provided for the gold sellers part or the overall lower population being more healthy part.
  10. You’ve stated that less RMT makes it easier to ban. No justification provided.

Summarizing all that, it appears the justification you’re offering for the GDKP ban really boils down to RMT gold prices, so let’s talk about it.

In order to understand pricing you need to understand supply and demand. But first, let’s talk about bots.

Bots must operate with a profit margin (obviously). They need to make more money from RMT than they cost in subscriptions, electricity, infrastructure, and operations. They’re also in competition with other bot operations. So, the gold price will always be marginally above cost and the bot farmers will simply scale out the operation with the capital that they have available in order to (hopefully) reach a desired monthly income. However, there is considerable risk that Blizzard will do their job and ban them, so they need to break even on the account as soon as possible. This means they’ll try to offload gold as soon as possible and it results in a very slim margin business. You’re not likely to get rich by American standards running wow bots, but for relatively small and typically international operators it could be a decent living, as long as your cost of living is low.

Why does this matter? Because the fact that bots still exist in the world means they are profitable. If there was no profit margin the bots would be powered off (obviously). You talk about gold prices, but the price is simply a measurement of the gold supply versus the gold demand.

You’ve focused in your arguments on RMT demand, but let’s talk about supply first because it is important to understand. The price of gold will always go down because the supply is always going up (due to inflation). Due to hyper inflation in SoD the amount of gold a bot can farm per day has gone up, a lot. So, the price of gold doesn’t actually matter to the bot farmer that much. What matters is how much gold (or materials) can be farmed per day. The price, whether low or high, is just going to be marginally above what their cost is to make it because that’s the business model.

Okay, so what about demand? This is what you’re focused on, but you’re looking at the wrong metric. Gold prices have more to do with the total gold supply in the economy than they have to do with demand. As I’ve pointed out, it is a very low margin business, and they can’t sell gold at a loss sustainably. So, how does demand factor in? Demand will inform the bot farmers how many bots to deploy. They’ll maintain a small amount of gold on hand to satisfy orders, but they don’t want to hang onto too much as it comes at a high risk to them of getting lost from a ban or inflation driving prices below what the costs were when it was obtained. So, if the RMT demand for gold is low you will see the bot population decline because they don’t need to generate as much gold. If the demand is high, you will see the bot population increase so that they can generate enough to meet demand. The price in both cases will remain pretty much the same (marginally above cost).

Connecting all the dots…RMTs didn’t go anywhere and so neither did the bots. If the GDKP ban was effective we would see a major decline in bot activity (i.e. the number of bots). I don’t see anyone making the argument that the bot population tanked after the ban, do you? Any decline in bot population was certainly eclipsed by the decline in the overall SoD population (a smaller overall population would naturally result in less RMT demand) but I don’t even see people making that claim. If we had seen something like this, then that would be evidence that the GDKP ban had a measurable impact. Given that we didn’t see that, your primary argument that GDKP increases demand for RMT is shown to be false.

TLDR: Banning GDKP didn’t hurt bots / RMT. All of the arguments in favor of the GDKP ban (including the social structure argument) have been thoroughly debunked in this thread by myself and others on numerous occasions over the last 6 months. This experiment has failed. Revert the policy and allow the community to play the game the way we want, just like in every other version of classic.

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Your cluelessnness is staggering.

I’ll post on whatever char I like, even if its my 100th alt it still slaps more then your main.

If I was you I’d just stop posting you make yourself look incredibly dumb with these senseless statements. Please educate yourself and figure out how economy in mmos work.

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Please bring back GDKP it was one of the best loot systems. Performance based GDKP are some of the smoothest raids i have ever been in! Hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the night :heart:


This guy says he doesn’t even play anymore unsubscribed but bought 18 months of tokens so I don’t think he cares much either way.
No GDKP please and thanks for banning them


I am sure people will take lvl 44orc Diescumdie very seriously, welcome to my ignore list boring troll.

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :hear_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

They’ll take me more seriously than someone who doesn’t play anymore and unsubscribed

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They would take the antis more serious if they werent using the “economy” and “AH” prices as to why the gdkp ban is good.

Atleast teach your people how supply and demand work.


They took us seriously enough to ban it for 3 phases not our fault you don’t understand the economy enough to see the benefits of the ban


Oh no youre as much of an idiot as them???

I thought you atleast had SOME sense…i guess i was wrong.

Yah man, they sure saved the AH, now the prices of winterfall firewater will be much lower since someone cant buy a ring in a gdkp…Totally man, thats exactly how the economy works.


I don’t care about the price of farmables they are farmable can’t afford put that gear to work slaughter some stuff fast I’m assuming that gear absolutely destroys the mobs that drop firewater

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I didnt ask if you cared.

I was hoping you were smart enough to understand how the economy works and how gdkps dont change supply/demand.

Maybe i was wrong?


Drinknblink you are often wrong. It’s part of the fun of reading your posts!

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