GDKP in Season of Discovery

If anything it positively influences the economy, GDKP doesnt generate new gold (outside of boss gold)

They don’t ban people for buying gold. Or we wouldn’t be talking about this at all.

Peak narcissism right here. . . There’s no changing your mind.

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His logic is “sound” but he doesn’t understand how supply and demand work?

Imagine thinking buying a new ring in a gdkp somehow makes mana potions cost more lmfao

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No it is an effective way. You don’t want to follow logic. I’m done explaining things to you that make sense. All you do is dance around the issue. Your bias is so thick I can cut it with a knife. Reality is like I said they can reverse the ban, but it’s working so there is your proof. Going to be 3 out of 4 phases without GDKP’s talk to Blizzard.

I’ll explain it to you as you seem to ignore impact. If you take drugs makes you feel good but worsens your life. Does the cons or pros out weigh here…the cons do. While I point out that GDKP’s have good pros the RMT’s are just too much to ignore. Since it’s just one aspect of raiding the game can still go on and progress.

If this is your reason it is terrible. See the GDKP’s I was in they asked for logs and budgets. We downed content it was ran pretty well. Now let’s look at your quote. Losing rolls to grey parsers with no consumes that spent the half the fight dead. So how is the different from GDKP’s? You substitute roll for gold. Only thing is you get gold for your trouble. Now I explained that /roll guilds can go take a long walk off a short cliff. Other loot systems reward you with attendance and good play. DKP systems give you DKP for raiding and you not being bad rewards you with going the next week. LC’s consider attendance and being a good player when rewarding gear. Is there bias in LC’s of course, but loot systems all have issues. GDKP’s issue is RMT’s and it’s the only reason it’s banned.

It has worked or they would of reversed it by now. Plenty of data out there to support it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t advocate to get GDKP’s back, I’m just saying because it’s not reversed then Blizzard knows something. Bots everywhere won’t do anything w/o RMT’s, gold is at all time lows. Opening GDKP’s up at this point in time would allow all those bots to be worth something and increase gold prices.

Well are you Blackuncle you seem to be responding to his posts. The saying I initially put was saying that people so I didn’t specify some. The point was I put some and I should of put exclude instead of include. The whole I idea was the fact that People who complain or quit over GDKP’s and don’t use RMT’s are rare exceptions. So I can see why that may of been confusing.

Well the fun fact is this, gold prices all time low. So if gold prices are low then demand for gold went down there for RMT’s went down. This is literally on websites that support this. I do not deny that bots are around, but if they aren’t selling gold then prices are low. Supply and demand, works in games too go figure.

I state logical views compared to your but this thing over here argument. You argue that RMT’s are not down because of banning, verdict false. RMT’s equals gold demand, go check gold prices. Gold is all time low so therefore RMT’s are, say it with me, down. It’s literally the gold sellers own information. Bots still farming only matters if they are selling gold. If they are not then they are stock piling gold. What would be the best thing for gold sellers right now? That’s right reverse the ban and they can sell that stockpile of gold at higher rates and make a ton of money because of demand. If you don’t understand this that’s fine. I get it you want GDKP’s, but right now it’s on Blizzard to fix the problem not me. I only argue logic as to why they are doing it and pointing out why they haven’t reversed it. We are about to be three phases deep with out it so if they haven’t reversed it then explain to me why? I already know the answer, because it’s working. Your problem is how Blizzard is addressing these RMT’s not me. Needless to say RMT’s and destroying the economy out weigh pros, argument done.

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They will buy less gold due to demand. They will also more than likely get banned as there is less fluff to go through when there is less activity.

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RMT’s which cause more bots which lead to inflation is the short of it.

Problem is with Blizzards way of policing RMT’s is why GDKP’s got axed.

Then how are people selling gold and making money? Not saying all organizers do this but I know a lot do it through cash apps. If it created no wealth then there would be no gold farm.

I actually was going through and answering you questions in a civil manner. I got down to this part below.

I literally went and deleted legit conversation points. I knew at this point in time there would be no way to convince you as you don’t understand logic itself. So I’m going to sum this all up. You don’t understand how the economy works with talks of inflation with RMT’s. At this point I think it’s a little over your head.

I agree their is a “chance” they buy less gold but they are still buying gold, so the solution isn’t exactly working.

Id wager most bots are farming materials, so more bots would cause deflation and not “inflation”.

You have no data either way, which is funny because you said above that all the data supports you, when blizzard hasn’t presented any actual data.

Cuz the writing is in blue you believe it without any data backing up what they say.

Too many flaws in logic here, so I’ll just start with the biggest one.

It’s not logical to refer to yourself as logical.

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This is what it comes down to.

Its not financially profitable for them to have a game with integrity or punishing cheaters, cashcows and paywhales. Those are the players they want in their games those are people they want to cater to just like any other mmo.

Blizzard has multiple times stated that they are not doing perma bans.

Even when soda bought 50k gold they didnt ban him for even an hour.

This game is a lost cause, just like the dev team. Just go play pretty much anything else if you want a game with integrity. Best way to be heard is unsub.


The RMT’s to buy items is the problem itself. GDKP’s just happen to be cause for RMT generation that’s it. If Blizzard could police the RMT’s GDKP’s wouldn’t be a problem.

There are people getting banned for selling gold. Look at gold prices and explain that to me.

This was a response to a guy questioning my logic. Do you all not read things or do you have predetermined responses beforehand? Whatever, I’m done with trying to explain to you why this won’t happen unless Blizzard handles RMT’s in another way. You all apparently don’t understand the definition of insanity as you are living it.

Blizzard hasn’t handled rmt at all.

What are you even saying?

Banning gdkps didn’t stop rmt, it didn’t even put a dent in it.


The need for gold itself is the main reason for RMT, this argument has always been ridiculous.

Nobody is playing SoD, hence the demand for gold is low. The price will logically reflect that.

Gold prices check them out. If you don’t understand that is fine.

If this isn’t helping the economy or Blizzard they would of unbanned GDKP’s going into phase 4 with 3 of 4 phases no GDKP. I’m done with this argument. I’m beating a dead horse.

I’m not against you all just pointing out that logically what Blizzard doing makes sense. It just doesn’t lead to everyone is happy solution due to the way Blizzard is operating short staffed.

Read the comments I posted. He was saying my logic is flawed. I replied to it and stated my logic is sound.

How is it ridiculous? I need something to get it requires gold. RMT is QoL as I’ve determined my time is more valuable to me. I’d rather do a RMT than to do other things. Without a demand for gold to buy things you wouldn’t need gold, therefore, no RMT required.

Yes, you might want to check the gold price graphs. There are some websites that provide it and it doesn’t follow the population graph that people referenced. Population graph isn’t a super great reference either as P1 was fluffed with alts. So needless to say you are wrong on this one bud.

You want me to check gold prices in the version of the game that has lost 90% of its population??

Man that’s really logical.

Do you think gold prices will spike in p4 or decrease?

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Diescumdie hugs Blackuncle

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Pst when you reply to someone it is not necessary to quote them I know what I said.

I mentioned it like multiple times. There are gold websites that have timelines that cover all of SoD.

Which one specifically so we’re looking at the same exact data?

Yes, my logic is sound too.

Anyone saying GDKPs dont effect people not doing them… you are actually the most unintellectual person on the forums ive ever seen. GDKPs lead to people hording gold and then increasing raid consumes by insane numbers. We would just go back to 50g prices for simple consumes and 500-1000g for a flask…lol have you never played classic