GDKP in Season of Discovery

Wrong, it’s up to the community. Blizard is duty bound to deliver the game that the community wants, and the community clearly wants GDKP. You cant even dispute this because every version of classic wow gravitates toward GDKP. Sadly, the devs seem to have forgotten their duty and the game is suffering as a result.

Umm, they’re not duty bound to anything. They make the game and we choose to play it. They choose which and how much they want our feedback to impact their choices and the buck stops there.


Its funny imagining the GDKP crowd going off to start their own private server.

The NFT crowd would love it.


Bruh they’re “duty-bound” to shareholders and that’s it


Companies are allowed to make bad decisions, sure. Not listening to your customers and not giving them the product they want is a very bad decision. This is how you lose the trust of your customers and ultimately how businesses fail.

This kind of thinking is not only wrong, but it is a great way to make customers feel betrayed. Customers are the lifeblood of any company and forgetting that spells your own demise. Delighting customers is the only thing the devs should care about and it’s also what shareholders ultimately care about.

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Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!

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Sod has no shortage of swiping happening. If you actually care about bots and RMT you would be outraged and you wouldn’t be acting like the GDKP ban has been effective.


It’s been extremely effective at stopping gold buyers from turning their ill-gotten goods into raid gear.


So you dont care about bots and RMT so long as nobody can use it to have better gear than you. What a silly argument.

3000+ gold bis BoEs? How you feel about that?

If you actually cared about “ill-gotten” gold you would be outraged by the bots and RMT in sod and not by GDKP because those have continued without GDKP

You just dont like GDKP and need an excuse to support banning it, even if it isn’t logical.


People saying the game would not be dead if there were GDKPs is ridiculous.
There’s plenty of ST and gnomer groups alliance side wildgrowth. The only difference would be is they would all be GDKPs right now. No thanks.


So the community wants GDKP and because you dont like it, you want it banned?

Do you also want pizza toppings you dont like banned? Its hard to avoid pepperoni these days. Better ban it right?

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If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand logic. When you remove GDKP’s you are removing a large reason for RMT’s, not all. Instead of continuously bailing out water on a sinking ship they have plugged a large whole. So the RMT’s are the water trying to get into the Blizzard Ship. Needless to say, RMT’s will still happen as there is a demand for them. If we reduce the demand for RMT’s we reduce everything they cause. Botting and inflation are key factors that go hand in hand.

So once again you miss the point. GDKP causes RMT’s to ramp up or happen more often. That you cannot argue at all. So your banning the fish logic is flawed. If you ban fishing no one can fish. GDKP is a type of raid not raiding. Raids still go on. It’d be similar to banning raids because of RMT’s. So GDKP banning would be similar to banning a type of fishing style that the bots use. Which actually the fishing style used by bots is wait for it…being bots vs a person fishing. So they are banning bots not fishing. Bringing back GDKP’s will open the flood gates. Bots will be on the rise along with RMT’s.

So first and foremost it is Blizzard’s decision. Why? Because listen very very close, it is their game not ours. They own all the property rights to it and can set it on fire while laughing at your face. Their job is to effectively run a business model game. This involves listening to the community and making decisions. So indeed GDKP’s were developed by the community no doubt. Blizzard listened to their community, that’s why it was banned. So I’d assume Blizzard was also doing this as an experiment to see how it turns out. I’d assume if it’s as bad as you all let on it’d of been returned in P3 and P4. Apparently Blizzard knows something you don’t. Also I stated GDKP’s have pros that you would of saw if you read my posts. Some of those things he stated about it being a better loot system holds merit. Need to understand that no matter the loot system someone will always be upset. To be fair there is an issue with GDKP loot systems and guess what it is the RMT itself. If you farm gold yourself and being out bid by someone with RMT’s you’ll never ever get loot until that person is done. The fact you get gold is a plus for you showing up, like with most loot systems. Random rolls should never be a loot system for guilds. GDKP came from DKP, which reward people with currency they spend. LC’s, good ones, consider raid attendance and performance when giving out loot. Is there bias in LC’s, you better believe it. Is there issues with stockpiling DKP? Yes, there will be flaws with all loot distribution systems. Those other loot systems don’t destroy the economy like GDKP’s inadvertently do.

This…tbh is what I think you don’t get. GDKP’s inadvertently increase RMT’s. That is all you need to understand. While I gave a prime example below this is how GDKP’s increase the rate of RMT’s. You seem to not want to understand this reasoning. The cons are tied hand in hand with the RMT’s I’ve said this before.

While some people don’t do every step. Every step at one point was used directly or indirectly with RMT’s.

So I didn’t identify you personally, nor your friends in this post. I stated a fact, to which you seem upset by. By stating that people who run GDKP’s to sell gold are complaining and are quitting. So I’ll break this one down for you too. So I said people who specifically run GDKP’s to sell gold. Were you running GDKP’s to sell gold? If so the statement applies to you. I was stating because of the ban they are complaining and quitting. Why would they do that you ask? Because their main purpose is to, that’s right, sell gold with RMT’s. If they can’t do that anymore then they need to focus time elsewhere. Not going to call you or your friends scum and never did. Not into name calling as it takes away from the discussion. As long as you or your friends didn’t participate in RMT’s, you all like others were collateral damage from this. I’m sorry to here this for you, but you can join a guild or form one and still do raids. GDKP’s aren’t stopping you from playing the game. If you say so you are lying.

So this is a poor example to argue against what I was saying. No one can see a RMT outside of Blizzard or even have an idea of it. All I was pointing out is the ability to report bots and other things you can see to help Blizzard out with policing. I’m glad you report those things man good for you, you’re doing your part. The nonsense is all on you. If you read carefully I said the word see.

To sum this all up to the point that RMT’s will always happen. GDKP’s will increase RMT’s and botting exponentially. Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t have a way to crack down on RMT’s thoroughly enough to have GDKP’s around or they would. Wow will survive without GDKP’s and it has to this day. Only thing plaguing it is slow content releases and current phases having limited content. Like I mentioned before, I’ve enjoyed GDKP’s in the past. GDKP’s being banned will not be a reason I quit wow. People saying they have or will quit over GDKP’s being banned raise suspicion to themselves.

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Wow what a good one, not like the economy has arcane crystals nearing 130g a pop, weapon enchants nearing 1k or 3k gold trinkets available to purchase on the auction house.

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When you add GDKPs you are removing a large reason to RMT…

Raid expenses being covered in raid means less farming time outside of raiding.


First of all, this quote is taken out of context and was a secondary response to you admitting that RMT is happening a lot without GDKP only to turn around and say this. Second, you dont have any basis for claiming a “large amount” or “majority” of RMT is gone without GDKP. If anything the continuous bot activity throughout phases shows that this is false.

Yes, I can argue this. We’ve seen bots and RMT continue without GDKP and honestly the difference is not noticeable. You are inventing the idea that it will surge if it comes back and telling me I cant dispute it. I can. There are people buying gold today that wouldnt if they had the chance to earn it through gdkp.

The fishing comparison is to demonstrate that you’re calling for a ban on the wrong thing. You can explain why fishing and GDKP are different all you want but it doesnt make the argument flawed just because they are not the same activity. Banning fishing removes fishing, banning gdkp removes gdkp. Without fishing there are other professions. Without gdkp there are other loot options. Stop with the bad faith arguments for arguments sake.

This is wrong and you can ask the devs if you want. They will agree with me.

Did you think about this before writing it? Doesnt sound like you did. They, in fact, didnt listen to the community. They listened to a vocal minority that dont like what the community built.

GDKP doesnt do anything to the economy except promote transaction, which is actually good economics. You are identifying an issue with bots, which do destroy economies and are very much still a problem without GDKP.

This is your thesis based on a hunch. Do some people (buyers) buy gold for GDKP? Yes. Does GDKP income remove the incentive for others (carries) to buy gold? Yes. Would there be more net RMT with GDKP? Maybe? But whatever difference it makes was not even noticeable when GDKP was removed. Bots still botting away. The pros of gdkp also outweigh the cons, as dictated by the community who created it.

Couldnt agree more. If you dont like GDKP you can not participate in them. Stop trying to go after GDKP using bots and RMT as an excuse. That argument has utterly failed.

This is wildly inaccurate if you’re paying attention to reality. Bots didnt go anywhere. Neither did RMT, which isnt surprising to GDKPers because we know that the accusations that gold buying in GDKP is rampant is false.

Lol, anyone that disagrees with my biased viewpoint is suspect :rofl:

Bottom line is bots and RMT are a problem and banning GDKP does very little to affect this problem. It just removes the most popular loot system from the game, which obviously drives away players.

The folks supporting the ban dont seem to be motivated to solve the actual problem of bots and RMT, but they are happy to use this as an excuse to get rid of a very popular loot system that they dont personally like. It’s cringe and shameful that the devs listened to these folks.


Who says the community wants that? lmao.

You pro-GKDP people are going about this totally wrong if you really want GDKP back. But you resort to silly statements and trolling. Hard to take you seriously.


You said that, when you pointed out that all the raids would be GDKPs, like they are in every other version of classic wow. Why else would players choose it? Lol


Bergy, its time for you to step down, drop out of the race.


Nah, keep going Bergy, you’re doing great! :grinning:

I play this game religiously last 20years, thanks for removing gdkps and making quitting the game that much easier for me, easy unsub on both accounts.


mission impossible: get an anti gdkper to say anything that has a source, something they can prove or something they just didn’t just make up

bonus points if its not an anecdote about some nameless guy on nameless server who did allegedly did something