GDKP in Season of Discovery

Stop children before what you do exists on the internet for all to see. Oh wait, too late!

No excuses, like you said to me.

You linked it not me…that’s your guild.

Half of them are grey/green.

I will at least give you props for posting on a toon you actually raid on and not hide on.

I guess we can spin your narrative about my logs, even tho you have literally have all of WOTLK to look at how I do and finish raid tiers at 99 best, we just ignore all that and use the very small data of Cata raids that just came out.

Diescumdie picks their nose and wipes it on Bergelmir

Diescumdie brushes up against Drinknblink and farts loudly

I think Toughburger just ate that booger while inhaling heavily the odor in the area

Toughburger that booger was a gift for Bergelmir how dare you! The fart was for everyone to enjoy so what can I say except you’re welcome.

Which one do you think is rubber and the other glue? I cannot tell, they both smell like farts

you moving the goalposts isnt the same as me giving context your WOTLK logs are irrelevant cause remember your entire argument was that they are hard raids or did you forget LOL

Not sure but it may have actually been a shart sorry Drinknblink I drank to much stout.

I mean pre buff ICC heroic LK had like a 3% clear rate…

Do you consider that hard?

And I never compared those two I only compared them to sod…

So how can I be moving the goal post?

To be fair I wouldn’t risk injury for a job if it wasn’t in my job description I mean would they cover medical expenses or blame me? I’d call AAA and play on my phone, get paid for it, and cross my fingers that it results in OT pay for me.
I’m a terrible employee though one time my boss got mad that I was 5 min late said it was no different than being 2 hours late so the next morning I was 2 hours late then asked if it was the same as being 5 min late

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GDKPs should return to SoD. We would actually see a visible uptick in player count shortly after.

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Diescumdie drops their trousers and moons Bullakae

Yea I don’t own the truck and it isn’t in my contract and my job doesn’t want me fixing their trucks because they don’t contract me to…

That dude prolly works at a drive thru so he doesn’t understand

I understand the reason why companies have other companies do the job of the people they employ is twofold.

  1. People kept screwing up, so they had no choice.

  2. People arent able to do it due to being limited in ability (psychically)

More than likely you fall under both.

You can come pull up to Allentown PA and find out

Or mentally.

Because you keep insisting on making the same flawed argument against GDKP and I apparently need to make the comparison for you to see how flawed it is.


Just let it go play if you want don’t if you don’t want it’s up to Blizzard arguing is pointless both sides see the other side as flawed or contradictory whatever none of us have finale say. This is even more boring than ten levels of nightmare incursions now.


Wrong, it’s up to the community. Blizard is duty bound to deliver the game that the community wants, and the community clearly wants GDKP. You cant even dispute this because every version of classic wow gravitates toward GDKP. Sadly, the devs seem to have forgotten their duty and the game is suffering as a result.

Difference is GDKP has logic on its side and the ban does not.


I’d rather have a dead server than one ran by GDKPs.