GDKP in Season of Discovery

weve already established that the majority of people playing for GDKP were probably doing it on alts leading to inflated numbers and not players…

so what ur saying is, sod was inflated by so many alts that it never had any players?

Thanks for getting rid of GDKPs! The game and community are better off without them!

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No clown who struggles with reading comprehension, it means p2 of SoD is more representative of the actual number of players that were playing because there were less alts running gdkp please try to use your head

This is true to some extent, but as the phases have gone on they have been less alt friendly overall.
Not just in regards to GDKP.

source: absolutely nothing but my cope

p2 was perfect and then p3 ruined everything by making you have 20 guild members :man_facepalming:

“it was 200k alts who quit the game”

source: The graph that you posted…

bro you really are struggling to read arnt you? LOL

the graph just shows that tons of people quit, it doesn’t say

“everyone who was playing an alt stopped playing an alt the second p2 hit”

that’s coper fiction

p2 tanked the player base, you insisting that it was all alts that quit p2 and all mains who quit p3 is based on nothing

you have no idea, neither do i, all we have is numbers, you trying to bend numbers into your own twisted narrative where p2 was highly successful is cope. Its pretty well known that people didn’t even level their mains because 25-40 is quite a grind for sod

Which players? You and the two other dudes that are probably the same person?

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Please remove ban on GDKP

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No thanks ban it in the new expansion and I will buy it :wink:

TWW? theres no GDKPS in retail wow… there hasn’t been any since legion.

This is why people know your dumb.

Lol I haven’t played retail since BFA good to know. Also aren’t you the guy who admitted to knowing you were in a guild of bots and continued playing with them anyway?

Then why would it change?

whats that have to do with anything? why would it matter what they did? they lost their accounts for botting, i kept my account because i dont bot.

Whats the next stupid thing your gonna say this time?

Well it proves you have no real issues with RMT as long as you can end up in the top ten. So I have trouble believing anyone would want you as a crusader for their cause. Even if I was pro GDKP I would not have a very high opinion of you. You don’t care about anyone but yourself.

GDKP Is cancerous to the game, if you really really MUST have this raid loot style, play era or any other form of wow.


who says i dont have an issue with RMT? im just not stupid enough to say “GDKPs is the reason that RMT exists” when its clearly not the case, the majority of RMT is spent on the AH (crafting/consumes for MS>OS raids/ect.) then boosting, then in game requirements or gold for QOL improvements, then High roller GDKP’s.

If you want to stop RMT, go after bots and the people that buy gold.

(Players should not be responsible for going after bots, that is a blizzard problem not the paying customers problem.) i dont go behind the counter at MCdonalds to fix the ice cream machine when its broken.

Not true at all, i want the game to have an active player base, as there is no reason to play the game after getting your 1 toon or multiple characters to max level and fully geared, i was no longer rewarded for playing the game after the 4th week as i full bis on all my toons besides this farming toon, and im not the only person thats in this boat, thats why ALOT of guilds quit/took a break from raiding until phase 4.

Went from scrolling through LFGBB to 1-4 posts being made every 3 minutes. GDKP’s would fix or prolong player retention as the people that are against GDKPS would still play the game if GDKPS were around, but the people that would GDKP are not currently playing, or Just outright quit the game.

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And yet you were completely fine playing with known cheaters as long as it was beneficial to you. All you were concerned with was finishing in the top 10 not that all your guild mates were known bots. You were completely fine playing with them and if anything they are more to blame for the GDKP ban than any " stupid" person’s opinion. Maybe you should have been more upset by playing with known cheaters 10 years ago.

It’s not his job to police cheaters. That is blizzards job. You are delusional, like most people who share your (lacking)thought process.

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