GDKP in Season of Discovery

reminds me of bitcoiners heh :expressionless:

you mean the upward trend for the first 5 weeks of it? and then slow downward trend when p3 is announced? you might need glasses or to go back to school to learn to read a graph.

Peope that craft arguments like this immediately defeat any point they are trying to make.

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we call that a dead cat bounce, sweetie :expressionless:

looks like the graph goes up in p2 so I’m confused as to why your defending someone who is factually wrong with proof given in a previous post

First and foremost it’s a false advertisement of actual players in the game. When something happens between phases that affects the reason for those alts existing, it leads to misinformation. People would think in your cases oh no 10 people quit when in reality it was just 1. Saying so falsely states hey look at all the people that quit over GDKP’s being banned. Unfortunately this is the only metric we have atm.

I mean as far as revenue goes it hurts blizzard to do this for people like you with multiple accounts quitting. When you say hey look at the population decline because of GDKP ban, this isn’t accurate in the least with people not leveling alts. I’d argue that some people like you tried P2 w/o GDKP’s and then quit. I’d also further say that many continued playing but chose an alt or two to level only. I’m just saying the numbers aren’t a real person quitting in this case. It’s just an alt that’s no longer being played therefore false numbers, or false inflation to being with.

you said

Theres nothing steep about it. your argument falls flat when the graph shows otherwise.

And im asking what difference does it make for the health of the game?

Because you argue the following. Look at the health of the game x amount of people have left. Some of those were people no longer raiding on alts due to no gdkp. Therefore 1 person left not 10. Even further if they continued playing it would of been no one left but 8 or 9 alts are missing. It’s showing that not as many people are quitting. Health is about people playing whether they have 20 alts or just 1 char. Only thing more alts means is more gold circulating in the economy. The better metric would be people who are playing instead chars raiding.

If I’m raiding on 10 characters and someone else is raiding on only 1, the 10 characters contribute…10 times more to the raiding community over the course of a week. This is the exact metric we’re discussing and the one that has SoD on life support.

The idea though is when people say SoD dying look at the people leaving it’s not a 1 for 1 even though people would think it is. People pushing an agenda using that as their claim would like people to think that is the case. When in reality other things are happening like I suggested and some other people have, not GDKP’s as a whole being the sole reason behind the decline of players.

Does your point actually change the narrative? If 400k characters are raiding and then 40k are why does it matter the breakdown of players vs alts? Its equally bad for the game.

How does the breakdown of players and alts (which you also dont know) support this claim? You can say neither of us know for sure, yes.

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it’s quite steep. you’re just coping by saying “it’s the end of the phase so of course everyone quit” lol :expressionless: if the game was any good people would keep playing, prepping for the next phase.

Dude you just compared wow raiding to a dead cat bounce in wall street. Where people are investing money not playing a game for enjoyment. i cant trust you to read a graph properly.

whatever dude, you’re obviously just grasping at straws to win teh internet argument :expressionless: it’s pretty obvious to any objective person that the GDKP ban had a bigger effect on the number of players than muh 20 mans.

guess most of you GDKPers failed out of school and cant read graphs? it literally didn’t we have numbers to prove it. Sorry the school system failed you.

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This is, ironically, a very uneducated argument to make. You’re not making the case you think you are.

It’s more likely the case as you, yourself have stated. The fact that you had 10 consistent toons raiding every week and then stopping. Along with the fact that I myself do enjoy GDKP’s on classic with at least to 4 to 5 toons during wotlk myself understand this. So my whole argument is that people will look at it at first glance and so oh look 400k people are playing SoD. It’s just smoke and mirrors.

Like you said no one really knows, but like you said you ran 10 toons. Like I mentioned I’m very familiar with GDKP’s and the people who enjoy them as well.

My whole argument is how it is perceived is all. People think it is 1 for 1 when it’s further from the truth.

there was no argument stated in this post. just me making fun of someone who failed to read a graph and tried to compare wow raiding to wall street…

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Yeah I think we are in agreement, I just dont think it actually matters for the purpose of discussing the health of the game. 2 raiders is better than 1 over the span of a week, regardless of which subscription they are tied to.

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