GDKP in Season of Discovery

it seems reading the graph that you sent me is a struggle for you. lets look at the week before p3 started and the week after p3 started notice how there’s a difference in almost 100k parses?

This trendline is going to 0 and you guys are debating “oh its just a cycle” :joy:

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i mean i can easily just use your own argument against you

see the bit in phase 1 where there’s 486k parses? and the p2 peak is 300k? wow 186k players lost sod p2 completely tanked holy cow that’s the biggest loss in history

that is the furthest thing from what im debating. im saying 20 mans caused it. nothing about a “cycle” please read.

but p1 would be the phase were you have people dipping their toes in the water and seeing if they like SoD. P2 would be where the communities have been established. big difference.

Right because 20 player raids are unprecedented in wow

oh right so it wasn’t p2 that caused a giant crash in players, it was people “dipping their toes” and undipping them the second p2 hit, interesting perspective

what funny is currently retail mythic raiders want the cap down from 20 mans to 15 because you guess it 20 mans are just logistically harder to deal with. crazy!!!

what’s funny is that everyone for 20 years has been able to put together 20+ man raids but suddenly in the middle of sod we have become unable to do so and must reduce them to 10 man or else the game will instantly die

I don’t think sunken temple quite meets the bar for logistics in the same way that 20 man mythic raiding does

thanks i know its tough for someone who only thinks about their fake pocketbook in a video game to think outside the box but im glad you could get there.

I’d also argue the following. BFD 10 man raid with lvl 25 char caps. Needless to say they run pretty fast and takes not long to lvl. So people in general had quite a few alts. I’d argue with GDKP’s they had even more alts than they normally would. The reason being is because GDKP’s do offer something nice, gold for your time. You can also bid on what you want and lose to people that grey parse and no consumes, but hey I’m getting some gold so who cares. I would argue once the ban happened a lot of people didn’t go and level up those alts. When you log on an alt and raid it counts. So you running 10 raids…you were counted as 10 people. Now I’d argue someone invested in the game doing GDKP’s at lvl 25 easily had 5 chars. I’d say banning GDKP’s did dip the raids due to what I just mentioned. People not running the 5 toons and running at most 2. That doesn’t equal that many people have actually stopped playing the game. GDKP’s not only cause inflation of gold, but inflation in activity in raiding data.

I’ll say GDKP’s give people something to do and you get gold for your time. You also get fast track to gear. The bigger picture here that you keep missing is the fact that GDKP’s lead to more RMT’s. I do not deny that RMT’s are currently happening, but as soon as GDKP’s are re-instated RMT’s will ramp up. No matter how many forums about GDKP’s you post on or make trying to get them re-instated you seem to keep missing that fact.

The fact you need GDKP’s to enjoy the game is very telling as to your intent with this game. That fact you cannot just raid like the rest of us and enjoy the game tells us all we need to know. Especially your activity in these forums promoting the re-instatement of GDKP’s on a level unheard of.

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i didnt realize flex raid that were introuduced 10 years ago required 20 people. oh wait…

I don’t know about the 20 man raids being an issue. I know some dad guilds might have an issue with it outside of getting 10 people. I just think people were hoping for Mara to be the new raid and not ST. ST is a very unpopular dungeon to begin with. I like what they did with ST, I just think people would of rather seen Mara be the raid instead.

now apply this logic to p2 when no GDKP was there and we still have over 200k parses most of the weeks of the phase. remember this is also the phase they didnt give us a lvling boost until halfway through. so your logic of the low level cap kinda falls a little flat.

Sounds like they should do something to affect RMTs. GDKP aint it.

Its amazing whats possible when you target the actual problem and not a side effect.

I’m talking of transition from P1 to P2 numbers. I’m saying that people that had multiple alts attending GDKP’s didn’t level them all because of no GDKP’s therefore a fall off of numbers there were people with multiple alts in decrease not actual people quitting. Also the 10 raids was used as he stated he was running 10 raids every week therefore 10 toons.

I’d say the following for the 200k parses. If you look for two weeks is drop off people only leveling mains. After the second week I’m assuming the huge increase could be alt raids within the guild and/or people coming back.

RMT’s are the issue I agree target that stuff. If banning GDKP’s make it easier to track RMT’s then yes we should do it. It also reduces the rate of RMT’s.

In a perfect world if they could monitor RMT’s and bots then GDKP’s could be a thing. Unfortunately it isn’t a perfect world and the pros of not having GDKP’s outweigh the cons.

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so you’re just going to ignore the obvious steep downward trend in p2 :expressionless:

Why does it matter for the health of the game if a player is an alt or not. I made a raid for 90 other players and I no longer do. Multiply that by everyone like me amd theres a problem.

Who cares what account they are on? It makes no difference unless you are an accountant at blizzard looking at sub revenue and even theN i had 4 accounts. Its just as bad for the health of the game, main or alt.

Thats not how is has played out from my viewpoint. Games on life support. Still clinging to this? What if the game dies entirely? Still a good policy?

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