GDKP in Season of Discovery

“You’re all just jealous of ME”
I am actually laughing at this main character syndrome classic wow player.

I’d love to see the data supporting this or are you just saying it because you like gdkp and have no other arguments?

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Decks costing 3k+ gold and being bis. That’s more evidence than anyone ever had in phase 1.

You are playing dumb and pretending that RMT isn’t everywhere in p3. Open your eyes if you want evidence.

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You get can get about 40 gold in about 10-15 minutes doing feralas incursions. Gold became easy-access this phase without botting.

I’m not pretending RMT doesn’t exist. It does and will always exist. You can’t 100% get rid of it in any mmo.

So what’s the argument to ban GDKP besides “I don’t like it”

The arguments are everywhere, but I’ll give you the botd in terms of not seeing them.

1.) The economy is better in wow without GDKP. Gold inflation is less significant unless in the case of SoD where they inflated gold with game mechanics. (incursions)
2.) Raiding is not tied behind a gold sink when GDKP is gone. Pugs and guilds on era that don’t require GDKP to get in are far and few between and usually with limited spots. You can find them on some servers rarely, but the norm on era is to pay up in order to raid.
3.) Bots and gold sellers are still active and profitable on era servers today because of GDKP. Without GDKP there would be nothing to spend gold on in era. GDKP alone is keeping gold selling alive on era.

A lot of wow players like to look at things through the lens of “well bots still exist so this test failed!” But that’s an incorrect way of looking at it. “is it better?” gives you a better view.

In SoD, generally they have done a better job. I’ve never gotten so many in-game mails confirming my reports did something than in SoD. the economy did very well in SoD until phase 3 when incursions were introduced. and even post nerf they are still better gold making than farming out in the world if you are doing runs efficiently in a 5 stack.
Even with the economy flukes a nightmare seed is still under 20 gold, which you can make easily now due to incursions.

The only thing out of control are DMF cards. but those have /always/ been pricey and their increased price now is directly related to how easy Phase 3 made gold farming. Do bots contribute to that? yes, but bots have always contributed to DMF prices and they are never this out of control. and also, the fact that DMF cards are now farmable via a method to get around the dungeon lockout system means that only players “in the know” are able to farm them efficiently. The majority of wow players that don’t read forums or external sites are only going to learn about this by word of mouth if at all. This helps keep DMF prices higher because some players can farm them hyper-efficiently while others don’t know how to.

The final thing I will touch on is server size. You need to remember that servers are extravagently bigger in SoD than they have ever been in any of version of classic before. You have 3/4+ servers worth of players all in one server now with layering. Layering contributes heavily to the availability of items and their cost to the economy, but also bots APPEAR to be more common because the servers are just bigger. There are fewer server choices now and those servers can just host that many more players.

There are so many things that are contributing factors to why SoD is the way it is and it does not boil down to “GDKP ban did nothing”


Bots cause inflation, GDKP does not.

So GDKP is so popular that you are forced to participate?

Because bots and RMT are gone in SOD right? Nothing else to spend gold on right? :joy:

No, its not.

Thank you.

What it did is remove a loot system you personally dont like, thats it. Despite that loot system being so popular that, as you’ve pointed out, it is hard to find a group that isnt GDKP in the other versions of claasic wow.

Just admit that it was never about bots or RMT and you guys simply didnt like GDKP. So you complained enough that nanny took it away. If it was really about bots and RMT you wouldn’t be here now trying to defend the current state of the game, which is rampant with both.


You ignored everything of substance that I said and reiterated your legless “you just didn’t like gdkp” argument.

Congratulations you are worse at articulating your points than a child is.

Thankfully, people like you don’t make the decision on what is and is not good for the game. People who actually know what they’re talking about do.


I think you did actually. You quoted only the last statement and ignored me refuting each of your arguments.

The strongest bot advocate Berg is back at it again with the mental gymnastics to convince himself gdkps are definitely coming back next phase

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“no it’s not”
“thank you”
“because bots and RMT are gone” (good job saying that to a post in which I said they weren’t gone btw)

Those are not rebuttals to my arguments. You might as well have said “nuh uh i’m not listening to you”

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Thats right, the community does. And they have spoken that GDKP is the preferred loot system in every version of classic wow.

Those were not replies to your arguments. Try reading again.

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Developing WoW isn’t a democratic system and it never has been.


Yes it is, and the second the devs think otherwise the game is doomed.

By the way the devs would agree that their job is to listen to the community

Absolute braindead take. Nice to see you still carrying that torch though. Good luck!

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Still resorting to personal attacks when you run out of brain power?

You are literally debating with me whether the devs should listen to the playerbase. :joy:

Do you understand the meaning of the word democracy? You’re just flat out wrong here and there’s no opinion based arguments to appeal. Just the same old tired victim complex that everyone sees through at this point after months of vitriol.

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Economy isn’t affected by gdkps, you guys keep saying this and dont understand how supply and demand work.

My wotlk server is cheaper to raid in it then it is in SOD, my wotlk has had rmt and gdkps for 6 years.

Your other points are equally as bad

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Well, it has been almost 2 complete phases since this change was implemented. It would be helpful for the team to at least give us some statistics on the outcomes of the GDKP ban. A little transparency goes a long way. In Phase 1, I participated in a consistent GDKP group where most people took 100g maximum into the raid. Most times, I didn’t get the 1-2 things I was waiting for (either didn’t drop or was outbid), but every time, I came away with 10-15g. I don’t know whether the majority of GDKPs were like this or if they were ways to launder bought gold. Again, this is why some information from the developers would be nice.

They have no information.

If they had data on who was buying gold they would of banned them.

I’m talking about whatever metrics they’re using to measure the success/failure of the initiative. They must be using something, right? It could be the amount of gold floating around in the economy vs what is expected, based on player count and average accumulation of gold.