GDKP in Season of Discovery

I understand them as well as anyone else on these forums could understand them besides a member of the WoW dev team themselves.

This isn’t the ‘takedown’ you think it is.

Sounds like blizz needs to take a hard look at your guild if they are currently still engaging in GDKP.

in phase 1, 10-20g WAS a staggering amount for the average WoW player.

That’s a lot of words to say you don’t know.

Your quoting it as fact isn’t the auto-win button you think it is.

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I know what we have been told. As do you. That information was presented to us as fact, so I will take that at face value unless there are additional facts that prove those to be incorrect.

Because it is a fact, to the best of the knowledge of the playerbase at the current moment.

Imagine thinking they couldn’t track a digital currency they created as if they can’t monitor any trade they want to.


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This is something I’ve also always wondered about, it really does not make sense to me but everyone keeps saying it. For now I just treat it like “you have a tail”, enough people I’m seeing say it that I’ll consider it a thing. I’d really like to know how exactly it is a thing though.

Imagine if there was a blue post that said something along the lines of:

GDKPs are a haven of RMT, and therefore is a great place for us to track illicit activity, as we can easily scan its participants to see if anyone received large sums of gold from “Mygoldislegit” prior to these raids.

This would make a lot more sense to me.

I think it’s more on the lines that they want to be more automated

Imagine buying what corpo feeds you as PR lol.

I’m gonna tip you off, if this was ANY other game instead of a vague nothing post from a silly dev, we would have gotten a hard data table. X players have been banned, X guilds have been banned. Instead we got “it’s much easier now guys don’t worry!” yet the forum was not flooded with posts about unfair bans. We got like three.

I legit could lie to you to your face and get you to believe me IRL. Grow some semblance of a clue man. please.

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How much does a Plagues deck cost on your server?

He gonna be like “18g”.


2930g on our server lmfao

Oh i know and its BIS along with Sand deck.

Julies dagger, Both decks, The epic boe gun.

Yeah bro no one is swiping anymore, they for sure arent buying 5k+ gold worth of auction house bis.

Nope, sure arent.


I can sell that for 4.5-5k Alliance side. We should sell it and split the profit :wink:

People are hard coping thinking that the ban did absolutely anything but run players off. You were already playing and you would have kept playing had they kept gdkps you just would’ve complained, instead we lost all the players that wanted an actual decent reward based system for raiding rather than letting awful players get gear.

I’m sure the numerous people i’ve seen at level 10-25 with double fiery enchants on BOEs bought at the AH totally got their gold legit, or the people with all the bis boe stuff thats thousands of gold like the mages that got eye of flame…totally farmed that 2k gold mmhmm definitely.


2k gold isnt much for a mage when you can farm 100g+ per hour easily

Brother. 20 hours of aoe gold farming costs part of your soul. No. 20 hours is a lot for virtual currency. Just work a part time job for gold lol.

Some people get paid to play games :man_shrugging:

i WFH and i farm a lot, casually when i have time

Depends what he does for work i guess.

its obvious that people are buying gold but using a mage as an example is werdge

For the people that spammed these forums complaining about GDKP, it was never about RMT. It was about being jealous that these players had gear they did not. They didnt like people succeeding where they could not.

It is obvious when they’re doing mental gymnastics to justify RMT now versus then that it was never about RMT.

The ban has completely and utterly failed to restrict bots and RMT. Anyone still supporting it at this point just doesnt like gdkp and has no other argument.