GDKP in Season of Discovery

Read what I said. The levels of gold haven’t reached that much, but the SoD equivalent is highly likely. If it’s 2k gold in Wrath, that’s probably the equivalent to 200g in SoD, which could go up, it could go down. Don’t act like gear in Wrath GDKPs didn’t go that high. Gear would start out at the extremely high end and it goes down when the pool of players or the phase is coming to an end.

I paid 15g on the AH for raid consumes last night. That was for both prot and ret. You’re exaggerating the cost of consumables and enchants.

Gdkp communities are the largest and most active social structures in wow. It’s not even close.

When are you going to live up to this claim?

Then you didn’t buy many consumes.

Essence of air is 80g on my server, +15 agi is 400g…

No one is lying about prices except you.

I am not lying and I was talking about consumables, not enchants.

Air elementals drop them. They are easily farmed. I have a ton of Elemental Earth just from mining since they added that to the nodes.

All I see is a very vocal minority on the forums trying to make it look like there is an overwhelming amount of support for bringing GDKP back.

When in reality, the facts support that GDKP made it easier to obfuscate and launder illicitly-gained gold and make it harder for Blizzard to police RMT. I highly doubt it will be coming back.

No you said both, please keep lying to a minimum.

I play a rogue, what I’m saying can be easily verified, go to Living Flame horde AH.

Price check and total the following.

8 thistle tea.
3 Elixir of Mongoose
4 Firewater
3 elixirs of greater arcane
5 DragonBreath Chili
3 Elixir of str (forgot except name I’m at work).
3 Great nature prots.

That’s about 1 raid worth for my rogue.

This is easily verified, total that up.

Then tell me how you spent “15g” lmfao.

Please stop accusing me of lying when you are the one who is lying lol

It wasn’t no 400g that’s for sure. Of course, mileage will vary on the AH too and the server, but you’re still grossly exaggerating the cost of things. Also, if you’re trying for them pink parses, you’re either going to have to buck up and farm it yourself or do some loops to get gold to afford it.

GDKP isn’t coming back and it shouldn’t.

For melee to parse 99s, they’re not exaggerating. There’s an absurd amount of consumables you can use and a large amount of them add up. You’re not even thinking of things likes LIPs to avoid knockback and FAPs to avoid HOJ for certain bosses either

The top melee hunter was spending 150-250 gold per gnomer run on consumables in phase TWO. There’s a weak aura with auras that basically cover your screen in consumables you’d want to have :joy:

Melee benefits a lot more from these consumables than, say, a ranged hunter. The DPS difference is drastic and very noticeable when melee doesn’t have proper debuffs and consumes

I’m still glad there aren’t GDKPs but yea

competitive parsers will gladly pay the cost :expressionless: for the rest of the player base, it’s not needed

Everything I have said can be verified by checking living flame horde.

And that’s assuming no wipes, your last raid wipes 1 time and took an hour and 22 minutes

And you said I was “exaggerating” on the enchants.

Look up the mats fo +15 agi, my “lies” are easily proven.

Yea to say I’m lying is pretty stupid, what I find the most funny is people log shame on the forums but then when the narrative fits they then say “don’t use consumes”

Can’t make this stuff up.

Cata waiting room.

People on both sides of the argument make this claim. How do you quantify the size of either side?

He can’t, which is funny because it was literally the most popular way to pug raid.

I agree, one could at least make reasonable estimates of people favoring GDKP based on the number of active gdkp’s and the popularity of them on other versions of the game. The other side of the isle however I am not sure how they believe themselves to be a majority.

If they were grey parses, it would give my point more weight, yes.
As it is true my guild did it without your checklist of consumes.

False. I don’t even need to think more than 3 seconds on this.

Do that.
Let me know how that goes.

And you’re in a big GDKP guild? It’s good to know that despite you not buying gold(allegedly) you still very much have a horse in that race. I knew you were being disingenuous.

I’m not in a gdkp guild, my guild hosts gdkps via a discord and it’s prolly the largest in the game but they also have a main raid team I’m part of that is loot council.

AH stuff is going for WAY more than ST items would besides maybe the epics, ST loot is trash.

Bfd payouts were a staggering 10-20g.

Whew watch out.

I find the wording here all too vague. Can you explain the details of how a digital currency is laundered or obfuscated? What’s the process here? Do GDKPs erase all the gold transaction data prior to the GDKP?

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Your guess is as good as mine on the internals of WoW’s codebase as well as storage of player data. The only people that would know that are the developers of the game.

I am simply relaying the information that has been given to us from Blizzard regarding the reasoning behind the GDKP ban, as well as the information that we have been told by Aggrend on Twitter/X.

Asking a random WoW player to explain the internals the game feels like a bad-faith argument, tbh.

IMO, it’s bad faith to parrot these “facts” when you don’t understand them.