GDKP in Season of Discovery

Idk, considering that Mafias have been broken down and are a shell of what they once were, meanwhile gambling is a completely legal and very lucrative business.

It’s almost like in reality, going after the problem is an actual solution, over bandaid fixes that do nothing to address the actual problem.

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I was talking to the guilty by association tactic. Banning the thing that is mediating the illicit activity sure I generally agree with that.

They do go after the problems. Fun fact, the mafia still exists too. As do several other gangs that law enforcement and governments around the world actively stop every single day. It’s why it’s a really good example.

On the casino comment, unless Blizzard adds in their own GDKP system, it’s a false equivalence.


Reading comprehension goes a long way.

Yakuza is around still too. Cartels are still around too.

Doesn’t change the fact that many have been broken down and their power has decreased significantly.

Read better.

Loot was always left up to the players. Blizzard is a hands off company, for better or worse.

Master Looter existed specifically for this purpose. HR is legal because of this. The only requirement is that the leader specifically details how loot will be distributed. Outside of that, any distribution method is legal.

Trying to tie Blizzard and their IP to the legal system is the real false equivalency.

At the end of the day, your analogy sucks because you’re trying to argue that “illegal gambling” was broken down by going after your random Jon and not the organization behind it, comparing it to gdkp runners and the gold seller organizations behind it, implying it’s what Blizzard should do as well. This misses the entire point that a lot of these organizations were targeted directly, instead of having all of the weight shifted onto the random Jon who just so happens to gamble with these organizations. This is why your analogy sucks.

Crackdowns on Mafia didn’t start until the Mafia was targeted directly. Crackdowns on gold selling won’t start by targetting gdkps, it starts when Blizzard stops trying to “get one over on people buying bot programs” by waiting 6 months to do a ban wave, instead of just being proactive in their bannings.

Imagine if the US government waited 6 months to go after a liquor distillery every time, trying to get one over on those buying liquor instead of just going after them in that moment, because that’s what Blizzard does to gold sellers with their ban waves. It’s stupid.

Come up with an actual working analogy.

While you may not be guilty, you are associating with people who would be guilty. You’re entering at your own risk.

If you “generally” agree, then you should be on board with GDKP ban. Making things illegal or unlawful creates a space for more illicit behavior, this is true. However, in this particular case, where the steaks are virtually zero (as far as how it affects someone’s life), having it banned in a digital space is far easier to monitor, detect, and punish. It is a far easier solution than hiring hundreds of GMs and hoping they are keen enough to remove cheaters. It’s literally not feasible to police the game 24/7 in the manner that people ask for.

I read your comment just fine. It’s a dumb example as even a “shell” of themselves isn’t really important. They still exist and they still do bad around the world. If you want to compare that to in-game bots, they do exist still, but the biggest way for them to offload thousands of gold quickly is gone. The demand has been decreased significantly.

The government by and large waits until they have enough evidence to prosecute. What are you even talking about? Not to mention, they do crackdown on bots by learning how they work and attempting to break their ability to function. They just cannot simply police every single corner during every single moment of this game across the tons of servers they have. You’re asking for the impossible.

Not true

They are off loading it to more buyers now.

Im willing to bet more people buy gold now, not less.

The people who had no issues buying gold for gdkps are still buying or for bis AH items.

It costs over 5,000 gold to be full rogue biss this phase since we have alot of boe items, you think people are farming that? You think the people who bought gold stopped because gdkps were banned?

No, as I literally said, it doesn’t stop all situations of gold buying. It deals with the majority of it though.

If someone buys an epic for a ton of gold, it’s 1 item going to 1 person who may or may not be legit which is investigated during the 1hr time the gold is “in transit” from the AH. While you may be able to buy a few items off the AH for your BiS, which has always been a thing, you can’t buy 95 or even 90% of your gear from a raid that splits the money between way more people. Not to mention, there are people who get higher cuts for this or that reason, so it’s not even done equally.

My point being, the scale is a lot different. Instead of several people benefiting, only a singular person may benefit (if it doesn’t get caught) from the gold.

You missed the entire point it didn’t stop the majority of gold buying if anything it created more gold buying.

You’re going to sit here and tell me that you think the people had no problem buying gold all the sudden stopped because gdkp was banned? You’re delusional if you think that.

What about all the people who use that as a gold farm? Do you think they’re now farming 5 hours to 10 hours a week? Or did a couple of them become new swipers?

This whole experiment was a failure and it was just blizzard being lazy.

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As someone who has been doing gdkps since classic, the people that actually buy gold are few and far between. There are definitely gold buyers but a majority of the people in the gdkp are people that put in the time to do a bunch of gdkps so they could eventually afford their gear. One of the biggest gold buyers I know which is 2000G+ on SOD never even gdkp’d on SOD they just bought a ton of boes off the AH and enchants and the best consumes like week 1 ST etc.

The real deal is anti-GDKPers are anti-GDKP purely out of spite and not for the love of the game or wanting it to be better

You have nothing to back this claim up

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I really do not think this is accurate.

hahaha, so you’re saying bots and RMT were more of a factor in p1 when consumables cost literally 5-10 silver each and GDKP items sold usually for 5g or less. :joy:

I think you are conflating two things.

inflation does not necessarily mean that botting and rmt is more rampant.

bots and rmt can cause inflation, yes, but we have other things in-game that are directly injecting thousands of gold into the economy without the help of bots/rmt at the moment.

While the rule of thumb is “any claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence,” we can see that it is still banned an entire phase later going into the final phases. If there is nothing to back it up, Blizzard would then have to fold and allow GDKP again. If it’s not working, why keep the ban in place and try other ways to combat it?

This is another claim you can’t back up though, even if it only eased the situation 2%, Blizzard has nothing to lose from keeping it banned, and if anything they have motivation to keep it banned because unbanning it the very next phase would be admitting not only failure in fixing the bot/gold buying situation but also a failure of judgement that limiting player freedom would help it.

I personally know 4 people that have purchased enough gold to buy these new decks.

It’s blizzard when do they back off of any wrong decision really?

So you magically think people stopped buying gold because gdkp was banned?

Was buying gold against TOS before the gdkp ban took place?

So you think the reason to buy gold is all of a sudden gone now that gdkps are banned?

Do you think the people who had no issues breaking the rules prior to the ban all of a sudden care about the rules now??

Do you think all the people who were farming gold off gdkps on alts are now farming gold?

It’s safe to assume that the answer is obvious to all of those questions and you and the antis live in massive denial

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Between the people that quit over bans from gdkp and false bans on people that traded their legitimate gold that caused people to quit they lost more actual players than gold sellers.

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The motivation would be, as the GDKPers like to pretend, money so that more people return to SoD. So there is an incentive, if the narrative is to be believed, to unban GDKPs to raise up the quarterly subscriptions. Which they haven’t done.