GDKP in Season of Discovery

It’s time the government gave us a straight answer on this whole lead paint experiment. After the thousands of calls I’ve made to my mayor I’m entitled to have all my questions answered by an EPA rep.

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Nope, he doesn’t care.

imagine telling grown adults what they can and can’t do in a 20 year old social game

Games have rules / parameters, it’s what makes them a game.

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so cringe isn’t it

Not sure what the point of them saying here is a million gold from quest and our new nightmare no kill loops, but now you cant do anyting with it.


Yep. Many here don’t realize that this is a much bigger issue than just GDKPs. There’s a developer/player boundary that should never be crossed.

We now have blue post evidence that blizzard has been working for some time and is rolling out changes to stop RMT. Now all the GDKP clowns can close their mouth about blizz not caring about RMT. GDKP is not returning. Cheating will not be tolerate in SoD.


Correct. The bigger issue is cheaters and RMT. GDKP serves as a ‘haven’ for laundering ill-gotten gold, and so needed to be removed in the persistent fight against cheaters/RMT.

In a perfect world where RMT does not exist, GDKP might make sense, but there is no way to un-weave the two from each other as long as either one exists.

I believe GDKP will remain banned in current and all future versions of Classic.

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GDKPs are banned bc GDKP’ers couldnt resist the urge to cheat and directly benefitting from cheating. Time to move on since you and the other GDKPers have no leg to stand on. Cheating is not allowed. your “player dictated loot system” is basically just cheating and money laundering. Its not returning.

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This is a really bad take.

If there is less incentive for that gold, there is less incentive for bots. Gold farmed on your own is great, go buy yourself something nice like getting all your alts all their mounts or dual spec. Hell, even buy a few greens or blues off the AH to make it easier to level your alt or jump into a raid on it. Buy some potions, elixirs, food, etc.

Just don’t buy gear in a raid.


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When you going to reverse this disaster?

Nothing about removing GDKPs has been a disaster, it’s not hard to make gold in any sense in P3, you’re just lazy.


It was banned as a measure to address bots and rmt, except it didn’t…at all. Bots and rmt are more prevelant now than ever. You cant do any raid without gold due to consumable prices.

How is you farming gold honestly any different than a gdkper playing honestly? You really think all the gold you made selling stuff is clean? Its the same as gdkp.

The ban only reduced social structures and drove players like me away from the game entirely. In other words, its a disaster.

Yet, you’re still paying for a subscription despite saying before that it was running out within the next couple of weeks.

You’re just dooming and glooming. GDKP not being apart of the game has been just fine. Get with the times.

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It’s just a bad idea. If someone you know commits a crime, should you also be punished for having known them? That’s what you are asking for.

No, it would be like you playing a poker game with gangsters in the mafia. Sure, your money might be legit, but you know around the table it’s not going to be true.

So the solution is to ban the gambling instead of going after each individual at the table.

I mean it’s undeniable that sod is tanking, logs prove that.

It’s barely beating wotlk classic in logs and that version has been over for going on 4 months.

Cata next month too, can’t wait.