GDKP in Season of Discovery

not everyone. just the people who know how to make it and the people willing to risk their account who dont.

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Source? Ah, that’s right, you don’t have one :clown_face:

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It’s hard to ask for a source when we’re all waiting to hear about the outcome of this experiment.

the outcome is a lot of banned accounts and fewer gold buyers to bring into a gdkp to safely distribute their gold to you.

and people who just AH and are sitting pretty.

I see the same number of banned accounts in every banwave, before and after the GDKP ban.

Anti gdkp crowd stopping just short of defending bots to try and craft an argument against gdkp and pretend that this experiment has done anything but fail.

again, source? just making stuff up again lol

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Source for what? My opinion? My brain.

and there it is, an opinion based on feelings, lmao :clown_face:

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Its called a forum, for feedback

I don’t know why this guy gets so many bites. It’s not hard to ignore a troll like that.

By the way, virtually no one was talking about GDKPs the last few weeks until this troll came back.


Was grouped with a guy yesterday said he buys about 500g a month. I cant figure what he would be buying though cause raid consumes cost mea couple gold a week. With out GDKPs what could you possible drop 500g on a month. My gold steadly goes up with out questing and farming just from a few times I raid it seems like.

im not stopping at defending bots, i like them. who else would farm mats and post them at near cost lol.

Cool, so youre pro RMT, anti gdkp. Nice viewpoint you got there.

When you post actual content folks tend to engage more. You should try it sometime.

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I was happy with just my opinion, but heres one!

im pro bots putting mats up below market price, theres no rmt there.

im also pro bot banwaves after im sitting on a bunch of mats too!

but if you got a solution as easy as banning gdkps as far as bots and their economic impact im all ears.

you can’t be serious mate, are you that dense? What do you think bots are doing?

How about banning bots?

yea, im sure they haven’t tried

No response from blizz before phase 3 release? Cringe. How dishonest it is to say they are listening to feedback on this topic.