GDKP in Season of Discovery


I also would be wary of rumors of the complete demise of the Blizzard CS team. You can check the twitter profiles or linkedin of many of the people listed on the credits within their CS team and see they’re still employed in Texas.

Should have been obvious to the playerbase who claimed the entire team was laid off. There really was no change in ticket or appeal wait times. If the team was dismantled in favor of outsourcing, there would be a weeee bit more indication of this happening. Maybe it’ll still happen, I don’t know. Hasn’t yet, however.

My experiences may have been a bit different, since the last ticket I submitted took over 3 days for a reply, which may have led me to believe differently.

Go back to school bud

GDKP is against the rules. Therefore it is cheating.


People run GDKp still they just trade loot in org after the raid and they dont advertise it. The entire raid loot is traded after the raid and gold is exchanged over discord voice.

GDKPs are down 99% in SoD. Just because some people are still cheating doesnt mean the ban has not been effective. You are making the same argument the “OMG they didnt get every last bot or RMT’er” people are making. Both arguments are not very good. Cheating is cheating still even if a few people are getting away with it.


Im just pointing out that people are thinking that its not around and that some how its going to curb them into getting into more raids. The player base is going to do what it wants regardless of the rules put forth unless they don’t allow trading of the loot.

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its fine, people will risk it but now they will get banned if they are caught and i dont have to see gdkp spam in lfg. wish they would also investigate accounts that have been spamming summons all day like its their job, because it likely is.


They didnt get any bots whatsoever. Thats what makes it such a cringe strawman failure.

Literally the only outcome of the policy. Bots and RMT unaffected.

Yes, hense the nanny state. The only reason for it to be banned is because blizzard said so, against the desires of the community they are supposed to serve.

idk if its unrelated but im sitting at over 1500g when i was broke af in p1 and i have 2 near bis 40s.

removing the rewards for degenerate poopsockers running 6+ alts in gdkps has increased my buying power at least a little.


GDKP doesnt generate gold. What point are you trying to make?

Bots have been busy farming and inflation has soared. Are you saying inflation is good?

it distributes gold. inflation doesnt matter if you have more gold than you need to spend.

So does the AH, whats your point?

Bots are the main cause of inflation aside from normal player behavior, which appears to be your topic of discussion.

You should think about this for 10s. If everyone has too much gold, then suddenly you’ll find you dont have enough, when the prices adjust for inflation.

I still don’t know what point you’re making and what it has to do with GDKP. But I await your post complaining about the prices of consumes in p3. Good luck competing with bots.

I quite enjoy it when people bring up the idea of inflation in regard to GDKPs. If the demand for gold is lowered, and bots remain a constant, then the gold they farm also remains a constant. What that means is that the $5 for 100g you see today will become $5 for 500g. As long as the bots are around, and if we are provided with no evidence that the # of bots are reduced, then inflation will remain constant.

Let’s not blame inflation on GDKPs.


cept that 500g cant get you past prebis boes lol

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It means that people need a lot less to pay for their epic mounts, and therefore more incentivized to RMT to pay for it :slight_smile:

and then what do they do with it?