GDKP in Season of Discovery

lol, true :expressionless:

What spirit is that?


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GDKP gone and blizz still slamming gold sinks on us. BIG L

GDKP ban was one of the best moves blizz has made now if only they would delete summon and portal spells from locks and mages…Or just make the mage self only. Let locks make a Summons only in the same zone

Bro some of yall are weird as f and the rest have no irl… You wanna walk the entire world at snail pace thats on you. Don’t try and force that low development high gatekept toxic marketing bs on the rest of us.

the lead development team. now you post your sources on it doing nothing.


show me the blue post where they said that :expressionless: I haven’t seen it

gold has never been easier to make by legitimate means such as professions. people that are used to cheating to make gold are the ones complaining.


post your source. my information is more sourced that yours. RMT and botting are being address vigoriously by the hacks team. GDKP’ers are a major obstacle to addressing these issues. players like you self that think because some cheaters are still cheating means the flood gates should be thrown open. show me your sources.

I just asked you to post your source, friend :expressionless:

point proven. you have no source. i have a source. the development says they are working diligently on bots in many posts. you say they are not and have failed. you have zero sources. moreover. you have have a financial conflict of interest in the matter in that you do GDKP for illicit gold and wish for that activity to continue. Its simple. The facts have been laid out by the development team. the fact is that gdkpers can not accept them because they wish to continue cheating. period. full stop.


Bro gdkp isnt cheating, no matter how much dogma you throw at it.

Banning it = nanny state.

Imagine Taiwan having more freedom than the US

You have a source and yet you cannot post it…should be easy enough to show a blue post or even a tweet that says it… :expressionless:

wrong. gdkp is cheating in sod. GDKP has always been inseparable from cheating as confirmed by the lead developer and development team. And GDKPs ALWAY looked for WHALES knowing full well their gold was RMT illicitly. the GDKP ban is GDKPs own fault for being cheaters. GDKPs are like a bunch of children who have been caught and are crying and making up silly excuses. Its so transparent. And the “freedom” thing about Taiwan is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard. Its perfectly inline with the arguments GDKPers make. go play in Taiwan if you need GDKP and love Taiwanese rules.

keep repeating yourself. the GDKP crowd has been caught and revealed as cheaters by the development team. Its been a big win for those of us that want RMT, botting, and cheating gone. People like yourself and the other GDKP cheaters have been and continue to be a major obstacle in the battle to clean illicit gold from the game.


False. Thats not what was said. Again, your dogma doesnt make it true.

Based on your logic the Auction House is cheating too.

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Lol wut? No, it hasnt. All of that still exists as if nothing at all was changed.

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“It’s also undeniable that GDKP contributes to and drives a lot of illicit activity, such as real-money trading (RMT) and botting” - lead dev 2024


Thats right, meaning the illicit activity is not the same as GDKP, as you drone on and on about as if they are the same activity. Let me sell you a strawman please.

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Because its true?

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GDKPs and cheating are synonyms. No matter how much whining and silly posting you do they are still banned bc GDKP’ers could not resist the urge to seek out illicit RMT gold. Now you and the other GDKP kiddos take your silly arguments and go to your rooms. You are all still grounded and wont be getting your GDKP back. ever. stop crying while your at it.

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