GDKP in Season of Discovery

I just imagine this dude seething as he types the word literally

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i raid twice per lockout, opinion discarded

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false equivalency. Racism isn’t a currency that the guildies are benefitting from.

Less gear drops, respec is 50g. Save us gdkp

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So SOD has been a success. at the end of the phase and you only have 2 characters left of the 5 or 6 you had, thanks for agreeing with me friend

Agreed GDKP is cancer to SOD!
Glad it is removed forever!


People used to bid all their DKP in raid groups to force other people getting a BiS item to bleed their DKP.

How is that not more toxic considering that’s guild on guild lmao

Dear Swipers,

P3 coming out in less than 2 weeks. GDKPs still banned. GDKPs still cheating. GDKPs still cancer in every version of the game they are allowed to exist. For those of you that think bc Taiwan or some such nonsense, its time to move on if you want to continue to swipe for gear. SoD has been a huge success and the GDKP ban has been a big part of that. Dry your eyes. Change your soiled diapers. GDKPs are not coming back because they are inseparable from cheating and they are a cancer. Time to come to terms with that.


The amount of layers alone is an indication at peak playing times. There are half has many layers and I play on two different servers seeing the same trends on each. A lot fewer people are playing the game. The announcement should have had a ton of people logging on or coming back and we should have been at 10 layers last night on crusader but we were at 6 at most during prime play time.

Apples to Oranges. If the guild itself tolerates it, then yeah, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

However, this is about GDKPs. GDKPs are filled with unaffiliated people typically outside of the people who are carrying the buyers. Meaning, there is a large potential for that gold being illicit.

Just checking in to say that GDKP is sucks


The GDKP ban has worked incredibly well.
Thanks Blizz :heart:


Hating on gdkps reallys brings out the reddit subhumans, voicing opinions on things they havent experienced or understand, like moving out or consensual sex. Their opinions will never change, so it’s pointless trying to reason with them. You could tell them half the SoD character base dropped off but they’ll call it a win for the community while they raid log and buy their bot-farmed goods off the AH.


Gdkps remain banned in sod bc they are inseparable from cheating. Time to move if you need gdkps. Versions of the game such as Woltk and retail have gdkp still. You can go to one of those versions to swipe for gear. I am told vast communities of former sod gdkp swipers comfort each other and dab the tears streaming down their fellow swipers cheeks in those versions. Good luck and have fun!

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Can we stop necroing this thread just to post cringe facebook boomer tier stuff? Please?

Nothing wrong with letting them know how great it’s been.

Just showing appreciation for a very fine decision.


I hate GDKPs but took a few weeks off at the end of the phase to be fresh for P3 launch…not every one raid logging is for GDKPs lol

It appears you prefer using ad hominem attacks instead of actually providing feedback to the topic. I have done a few GDKPs before and even one recently since both of my Wrath guilds stopped raiding and I wanted my H LK kill. I feel like you are upset because you can’t spend all that gold you paid for. It’s a shame, but 60 mounts are coming up soon so you’ll have the money to buy one I suppose. Better luck next time friend.

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No response to all the requests to bring GDKP back in p3? Cringe.

I was more than happy with the social structure that I was a part of while running GDKPs with my group of friends. This GDKP ban caused some of them to quit and nearly broke my social structure apart. At the risk of sounding insensitive, your fondest gaming memories have absolutely nothing to do with mine. Please don’t force your gaming experience on others.