GDKP in Season of Discovery

Easier for blizzard to track large amounts of gold? No more literally having to pay gold to raid? Look at era and tell me the pug scene is healthy for the game and accesible to new players at level 60, its not. Because of gdkps. Thankfully sod won’t turn into that garbage.

If you think these arent positives then youre just salty


thats cap, i don’t even like gdkp but it belongs in the game until they add personal loot. I am unbiased. i hate how dead SoD became after the ban. big ripp

I like GDKP actually but I can see how it’s harmful to the game. Fortunately there are many other ways to raid. Not sure why people still cry about this.

tbh it’s not ERA so expect changes. my gripe about all this is it’s clear standard era loot systems was a fail and have been improved via retail productions therefore they should have released SoD with current 2024 standards and not 2004 standards. Personal loot should be a thing along with all the other QoL’s.

and i get it, a portion % of the community does not like personal loot but it works and it fixed 99% of all loot problems except for the 1% being #1 guild races which i think everyone can agree that loot shouldn’t be based upon that 1% but to the 99%

If there are no pugs running it’s not because there GDKPs deleted them, it’s because GDKP is the superior model for pug raiding and facilities the need for already geared players to get back into raids.

If pugs were at all viable then people would be running them but yet alas somehow they don’t exist and it’s not because GDKPs destroyed them it’s because GDKP seems to be the better option for people looking for raids.

I thought that was at least obvious

Oh yeah, that wonderful need to collect their cut of gold from Swipers.

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Do GDKPers even need to swipe considering they get gold to raid?

Like I’d imagine after a few raids they’d most likely be cashed up enough to buy what ever they need if they don’t have it already.

how it works. GDKP buy the cheap items… NOT The epic bis in slot crap that goes for to much make a little gold. Do another might get outbid on all… but get paid. same as loseing all your rolls in a MS raid or junk just not dropping. Buy more nice 2nd or 3rd bis item while still making money after the raid. Soon u have a bank roll and buy a BIS bis item. Its same as raiding with any dkp loot system more you do it more you earn to buy. Main diff is it carrys from raid to raid. if only blizzard could ban the cheaters that buy gold Gdkp would have been cool. Remined me of my old DKP guild cept now the whole server was my guild i was earing points on mutli chars and it all stacked up

What a shame that people say that SOD p2 has been a success when literally no one raids anymore and the number of players has fallen abysmally, the gdkp helped you upload 4 or 5 alters and not just use the main until you were full (1 month or less) and log out until the next phase. That with a raid of 20 it will be a complete failure for the PUGs

You know, i dont think GDKP players swipe. I think they purposely invite swipers to make sure they get a cut of the RMT gold.

Again, look at the GDKP discords for era. They always seek 2 people with the most gold to bid eachother up. Its sad and greedy

Are you dense? How do you know about this magical player count fall off? And dont use raiding as a metric, its twice as easy to raid on multiple level 25s than it is multiple level 40s

I invite you to review the ironforge metric where there are literally twice as many raids from BFD as from Gnomer, considering that Gnomer is 50 times more fun and that is simply because the Gdkps invited all players to continue attending raids.
You talk about whales and gold buyers but you have no idea, whales are only in GDKps with a reputation for finishing the content and not in pugs. I understand that you don’t understand it, what I don’t understand is because you talk about things you don’t know.

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Cant read? I said dont use raiding player count as a metric, because it doesnt make sense you clown.

In phase 1 people including me were raiding 5 or 6 characters, now that the cap is 40 i just got my 2nd character ready to raid. How are you struggling to understand this?

Oh thats right, youre just making stuff up

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Phase 2 midway point reminder if you PuG as your main content from this game you deserve to wipe and get your loot ninja’d for your choices.

I went from 4 characters to 2 this phase. The numbers seem correct as they have always counted alts.

Ah yes, classic andys lol

Classic andys hate facts. All they wanted was less options because wit gdkp a lot of them cant get carried

I play retail as well and PUGs are even worse there.

If you PuG as your main content from this game you deserve to wipe and get your loot ninja’d for your choices.

Why do people say nonsense like this? Tons of people raid.


Far more Alts were running BFD at this stage just because it’s super fast and easy (even on PVP servers) to go from 1 to 25 compared to 25 to 40 even with the Buff.