GDKP in Season of Discovery

“I’m not having a good time because I don’t have my way, ergo the game sucks”


The most frustrating part about the GDKP ban is how it was completely emotional and devoid of logic. The main argument is “durrrr gold buying”. By that logic, ban the AH. Obviously that makes no sense but that’s how silly all the GDKP seethers are being. And of course Blizzard caters to the loudest whiners, been like that for 20 years (hence why I’m here whining until the decision gets reverted)


Sure is weird seeing the bots still going if GDKP is the sole root cause. Logic escapes us, doesn’t it, troll?

I mean the bots are literally visible to the casual observer xD

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Nice necro.

And bots existed long before GDKPs, and will always exists. But removing one big reason why bots are around is a good start.

The GDKP ban also makes it easier for Blizz to identify and ban gold buyers.

So seethe harder, Swiper. The ban has been great.


Man you say some of the stupidest things.


idk i dont gdkp either way

Being a :troll: is his whole personality.

It appears as though some of the p2w kiddos are still in their grief. QQ more I suppose or play a version that allows p2w. Cheers!


It’s time for the GDKP to return, their little experiment already failed and now it will be worse with their 20 man raids.

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no it sure as heck isn’t


Still happy it’s gone


GDKP for final phase

  • In game escrow for pots would be a nice addition

It didn’t fail and its not coming back.

Removing gdkp removed the gold laundering of gold.

Lets say you go to a gdkp and one person in there has dirty gold. He spends 1500g on gear, the rest of the pet spent 500g. For a 2000g total pot. So everyone gets 200g.

Blizzard bans the gold buyer the next day.

You are 200g up. But 5 of those 10 players were the gold buyers friends who now have 1000g that has been “cleaned” and blizzard cannot remove it without pissing off the 4 innocent players and the 5 colluding players as their gold would be removed without them actually breaking any rules. So the gold stays. And inflation gets worse.

By removing gdkp when they ban a gold buyer, its far healthier for the economy because the method of cleaning gold is now only the AH which is far easier to prove collusion by seeing a he bought a small pearl for 400g instead of the normal AH price of 10-20s. So now they know the person who sold the pearl is very likely connected to the gold buyer and have enough evidence to punish that person as well if a trend appears.


I have put forth the suggestion that any GDKP that has someone banned from gold buying should have the whole GDKP banned and all gold/gear stripped from characters from that run.

Haven’t heard a single GDKPer say they think it’s a good idea since they know where the gold comes from.


all it did was continue to inflate cost of goods in game, fewer raids going on and more people buying gold.

We did it patrick we saved SoD

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No, the costs went up because gold is 10 times faster to farm due to higher levels and new farms being available, which also means less people farming the older items, which raises costs there as well.

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wouldn’t be inflating the cost if the people who had already been stockpiling gold for GDKPs had say a system to spend said gold. Now anyone who didn’t do GDKPs in P1 is behind, and will continue to do so.

So everyone is hard raid logging

That would only work as an argument if gdkp took the gold OUT of the economy.

It doesnt. So keeping gdkp does not reduce inflation as it does not destroy the gold.

So again you are using false conclusions for your agenda.

Behind on what? Gold is easy to get still. It requires playing the game. If you dont want to do that, that is your choice.

Blaming the lack of gdkp for raid logging is a joke right? People raid logged the moment they were 40 if all they cared about was raiding. Being a raid logger has nothing to do with gdkp. People raid log in era, tbcc, wotlkc, retail, etc. And ALL of those have gdkp still.

You are not getting gdkp back, sorry the $$$ you spent on that gold you have is wasted now in your eyes. Maybe ask the gold sellers for a refund :laughing:

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following your logic.

If I report a guild member for being racist and he goes down, should the entire guild be banned equally?

You write too much to prove you don’t know sht and your theories are so easy to dismantle it’s sad.