GDKP in Season of Discovery

Keep GDKP garbage off of western servers.


By what metric?

Random FotM reroll gold buying forum troll opinions are just that. Opinions.

I’ve found the game to be refreshing with GDKP in the wind.


warlocks are so mad because they can’t boost like mages can. you do know they have carried even in SoD right?

you think your way is only high way but people play differently than you kid.

You’ve ruined the game and it’s so obvious. The average quality of pug players makes gnomer completely unclearable right now unless you’re in a raiding guild. Thanks for making the game hardcore again for no reason


I mean wasnt this how WoW was almost meant to be? I feel like it wasnt intended for their to be more pugs than guilds clearing, which is what happened when GDKP was around

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Random FotM reroll gold buying forum troll opinions are just that. Opinions.

Its funny because the anti gdkp crowd can never actually address the issues now with late game raid economy, they just default into their mantras and generally have really bad takes because they’re normally the less capable of the raiding community.

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It’s even funnier how an admitted gold buyer is here to lecture anyone about anything really.

You haven’t provided any data that the GDKP ban has been a failure. You just got on here and told people you were going to buy more gold for the next phase and sort of thrashed around a bit.

Cata comes out soon. Just go cheat there.


“you haven’t provided any data”


play the game and it’s so obvious everything sucks now.

holy crap im dying of laughter

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I do play and it isn’t obvious to me.

So uh. You got any proof or just some “trust me bro”?

So join a Guild? There are a ton of casual Guilds clearing each week. My Guild does it in an hour and we’re a mix of stereotypical Dad gamers and a few sweaties to keep us honest.

I feel Classic shouldn’t cater at all to players that just PuG. Retail has that convered.

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? Pugging has been a core, integral part of the community in WoW since release. Many guilds and strong friendships were formed by pugging. This logic to leave it solely to those who play retail version of WoW makes little to no sense?

It’s insane that this is true. Gnomeregan is the equivalent of a normal retail boss and he’s completely shutting down most pugs (if they even make it past menagerie)

Realistically, only 5th and 6th bosses approach Retail Normal difficulty…lol

Norm Amirdrassil second boss was tougher than Mekk… lol

I’m in a dad guild and we clear Gnomer just fine. There is nothing hardcore about that raid.


Sure, for Dungeons and questing but you didn’t start seeing PuG Raiding regulary until Wrath.

They’re not upset about not being able to pug. Of course they can still pug. Banning GDKPs doesn’t stop that.

What they’re upset about is they can’t run pugs to get their cut of gold from Swipers.


Mek probably requires more brain cells than anything before Nelf in Abberus as well so it’s apples and oranges. Problem is the average player who raids in retail is much higher skill and has much more awareness and usually watches mechanic videos prior. The average Classic pug raider is…… whew

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Didn’t raid Abberus so I can’t speak to itlol. (I literally only came back to Retail in Season 3 because Shammy Tier gear looked amazing, and I was told there would be Worgen Shamans. I feel lied to.)

I mean yeh, definitely have to be selective on those lockouts when I do have to pug.

Anyone advertising being pumpers or looking for pumpers is just immediately blacklisted. (They’re likely either toxic AF, they eat mechanics to “pump,” or both.)

Anyone asking for help or looking for a guild fill is A-Okay.
The mechanics are easy enough to teach for chill groups. Guilds tend to be a LOT more chill.

I like that the last 2 bosses in Gnomer are a bit of a gear/mechanics check. Can’t just sleep for the long dungeon like BFD.

I’m in a guild, I missed raid because of work and had to pug with literally the worst players in Azeroth. And bad players are all passive aggressive and sensitive, just like all the trolls in the thread

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an admitted gold buyer

I dont buy gold. Your entire position is based on an imaginary scenario in your head.

Theyre priming us for wow tokens. :ok_hand: You’re just not smart enough to realize it.