Not sure why people don’t understand this. I think people are too invested in calling each other cheaters and gold buyers … instead of listening to why GDKP is actually a good system, when the money is legit.
It’s blizzards fault that they can’t keep their currency legit. Consistently banning bots and insanely harsh punishment for buying gold are the real way to rid the game of RMT.
Banning GDKP has surely hurt gold buyers, but it’s also hurt legit players just as much. I don’t see it as a win.
making gold is not hard, people who know how to make gold will make alot of it quite quickly by playing the auction house.
i just find that tedious and boring… but there are some who enjoy it…
they have tons of gold from playing the auction house, so they want to spend it to buy gear rather than waste time losing rolls or joining runs with hard reserves.
all the people who are anti-gdkp must not be very good at making gold because they assume that anyone who has lots of gold “must have bought it” lol…
I do not think this is true, it was over policy issues. The changes to the Chinese version of WoW are also made on the NA/EU clients, because Blizzard makes the changes and the clients are the same with different language packs. You can enable the censored models and skeletons in the NA client right now.
the reality is that GDKP, by itself, does not break any of Blizzard’s TOS or EULA.
the only argument against GDKPs is that people use RMT’d gold in them.
Blizzard should enforce its ToS by targetting activities that expressly break them: For example, blizzard should work harder to monitor and ban players that bot/sell/buy gold.
The reasoning from haters is so boring. To them all participants buy gold and do not play the game. I wonder if they ever attended any GDKP; some just repeat the same thing again without any understanding.
Among all those that I attended and organised, the bids were all reasonable, people had fun in chat, and none of them grey parsed. I would say at least 90% of the raiders didn’t buy gold.
I do know Taiwan got the WoW token to $1million. Where either NA or EU peaked at 400,000 or something like that. However, I don’t know how much IRL currency value affects that number, so I shouldn’t assume on that data.
I’ve also been told it’s more normalized there, but you’re right, that could be a stereotype. And hearsay isn’t the best way to get facts.
not having gdkp people won’t even finish raids anymore. especially on their alts. also deadmine is and lower dungeons are dead since no one wants to level alts for gdkp. those people were who played tanks and heals… so many people are at 5/6 for phase 2 SoD. people quit so easily because they can care less about the loot than gold, which can help them much faster.
Nobody had 10s or even thousands of gold in GDKP phase 1. It is painfully apparent that you are talking about something that you have 0 experience with.
if talking about this topic is tilted then you are just trolling here. you must be 12 year old kid for sure if that’s your thought process while making 0 points.