GDKP in Season of Discovery

only the gold buyers and sellers would be upset by this change


okay mister retail
have fun with your hand held experience

You’re so upset, lol.
Just play the game normally instead of buying gold.

How old are these children, and how did they get a credit card to buy gold with?

SNORT Okay. I didn’t expect the US “war on drugs” to be an attempted comparison…and it’s absurd. Mostly because “the war on drugs” wasn’t engaged in honestly. It was a political weapon to slap people with, and control industries growth like hemp or even MMJ and recreational MJ. And arguably is still used that way.

And it’s not comparable to banning GDPKs, or gold buying. This action on blizzards part doesn’t constitute an entire war. It’s a single battle. The war is composed of a history of actions across a variety of ways and reasons people buy gold. Also actions to target bots. I’m old enough to remember blizzard spending development time (in actual vanilla) making it easier to report bots.

No one cares, seethe and cope.

At least you can swipe your tears away with your visa.

THIS kind of change is something I am really inspired by. The game has seemed really hard to feel at all like it resembles WoW with the constant spam and gold selling/buying people removing the point of playing the game. The GDKP is pay to win in its own way and ruins the whole spirit of the game. I hope to see the change in all the versions eventually honestly. It’s a hard decision. But sometimes the integrity > placating. And something doesn’t have to be the PERFECT solution before you even try. People wanna argue change by taking an all or nothing stance on it that prevents good from coming out of trying to better things. Maybe it doesn’t fix every issue, maybe it even can cause a couple smaller new ones. Still worth the effort.


If not buying your way to the top makes you want your money back sounds like a you issue. The example you gave is made worse by people using gold/bought gold to do their raiding and not actually earning it/learning it. GDKP feeds into the problem as a whole, doesn’t help it. It helps whoever is lazy and selfish enough to involve in it though so I guess if that’s the case the new rule would be dissatisfying lol.

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I’m a bit late to this topic but I thought I’d throw in my two cents since the implications of this are pretty important to me.

A bit about myself: I play Classic Era exclusively. I don’t really care too much about seasonal servers because I’m interested in the permanent and unchanging aspect of Classic Era. And I’ve played Classic Era A LOT! I have two characters with an Atiesh and 6 total level 60s across 2 accounts. Most have at least half way decent gear. I also have an army of 13 level 35s which I use for a mooncloth/refined deeprock salt factory.

I raid AQ40, MC, BWL, and Naxx every week. Sometimes multiple times a week. The AQ40 and Naxx I do with my guild are not GDKP. The MC and BWL are GDKP.

I do not buy gold with real money in Classic. Never have. Never will. I despise people who do. It brings in a pay to win aspect into my favorite game which I find to be absolutely repulsive.

So with that said I just want to point out that despite how much people blame GDKP for RMT, GDKP is not the problem. RMT is. RMT is the problem. And to blame a legitimate loot system that is utilized by legitimate players for RMT is punishing to those legitimate players. Without RMT, GDKP is pretty much the perfect loot system.

GDKP is especially perfect for Classic Era where players are encouraged to join a raid even if they don’t need anything from it. Many players like myself have been playing for a long time. So when we are asked to bring our BiS character we’re much more likely to oblige when we are rewarded with gold that we can later use to purchase items for an alt or for consumables or whatever.

So I guess what I’m getting at is please do not bring this restriction to Classic Era. Really I don’t think it should be a thing at all. Blizzard should take care of the actual problem and not remove a loot system that is just fine on its own. Blizzard needs to deal with the actual RMT problem and if I had to guess I’d say that banning GDKP will probably have much less effect on RMT than people think. Let’s see if there’s actually much of a change in the number of bots. I bet there won’t be.

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Im not sure who you think is disputing this. Regardless, it’s irrational to say GDKP runs do not promote gold buying. And by banning them, they are reducing the number run, and the amount of gold introduced into the economy as a result of GDKPs.

I’ve played this game since vanilla. Not classic, vanilla. So I remember the constant battle blizzard has waged against gold buying, botting, and RMT.

One battle doesn’t constitute that war. Banning GDKPs doesn’t have to completely eliminate gold buying, for it to be effective. It simply needs to reduce gold buying.

So it’s not a legitimate loot system. It’s banned.

Seems to me there are a lot of people who seem to think GDKP and RMT are one and the same and that one cannot live without the other.

It’s also not irrational so say that the mere existence of an in-game currency promotes RMT. As long as in-game currency exists and can be used to buy goods and services then it will promote RMT. I don’t believe banning GDKP will have a significant impact on RMT because of that fact.

But regardless of what anyone thinks we’ll see how it goes in SoD.

Do you mean it’s not legitimate because they’re now deciding to ban it or because it was never legitimate in the first place? Because it was considered legitimate for a looooong time. About 20 years.

I haven’t seen anyone claim this. In fact, I’ve seen people arguing against GDKPs, who readily and willfully admit that GDKPs is part of the equation. The only people I see saying its the entire equation, are people putting the claim into others mouths, then decrying said stance.

Yes. And…? My point is still in tact

And it’s no longer considered legitimate. As of the ban.

I have. Not in this thread but in the community. And it doesn’t really matter. The point is I believe banning GDKPs is a very bad move.

Yeah. So is mine. You think banning GDKP will significantly impact RMT. I think banning GDKP will have very little impact. We disagree. That’s that. Now we have to wait and see what happens in SoD.

So it shouldn’t be considered legitimate because it’s no longer considered legitimate. Ok… Great. Amazing point. (sarcasm)

Then no one here has said it. You’re railing against things not said here? And if it doesn’t really matter, it shouldn’t be quoted as a point to decry. Because you admit it doesn’t matter. So there’s no reason to try to bring it up. You acknowledged it doesn’t matter at all.

So you admit my point is correct. It’s not irrational to acknowledge that GDKP runs promote gold buying.

Quote my stance there, then. Quote my saying how much affect banning GDKPs is going to have on gold buying. Prove that’s a valid quote of my stance here.

It is a good point. After all, it’s no longer legitimate. No matter how much you want to call it so. It was banned. (no sarcasm needed)

It’s almost like some of these people have never heard the word algorithm.

It’s not hard to track any of the activities associated with GDKP.

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I never said they’re not banning it. I’m making the case for why it shouldn’t be banned. Saying it’s not legitimate because it’s not legitimate is no argument at all. That’s just a very lazy cop out and really has nothing to do with anything.

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