GDKP in Season of Discovery

Not something I attributed to you. That’s just a very lazy cop out and really has nothing to do with anything.

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Just a few examples I found in about 2 minutes of scrolling where people are suggesting that people who GDKP also participate in RMT, which would also suggest that they believe GDKP goes hand in hand with RMT.

If I read every post I could probably find at least a dozen more.

Which is completely different from “RMT and GDKP are one and the same.”

Are you telling me you can’t understand the difference?

But you haven’t even found one.

No. It’s not.

Seems clear to me at this point that you’re arguing for the sake of having an argument. So have a nice day. Goodbye.

Yes. It is. No amount of swooping up your skirt and flouncing away is going to change that.

Probably best you go sit anyhow.

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Alternatively you could just ban the people buying gold permanently like you should have been since the launch of classic. GDKP have always been part of wow and it only became an issue when you stopped perma banning for buying gold. If you ban the players buying gold bots won’t be able to sell

I’ve been playing WoW since 2009 and never even heard of GDKP until Classic launch in 2019. The explosion of botting and RMT directly coresponds with the rise in popularity of GDKP. I can’t wait for it to be banned in the other versions of WoW too.


Read the room blizzard, your current target audience who coming back to play classic are mostly working adults, father or even grandfather who played Vanilla more than decade ago. Now these people are loaded and want to have fun at the end game. They dont have so much time to grind 3 months for a piece of gear. My question is, why now?

You just described every version of WoW other than SoD, where the only thing that matters is max level. It’s ok to have one version that focuses on the journey.

And what a silly post to make. ‘Loaded adults’, huh? So they just want to buy gold and buy gear, and have plenty of money to do so?

Whales aren’t even trying to hide what’s going on anymore.


If they don’t have much time, they wouldn’t be fully loaded, because how are they grinding for gold.

Why even play the game when you’re buying gold, to get boosted, to buy gear, to stand around? There’s no point in it.

This is good, hopefully boosting services will be next.


How hard is it for blizzard to ban a GOLD SELLER who is sending obviously LARGE amounts of gold to random accounts they’ve never been associated with or sent mail/traded to before?

I only have 2 questions for people like you:

  1. How much gold do you have? Can’t be much. Screenshots

  2. How bad are your logs? Are you just mad you couldn’t get into GDKPs?

The people who hate GDKP are universally just bad at the game and are coping hard. Yet to find one person who is competitive that has any hate for it. Always some kid who couldn’t get in.

I’ve got news for you: The competitive players are still going to get into good raids and beat you on loot. Sabotaging GDKPer’s isn’t going to make you better at the game.

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relax sweetie

Sounds more like you’re mad that you can’t RMT in your pixel game anymore. So sad for you boosted bonobos. Grats on paying real money for your gear bb. That’s some SDE there.


You sound mad.

“I feel entitled to choose who gets what based on my own metrics. I also refuse to do anything unless I am paid for it”

Apparently it does not, per the various reasons outlined in the blue post about it.

Their game their rules.

Then go out there and sell your solution then.

They are.

You should actually figure out what communism is prior to incorrectly scapegoating it.
This isn’t it.

You sound mad.


like frothing at the mouth mad


Like should probably distance themselves from media consumption if this is the result to a change in a voluntary hobby, not a life altering change.

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I’m absolutely frothing at the mouth furious. Someone like you wouldn’t get it. You’ve never achieved anything and you think this will somehow level the playing field for you, but it won’t.