GDKP in Season of Discovery

Yet again, a small portion of the community punish the entire player base. This makes us work twice as hard for gold now and I bet a bunch of people are going to get burned out because of it. I for one stopped farming because I figured I’d have enough for my main and both my alts… not any more lol

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Awesome! can’t wait!

1 more day.

Run and hide.

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So, then, is it abuse to stop players from using exploits or bugs? That’s dictating how their clients play the game, is it not?

We managed just fine when GDKPs weren’t running rampant in the game. And before they started popping up at all. The community will manage again, don’t worry.

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My guild uses GDKP 0 Min bid. We have chill runs and no one buys gold. Items rarely went for more than 10g. We never had arguments about gear ever and no one ever felt bad. Now my guild is scrambling to figure out a new system with a bunch of people saying they might quit the game.


What is the violation that the GDKP user is committing? If you’re going to tell me “promote the RMT”, you can really shove it up your as., because if that’s the case, the AH also benefits from bots.
Some person with two brain cells who knows how to argue why it is okay to ban GDKP and not those typical arguments of resentful little ones.

Hol’ up. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows that an attempt to answer a question with a question as you are, isn’t an answer to the question asked of you.

So here’s the question again: is it or it it not blizzard dictating how someone plays their game, when they punish players who use exploits or bugs?

The same goes for things like Quadboxing it’s not exactly botting but is using a 3rd party app to mimic the primary user. Initially Blizzard allowed it because A) not many people did it and B) wasn’t hurting the game all that much. Blizzard started to crack down on it because more people started doing it and it did start hurting the game (especially gold farmers started using it)

get your last runs in boys less then 24 hours before blizzard bans our fun

Sure. But that doesn’t deflect from the point I’m making. Which is the double standard being applied. Devs dictate user experience in games all the time. They squash bugs and fix exploits that allow players to do things outside of the desired play.

If we remove the emotional outbursts about GDKP, and talking about blizzard controlling user experience, it becomes a lot less black and white. A lot less than those arguing for GDKP runs want to acknowledge.

Still against the rules.

I have none of these problems in my guild. We do 2 BFD runs every lockout, and each run takes maybe 30 minutes. Pugging is terrible, which is why you should join a guild instead.

Just leave raids early after you dont get your piece and dont need anything else. the plebs will be crying about it and you can drink their snowflake tears. Only way to stick it where the sun dont shine to these scrubs who cry about GDKP.

You realize I was agreeing with you… I was just pointing out another example of where the changed their tune when it came to the player base and the ToS.

That’s an amazing way to convince people to not bring you to runs. The classic community seems to use blacklists more than other versions of wow. Just something to think about.

mad gold sales enthusiast detected.

Thank you! It feels like we’ve been screaming into a void about this forever. I’ll actually be re-subbing and playing SoD exclusively because of this.

based Blizz

So I will state form the start, that one of my accounts was suspended for buying gold, despite my dumb mistake of allowing children to play on my accounts and not monitoring or even policing their activity when I was suspicious of it going on, I am responsible.

I still do not believe suspending a player account is the answer for buying gold or GDKP. Let’s see if we can find a more prolific example…say The War on Drugs. So you are telling me just like TWD Blizzard is going after the symptom and not the disease, what a shocker! Considering that this addictive product is already modeled around a salivating market of lonely people just trying to relax at the end of the day and get their nut like the mad, sad lil squirrels we are.

Guilds have had titles removed for World First, cause the got caught buying gold, these people earned thousands of dollars I am sure with sponsors. There have for years been rumors and anecdotal evidence that previous blizzard employees have participated in gold selling as well. Let’s not forget about the WoW token! The company itself is participating in this business model.

It all begs the question does Blizzard, now Micorsoft, not want to solve this issue? Seriously?! Your game is broken and your Hack Fu is weak! If you as a gaming company after this many years cannot fix your game and start doing IP bans for Botting accounts. Whatever it takes, if you put 1/3 the effort you do into selling us micro transactions (Wow token, Mounts et) to soak rubes for more of their hard earned Real Money!!! Maybe this would give you something more to do than &%*$'n with the players, who just are trying to compete with the people exploiting your game that is almost 20 years old and you cannot seem to manage to deal with these bad actors?

I know you are aware of what type of organizations and people are selling this gold, Terrorists, Gangs and Bot Farms in china that cost fortunes to set up and run!!! My friends kids buying $30 worth of gold is the enemy? Sure they do not understand where this money goes and most don’t BUT YOU DO! and have known for a long time, could have asked for help from authorities to track, smoke out and punish these people.

Same game different versions different Coc/ToS??? that is odd, maybe it because you have let this go on so long that to change the TOS and COC in retail, you risk actual litigation for changing the product agreement so many of us purchased so so many years ago, really idk I am no lawyer but all this just feels like no one is looking out for us the player in all this.

In the end it all comes down to power, the players have none and once again they are just acct numbers to be balanced and the fact is all the bad actors in this are Blizzard and Gold Sellers! You developed, mass produced and sold a drug, the other drug dealers are getting their piece, don’t punish the addict!

Now Gold buying has been against CoC/TOS, since the beginning, I was responsible for my account, I knew the rules and did not clearly explain that to my friends kids thus not very upset about this. However GDKP is being completely misunderstood and the complaint are coming from a small section of player that I am sure misunderstand what GDKP really is. it is just a gold sink that rewards those that participate (ALL PLAYERS) we all prefer that gold to come in the game legitimately, but when it does come from gold sales at least it is being fed back to a participating community of players! Are you going to remove gold and items from people for these infractions, where does the the AH cut go when gold sellers are caught , have they been manipulating the AH