GDKP in Season of Discovery

This policy and the radio silence from the devs after the announcement is truly a disgrace.

You have taken a loot system that the community cultivated over many years to solve issues that exist in legacy loot systems and completely thrown it away because you cannot seem to solve a completely separate issue (Bots). Worse, you’ve pretended like this is going to solve that issue and it 100% will not. Worse still, you never asked for feedback and you don’t seem to actually understand why this loot system exists because you offered us no solution to the problem that created GDKP in the first place.

Lazy, cringe, tone deaf, failure of a policy decision. Supremely disappointed. No wonder the talent is leaving the company.


Hinged Opinion on GDKP:
Yall are braindead if you think the traditional guild was eroded by gdkps. It’s been eroded by the exodus of decent players who were carrying the rest of the guild in retail/wotlk. The ones that didn’t outright quit the game organized and joined gdkps to avoid the hassles that come with playing with guilds/pugs. I want to clear content in a set amount of time every week without hiccups on farm bosses, not sit around waiting for the last person to show up, or cancel raid because a tank or healer couldnt show up, or deal with terrible players every week because we cant recruit anyone of that class, or get passed up on gear because “youre not the meta” “it should go to this class first” “he deserves it more” “maybe you’ll win the 4th roll on that trinket”.

Reputable gdkps fix those issues. Dont show up on time 3x to raid after confirming? Server banned. Waste everyone’s time with stupid wipes? Fined. Didn’t win the item this week? Save up for a few weeks or play the AH (or god forbid play the rest of this terrible game). Hate that really annoying player in the run or your work schedule changes? You can find a new gdkp asap. If you cant tell the difference between a reputable gdkp and a trade-chat only gdkp, youve been going to the wrong kind of gdkps.

The people who complain that gdkps ruined their guild are the ones that got abandoned by the people leaving for the better option and are too bad at the game to join good runs. If I’m a main tank, why would I choose to stay in the guild run where I’m already guaranteed gear when I can go to the gdkp, get gear at almost guaranteed min bid, and then use my cut+tank bonus to gear up my favorite alt with players that are better than the average guild raider.

Groups that care are already figuring out how to outsmart the system (so far my favorite is using wotlk gold instead); none of those players are going to return to traditional guilds/runs. Only 2 of the 15 regulars I gdkp with in wotlk are going to keep playing. And they’ll only be running 1 toon, down from 3 and 4. I just started last week hoping to join everyone in phase 2, but they all quit. At least I didnt already gold swap.


Targetting the wrong people focus on the gold buyers / rmt / botters not the people running gdkps they aren’t the same.


Its starving out the botters in hopes they will lose interest. A good bit of them I believe do buy gold (no empirical evidence, but it seems pretty obvious) and if they don’t anything to spend the gold on there’s no real point in buying it. GDKP ruins the economy causes inflation and AH prices skyrocket and makes the entry bar much higher. It got out of control in WotLK classic and not surprised its getting out of control in SoD.

GDKP doesnt do that, bots do.

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Girlfriend was banned 14 days last night for being in a GDKP… I thought this was not in effect until Feb 8th? We are pretty devastated. She just wanted to have some extra gold going into p2 as alot of people were doing it too. We’ve appealed and are hopeful.

Just wanted to post this as a warning, they seem to be banning already before Feb 8th.


A friend was banned last week for promoting a GDKP before they even made the announcement. It is because it is all automated so if enough people report you then you just catch a 2 week ban. Took my friend a week to finally get it overturned. And no they don’t give you that time back that you were unjustly banned. The fact that false reports don’t have any penalties means that people are constantly reporting players for things they aren’t doing or aren’t against TOS.


It very much encourages it. If you don’t think it does you are incredibly naive or oblivious.

I really, really don’t like GDKP, but I feel attacking only this is the same as banning input broadcasters so the casuals that dabbled in multi-boxing for fun couldn’t do it.
It doesn’t go after the true poison which is gold sellers, buyers, and bots. It mostly is just stopping the average player from doing things they enjoyed.
Why not permanent ban and attack gold buyers, sellers, and bots instead of stopping average players from dipping into the profit margin of the gold sellers as a priority instead?

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You are eliminating a source of demand which is much more effective. Gold sellers are just responding to the high demand.

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Great, first you ban GDKP, the best way to farm gold, and then increase mount prices to 100g each char. RIP alts with mount

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Lol, at least the gold buyers can still get them mounts that had dbl the cost overnight
I stopped farming golds after i had enough for my 5 alts… Now well Guess ill make it while leveling. Whats a good site btw.

FYI, blz has never opposed RMT, they only oppose RMT that they cannot profit from. How long AH has been selling gold? The reason for banning RMT over a decade ago was to “maintain the balance of the game economy,” but after so many years of selling gold in AH, clearly RMT does no affect the game economy at all.

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I don’t know why buying gold is a problem, blz has been selling in AH for years. The only reason blz is looking for excuses to ban GDKP is because they can’t profit from it.

Botting isn’t a problem either, I’m sure blz has tons of methods to stop botting, but they won’t do it because it costs money/manpower. Imagine if someone tried to sell real-world drugs in the trade channel, would they get banned immediately? Of course, yes. blz will show zero tolerance for that. Then why can’t blz ban other ads or promotions in chat? Because they don’t want to, not because they cannot do so.

Blaming GDKP for encouraging bots is like blaming a bank for encouraging robberies. Many people without brains were fooled by that stupid reason.

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Regarding Blizzard’s recent stance against GDKP in Season of Discovery, there are a lot of players out there looking to create clever systems to catch the designers on a technicality, but it’s not going to turn out well for them. They’re taking a common sense approach to enforcement, and so if players are trying to engage in that type of trade “not technically GDKP,” they’re still going to face action.

Uh oh boys. What will you do now?

Here is the voice of a player.
Since joining Season of Exploration before Christmas last year, this world has brought me many beautiful memories. However, since the official announcement of the policy on GDKP activities, the discussions I heard from some players have worried me. We all know that RMT is strictly prohibited in Blizzard games. Since I can read Mandarin, I recently saw some Chinese players on our US server discussing circumventing this policy. Their proposed plan is more complex than using valuable items in the game as tokens. They plan to use offline transactions such as WechatPay, AliPay, Paypal, Venmo, etc., to obtain equipment from Gnomeregan activities. They call this method “QR code raid.” (It is paid by scanning the raid leader’s payment QR code to win the item. In Mandarin, it is “双码团” or “双马团”; this can help you guys filter the log data from chat channel). They will create a group in WeChat, obtain equipment through bidding in the group, and pay for the funds required to bid through WechatPay. The raid leader will claim the " Roll " distribution method in the game. It can help him avoid Blizzard’s monitoring. It’s just such terrible RMT behavior that will harm the whole community. Therefore, if Blizzard can have a plan to deal with this kind of behavior, please announce it to all players in an appropriate way. Or warn those players who want to run this kind of loot distribution method.
Very appreciate and thank you.

This is the most idiotic comment I’ve seen yet. Yes it does encourage it. You’re just too blind to see it.


What a stupid decision on the part of a “serious” company. Dictating how your clients play seems like an abuse to me, I had faith in SOD but replayability is not worth it if the only options you leave me to be able to equip my alters are to enter MS/OS, LC, SR with people who are clearly not even prepared They don’t even care about finishing the raid, having to wait 1 hour to form a group of gray morons who need everything or idiots who leave in the middle of the raid because they don’t need anything else.

Is there any chance you can refund me the 6 months I paid in advance? Or we have to take them to the judicial level.


What about GKDP guild, and I mean guild member only, runs? Everyone chose to bid, everyone knows they may not get the gear they want, but you at least get gold. Nobody is forcing anyone to DKP, even when its not a guild.


I don’t think their system will harm the community, at least not nearly to the degree of GDKP.

(Their RMT loot buying is definitely not what the game intended and I hope Blizz nukes them on principle, but at least they’re not laundering purchased gold into the economy.)