GDKP in Season of Discovery

Terrible change that will only further kill the community. There is no incentive for geared players to keep raiding. Or do raids outside of their guild on alt characters. The non-gdkp pug experience is a miserable anti-social cesspit of ninja looting and players trying to be carried for free. This is a foolish and blind change only serving to be an admission of incompetence.

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no1 wants to interact with you

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are you cooked

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Best change of the season

:joy: most don’t buy gold……You admit to profiting off tainted gold just so you can satisfy your gross urge to gear out multiple toons.

A you’ve got a problem, get out more.
B you are part of the rmt problem whether you believe it or not
C it’s already done no more gdkp

As my boy likes to say “sucks to suck”

Good Day Sir Nod

Seems good to me.

Literally cannot wait



Sorry you can’t spend your check from 7/11 on buying gold, Kevin. Best of luck in Era servers.

This is a mistake.

I do not play SoD, I’m only in retail. I’ve only recently started pugging content for progression, both Mythic+ and Heroic Raids, and let me tell you, the experience is FAR better in pugs than in typical raid guilds, which typically are subject to far too much drama, exclusion, in-groups, and grudging mediocrity.

Why shouldn’t someone who chooses to play the economic aspect of the game have a way to gear up as well? Why shouldn’t other players be allowed to exchange their skills and talents and reflexes to earn in-game currency for things they don’t like to do, like gathering or crafting?

This is a poorly thought-out decision; let players play how they want.


Remove raid id, and allow players the chance at bosses they can’t get with groups that quit and leave raid, which ultimately forces a saved raid id…

Remove raid id


Honestly, you should just let players use a blockchain to sell gear and rent gear to other players. The truth is you do not need to buy gold to have enough gold to be competitive in a GDKP. You can just buy reagents and sell them on the AH to get enough gold to afford one.

There’s really no need to buy gold to get enough gold for a GDKP. Cheaper on Stormscale had multiple characters with max gold from playing the auction house. Most players just suck at making money, like in the real world.


I think you have mistaken me for someone else :smiley:

Cant wait to find some HR runs and MS > Os where i lose the roll to someone who has something better, Guess I need to find 9 guilds with 9 different schedules so the ppl who can’t parse over 40 have more MS > Os runs.

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So you cant choose your own groups? Why are you joining groups that barely clear? Or dont have buffs lol

Is it cause thats the only groups that will take you? Must be a buyer only :skull:

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What a cop out. Go after the bots and the gold sellers you clowns.

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What a typical response from a retail player. There is a reason why people like myself abandoned retail long ago. It wasn’t only the direction Blizzard took the the game, the community had their fair share of blame moving the game in an awful direction.

Classic is about community and team building. It’s not a pseudo solo game where one can purchase their accomplishments. Vanilla WoW was about contributing to a team and getting rewards for that contribution. GDKP is completely antithetical to one of the foundational blocks of why we enjoy this version of the game. It also promotes gold selling/buying which is already destroying the economy.

If only some changes can be made to destroy the gear score addon along with a community mental adjustment that your gear doesn’t equate to your value or ability to contribute, we’d be in a much healthier state.

Interesting. I participated in GDKP during classic and made friends and was part of a community, but people like this think GDKP does the opposite.


So, Blizzard, since RMT was a thing long before GDKP ever existed, are you going to ban the AH? The AH seems to be a larger contributor to RMT than GDKPs. Are you going to disable player trading all together? If you did that, RMT would disappear entirely. Granted, if you did that, you would have to allow every character to have every profession, but that’s probably not so bad as the evil vile RMT.


“GDKP is a loot system some players use that essentially allows all loot to be purchased in a dungeon or raid using gold rather than being rolled for or awarded using another loot system”.

Instead of changing anything about the loot system you just ban something implemented by players to have a sure way of getting gear. Seems like the 10year old mind set really going strong, no work to make a change and no work to be had by the dev team. Keep it up boys! SoD easiest excuse to make huge changes and try new things out but nothing has really changed from classic

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