GDKP in Season of Discovery

This is not how SoD is intended to be. After all why did they reduce the cost to buy riding/mounts, increase the amount of XP from quests and turning in supply crates, and open up more tanking/healing classes to fill groups faster? This point misses the mark


Here’s a thought Microsoft, how about, instead of screwing us all over who actually HAVE a job and dont have time for a raid schedule, but still want to gear up, you actually…ohhh…I dont know, hire some GMs and actually ban bots and gold buyers.

Oh, you don’t want to do that? I forgot, Bots still pay subs, and you cant be bothered to invest in an actually good GM labor pool.


Heck yes- love this change.

This is more than a gdkp ban. By this definition, if someone wins a drop and another person pms with an offer to buy that item for gold than that too would be considered gdkp and bannable.

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Sounds good. BOP items were never intended to be sold.


sorry your credit car got nerfed :3

It’s funny how not being able to swipe a credit card and buy the best gear is now considered ‘screwing you over’.

I’m still shocked Blizz is doing this. Usually they make decisions for the whales, not against them.

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I am wondering if there are other plans to control the money buying beside the GDKP control?

To add to this I wonder about the demand and supply trying to be controlled

Blizz we need clarity on whether or not item-based DKP’s will be bannable as well. We have clowns saying they’ll use items instead of gold. Please clarify whether it is just gold that is bannable or all tradeable goods. Thanks


You joke but I’m 100% serious about fishing bots. Did you play vanilla? Fishing at level 60 and probably 50 too is big time money.

I dont swipe credit cards you imbecile. I drive a 1998 Buick Regal with 165k miles on it. I can farm gold the normal way, and use that gold to bid on gear. If I dont win the gear, I get gold for my time.

Seriously, is your ivory tower THAT pretty to be in?

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If you didn’t buy so much gold you could probably afford a newer car.

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Look, all you people giving praise to this have never run a gdkp or understand it. Let me put it pretty bluntly. In SoD, I have never once run in a gdkp, its always been in a random full clear pug. I do however run 4 toons in gdkps in WotLK. Let me just put it out there that I never ran one until TOGC. These aren’t players buying gold, for the most part. I have made and spent, over a couple million gold with 4 alts and occasionally my split alt. Each run averages 20-50k gold in payouts. This has given me the ability to gear mutliple, non raider guild toons, to be able to fill where needed when my guild has an absence. In WotLK, killing 12/12h is still class dependant and guilds that are farming it, still require a decent comp. Without a decent comp, it makes current classic content harder and or impossible. How about fixing the healing imbalance and buffs from paladins vs other healers before instituting a stupid no gdkp rule?

It doesnt take long to amass gold in gdkps. The economy is so broken due to poor management of bots (an issue Blizzard created and poorly manages), making consumes cost a fortune, meaning that the only way to be fully buffed and raid effectively is to have a gold nest egg to get you by from week to week. I will say that if this moves to any other version of WoW, you will lose tons of players. There are lots of servers that primarily only run gdkps. If you dont like sub money, please, by all means, ban it, and watch your profits drop.

To those whining and thanking Blizzard, you’re just as bad as them and part of the problem. You don’t pay my sub, so you don’t get to tell me how I decide to play or spend my time, nor my gold. This community and world have become a bunch of sad, self entitled babies who get mad that they aren’t skilled enough to contribute to a team,or upset they don’t put in the time or effort to farm or search for a gdkp team. I long for the days when we only gave trophies to people who deserve them and not those that underperform. I can also add this, move this to Cata and I will completely drop WoW after 19 years of loyal, non token buying, subs.

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So, basically, you’re just a troll and dont reaaaallly give a damn about GDKPs one way or the other. You just enjoy going around and trying to piss people off. Well, fair enough, you got me. Because even if I posted bank statements you’d still accuse me of buying gold, because, well, you like pissing people off.

Look, if thats what gets you hard, fair enough.

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If u want the game to feel like an interactive community. Get rid of the gold rmt spam boosting bots. No one wants to play a game where people are running around with aimbots.
Make a couple servers where gold cap severely reduced to max gold you need for vendor. No gold tradeable or just repair in raids dungeons. Trading gold detected during dungeon or entering dungeon in 5 min. Put a cap on linen sell price on auction house so new players can afford that stuff. New as in , never played wow before. Whats going on…
Auction house posting reduced to 10 items. I love trying to find how much to sell cooper bar with 3 pages from the same seller to read through. Its like watching ads. DONT TELL ME GET A THIRD PARTY ADD ON YOU DUB PEOPLE. To shift through inconsiderate people botting. Need servers for people that just want to play and not with afk bots taking your stuff or replacing players to interact with.

I think this is an awesome change. This enables so much gold buying

All it takes is a few rotten apples to spoil the whole bunch.

Same thing happened with multiboxing. All was good till players started running around with 40 plus accounts or 10x10 farming of rare mounts in retail for 10 hours plus, not letting anyone else have the chance at getting it.

He doesn’t have 6,500 posts on a throwaway character because he likes having honest conversations.

Words I thought I’d never get to say again.

Blizzard W. Lets goo.