GDKP in Season of Discovery

Blizzard has made it clear the community they are trying to foster with this change. If you don’t agree with that vision then they aren’t targeting you plain and simple.

They changed the game back in the day to something I didn’t like and what did I do? I quit! There are hundreds of games out there. You will find one that works for you just like I did.

Did I like the changes? No. But at the same time I didn’t try to demand they cater the game to me. I just went on to something else.

Why did I come back? They made a game I could get behind and enjoy again. It’s not a hard concept.

Again, you are promoting changing a game I enjoy into something I don’t just so you can.

I mean I am not coming on here asking for them to reverse their decision on GDKPs. They are deciding to change the game. You can decide to accept it and play by the new rules or move on.

I will be vocal in my anti support of this change until it is reverted, thanks for your concern.

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its called you stack up gold after each GDKP run to then later use to big for gear and earn it… unlike in pugs where there is zero carry over from past work coupled with a ever rotating door of fresh faces/alts to ALWAYS roll against you thus you see very little progression unless you happen to win a roll

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The GDKPers changed it into something it never was, actually. Blizz is trying to restore it back to…some of its former glory. A big first step is banning whales. Reducing the need for RMT. Good progress there.

Swipers can go elsewhere. And it’s no loss. Post all you want on your army of alts. It means nothing.


Haha, army of alts comment coming from a level 23.

Another 2 threads of mine on the topic deleted by mods. 5 entire threads in total with thousands of views, thousands of comments, and hundreds of likes.

Plus my comment on this thread, 5th comment. Deleted.

These are not troll posts, these are honest feedback, each a separate lively discussion. Deleted.

This is such as positive change for the game and one I thought blizzard would never make due to backlash. Great job to the dev team you have been doing an absolutely amazing job with all things SOD :+1:

Finally! Wonderful, Brilliant!

ye ye just making it to were i can get my toon in warcraftlogs

Yeah I’m sure your calls to ban fishing should be taken seriously. Just looking to protect the average player from the fishing plight that plagues our game. Keep fighting soldier maybe one day

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Confused and economically ignorant whiners on the forums are what led you to this nonsense move to ban GDKP. I see a lot of people choosing to do GDKP as judged by their in-game involvement. If they don’t want to do it, they can do an SR run or some other system. No one is forced.

Just do us a favor and stay the hell away from Era entirely. Your intervention in this matter, like most matters in Era, is not wanted.


So if RMT is the root cause of banning GDKP, then why not disable the AH? Disable all trading between players. That will shut down RMT immediately.


Make no mistake, GDKP will be banned in Era and WotLK next.

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You guys are worse than the people who wanted to completely remove flying. You have been crying about an aspect of the game that doesn’t effect you. If you don’t want to do gdkps or boosts don’t it’s really that simple. This much like the flying change back in wod will blow up in their face and they will take a year to backtrack. We’ve seen this song and dance before.

It tends to affect the whole economy. Which is very bad. And that affects people who haven’t even made a character on that realm yet.
Try again.


No it doesn’t but good try. The economy is effected by the lotus supply and specific boe items those are what drive the economy. Even bought gold isn’t magically hacked into the game it largely comes from raw gold farms which can only output so much. The lotus/flask supply is the single biggest factor on the economy

Not at all? Zero percent?
You truly believe this?
Even though those items are unobtainable currently?
So none of that is going on?

Good talk.

The economy right now in sod is being driven by 2 lockouts a week and easy gear capping leading to parsing and gdkp being the only thing to do. Also the sheer amount of raw gold available from relatively quick level capping is causing massive inflation. The lack of raw gold easy farming is offset by how fast it is to level a character to cap then blitz cap content for gold.