GDKP in Season of Discovery

how about we have a test run of the systems and Ban RMTs first…

I don’t feel that it’s right for Blizzard to tell players which loot system they can/cannot use. There is no perfect loot system. They all come with pros/cons. GDKP is simply just another loot system for certain people. If anything, it adds more diversity in which players can obtain loot. GDKP allows for players to have a little more control over the fate of receiving upgrades. I enjoy WoW very much, it’s just so much fun. But I also have a family and a busy work schedule. Because of this, I’m unable to commit to a guild and dedicate multiple nights/week at 3-4 hours/night on average. When I have the time to raid, GDKP loot system was preferred because no matter what the outcome, you walk away with something for your time and efforts whether it be a little extra coin in your pocket or maybe you secured an upgrade. It was much better than walking away or logging off frustrated because you just spent hours raiding and received nothing for your time and efforts which can be the case more often than not with loot council and RNG style loot systems. The SR loot system leaves you with RNG the your item will even drop, and then the RNG against the rolls of all the other players. With enough bad luck, it could be weeks or months before you see an upgrade and with much less time to play, who wants to leave their loot fate left strickly to chance? That will lead to a very frustrating raid experience and could make players want to quit. I’ve been in enough loot council type loot systems to not prefer that method of loot distribution either. In that system, the fate of you receiving upgrades is left solely on the decision making of others. Sometimes these systems can be fair, and other times they can be what’s referred to as a “Corrupt LC” in which case the GM prioritizes himself/herself and their friends or people in their clique, the legendaries and all the BIS items before others. That can leave many people frustrated and want to not play anymore. Should we ban that system as well? Are there some people who buy gold? Sure, but at the risk of having their account banned. I do not buy gold and instead take time to farm and sell items on the AH or vendor. I don’t consider that “pay to win.” I’m devoting what time I have to play making my gold and then when I have time to raid it I prefer a GDKP where I have more control over getting upgrades. It’s no different than working hard IRL to eventually buy the things you want. It’s actually what motivates me to play more because I enjoy farming and with GDKP loot system I can enjoy the fruits of my labor. The beauty of a GDKP loot system is that no matter what happens, everybody wins in some way. To me it has been the best, least frustrating loot system I’ve experienced. I may get outbid, or my item may not drop, but either way I’ll get some gold at the end for my time and efforts to put towards the next raid. It’s just what works best for me. Blizzard should not be controlling what loot system players use. The players should get to decide which system works best for them and their needs. There is no perfect loot system. They all have pros/cons.


Games are society, and society has shopping malls.Govern bots, this is what you should do.

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Can we also work to taking out more bots?

I never get on forums, but this is a terrible change. Limiting the way people want to play the game is not in spirit with the “season of discovery” theme.

The people that are in this thread and happy to see others upset about this change are exactly the people that I do not want to group with.

GDKP’s provide geared people an incentive to play the game throughout the entirety of a phase. Instead of getting BiS and logging out, currently I will casually join a run to make some gold and help others with the content. After the ban, There will no longer be an incentive for geared players to help under geared players. Why would I spend time in Gnomer helping someone get gear when I have everything I need? It just won’t happen anymore. I will either spend my time solo farming or not playing at all. If you were trying to promote togetherness and unity, this decision wasn’t the right one to make for that. I am seriously questioning how much longer I will be playing SoD due to this change.

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How did you interpret that? All I said was I’m not against GDKPs existing. They just can’t/shouldn’t with all the dirty gold going around. How do you get rid of that dirty money circulation without getting rid of the source? But how do you go about that? Not in a 2 step plan, that’s for sure.
I’m guessing you posted this before you went to bed? You read between all the wrong lines.

Who here knows about how the bots actually operate- like how much gold does a single bot create in a 24 hour period or a week. What about a 500 bots via multiple accounts. Is all this gold laundered to one single account for selling- or pooled before being injected into the system via a RMT?

You can tell by the comments 3 things.

Honest players

Gold Sellers

Gold Buyers.

To all the people arguing “just ban RMT” make it sound like it’s the simplest thing in the world and that nobody ever thought of that solution in the last 20 years.

Why don’t we just end all wars, cure cancer, end poverty, & end world hunger all as well. I mean surely it can be done we just aren’t doing it.

Banning GDKP is yes going after only a symptom of RMT but is much easier to get rid of to weaken the influence of RMT.

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then instead of pushing to ban 1 outlet of some while ignoring the other host of reasons RMT… why not simply unite with the GDKP players and push blizzard to focus on banning RMT… united we can get way more done than fighting 1 symptom out of the many.
we dont need to cause collateral damage to innocent people just stamp out just 1 ember while ignoring the fire and all the other embers… lets unite and stamp out the fire ( RMT) thats it

To be fair, Blizz does an awful job banning bots and gold buyers. They need actual GMs in the game, monitoring the game, banning bots in real time. And gold buyers should be a strike 1 and you’re out. Buy gold? Account permanently closed. Watch how quickly players stop buying gold if there’s actual consequences.


Dear Blizzard. I want you to understand my situation. I work two jobs, ~80 hours a week, sometimes more. I get up at 5 am, go to work at 6 am, take a nap in my car on my break, get off at 2 pm to start another job at 3 pm and work until around 12am. I then get to go home and take a nap before my day resets. On weekends, I may work until 3 am. With my limited time, how can I earn gold in game to remain competitive? I need gold to purchase flasks and other consumables, purchase mounts and gear for alt leveling, and anything I fancy that’s on the AH. I can participate in a GDKP that takes less than an hour to get a decent chunk of gold, I can spend an hour farming mats or raw gold (I absolutely detest spending my time in game doing this. I don’t feel like I’m playing the game) or I can try playing the AH (again, limited time and I don’t enjoy this). A GDKP allows me to do what I enjoy doing in the game, a raid after all, and walking away with gold in hand. For me and people like me, a win/win.

Other players: “cries I didn’t have enough money to buy the item I really wanted from the raid, I was outbid so obviously that person participated in RMT. GDKP is obviously the problem and should be banned.”
Blizzard: “Hokay!”

Blizzard has tools to detect GDKP, but can’t stop RMT. Sounds about right. To remain competitive, it feels like Blizzard is actually promoting RMT with this. How else am I to remain competitive moving forward? It’s either that or be financially insolvent in phase 2.

In another note, nerf hunters. I think I do too much damage.


WoW is a grindy game especially in the Classic era. Games are made for different target audiences. If the default gameplay of WoW Classic is too demanding for your schedule then it is probably not the game for you. Catering to people who wanted more and more QoL is the reason we got Retail in the first place and one of the main reasons people wanted the game to relaunch classic.

It sucks giving up something you love but I am sure you will find something you enjoy just as much as WoW Classic SoD. Let’s not make the game worse for everyone just for a few people.

How in the world are you legitimately farming the gold to bid in GDKPs in the first place if you have such limited time to play? Sounds like RMT to me.

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Run players through a raid, get paid. It’s actually very simple. Doesn’t sound like you understand and I am not an elementary teacher.

And this is exactly the response that will be the death of a game. “This game is too elitist for you, so go do something else.”

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I would rather play a game I enjoy with less people than have it changed to something I don’t like.

I quit retail ages ago because I couldn’t stand what the game had become. I came back for Classic and even left progression servers at the end of TBC due to stuff that was making the game unfun for me.

If you change the game so that certain people can play you will drive others away. There is no game that exists that works for everyone.

So rather than change a games target audience instead change games to find one that fits yours. I mean when I left retail I just went to other games because the game no longer fit me as a target audience.

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You prefer a game not changed into something you don’t like, but it’s okay for it to be changed into something others don’t like?

A bot infested, gold buying riddled, toxic version of the game where players just swipe a credit card to buy gear? Yeah…screw that.

The whales can go elsewhere.


Like I said, it sounds like RMT.