GDKP in Season of Discovery

Tough pill to swallow but the players that decide to quit because of this change maybe aren’t the players Blizzard wants to nurture and strengthen the social aspects of the game.


Currently sure, later I suspect it won’t as in classic it didn’t

In addition to the fact y’all seem to think a lot of people swipe when they earn their gold by other means such as question…most stuff goes for 1-5 gold…2-4quests

If it’s such a great idea, why don’t they just implement it in all versions of the game?
Perhaps that may be too many people to shut off the game to.
By doing it in SOD they only punish a small population of players that collectively play wow.

There is also a large portion of players that hate questing

Uh, that’s a core feature of WoW. Maybe those people are playing the wrong game then.


Just because it’s one of many features in game doesn’t mean it’s required, look no further than people spamming dungeons to level while not touching a single quest…not much of a staple feature if people can easily bypass it…in fact it’s ya actually more efficient to skip the quests and either level by aoe mob grinding or dungeons

SoD is a testing ground for newish things for blizzard. They get to test out new systems to track down cheaters while keeping the populace interested with a new spin on an old mod of game. They will get to watch in real time how players interact with each other and watch how bots/cheaters try to bypass their systems. If it works out well then they will introduce it to the rest of their games; if it doesn’t then nothing of value was truely lost as it was only meant to be a season.

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How do you define “works out well?”

Less RMT?
But, If they can track RMT, then why can’t they ban it or stop it? Yet have some sort of way to calculate it? sus

Why are they allowing AH RMT for mats/consumes/boes to continue?

If they were 100% successful in stopping rmt and bots would you be ok with players making a personal choice to gdkp?

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Not for me to decide, its for blizzard to determine if the new systems work out well or not.

Who says they can’t in some way track it? They ban all the time and are making sweeping changes just after the merger with Microsoft occured. I think the real problem they have is trying to automate the system in such a way that it catches people without getting a lot of false positives.

I have zero problems with GDKP as a concept and the only real grounds anyone has for hating on it is the RMT involved with it. Nobody would really be getting wealthy doing GDKP if RMT whales weren’t being farmed like lifestock by people wanting to get rich digitially with minimal time spent.

neat! now my kids can eat.

Kek. 10 char.

no illicit gold isnt plummiting… it in-fact has rebounded in price and even with GDKPs gone, people will STILL RMT for Pre bis/BiS greens,BOEs,Consumes,Mounts,Profession leveling ( Mats), boosts… hell those AH greens and BOEs cost FAR more that what most the raid stuff even go for in the GDKPs. where is the ban on all that stuff? why not make this VERY simple… give a 1 week notice, Enforce TOS and ban RMT…
you anti GDKPs want to push to destroy gold buying… we GDKPs will be more than happy to meet in the middle and agree… ban RMT … everyone AGREES… leave the pref style of raiding out of it


GDKP is one of the reasons I unsubbed, as it directly supports gold buying, botting, and crashing the economy. I support this decision for those reasons.

and so do pre bis and bis greens/BOEs/Profession leveling/boosts/ mounts /consumes/the AH… Ban all that… or we can make this VERY simply… ban RMT and leave peoples pref raid style out of it.

No, the raids at each phase makes pre-raid gear irrelevant. It isn’t needed at all. The stat differences between a pre-raid bis and a quest green at these levels is laughable. Absolutely nobody needs them.

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you are aware that dam near most the raid gear goes for about 5g or so in raids ya? or rather 3-4 quests worth of gold

people RMT for all the reasons i provided related to AH and goods… you are away that a chunk of greens ARE bis yes? you are aware that they do go for 10-40g each yes? MORE than raid gear… you say people people dont bother buying pre bis gear however people buy the weapons (30g) all the time. you are dead wrong with your assumptions and if you were sincere in your concerns you would advocate blizzard to simply bam RMT itself and ENFORCE it… if they do that then symptoms mean nothing the the disease itself is destroyed. use your head

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google fire mage bis… it has a whole loadout of greens in it with + fire spellpower lmao… how about the hunter green crossbow? etc
ban RMT and everything is solved. fighting only 1 of MANY symptoms were some RMT people swipe as they do with all the other aspects listed does nothing…

and here it is, these anti GDKPs Use the economy/RMT as a excuse… they dont ACTUALLY care about RMT or Bots and are infact fine with it… they just want to end a pref loot system and nothing more. if it was about RMT then ban RMT… if its about ending possible reasons to RMT then they would advocate for the end of the AH, BiS greens, professions, BoEs and mounts but they dont.

there is a real simple solution to all this… ban RMT, then illicit gold and bots will be gone… the consistency of what these guys are pushing for is laughable… then again their toon names speak for themselves

GDKP is the only reason to maintain and sustain gold buying, because it will always keep it relevant. Those other items you mention are either buy once, or in the case of consumables and mats, are easily affordable.

The only reason items sell for such high prices, like 250+ gold for a blue belt, is because people can just buy gold. If people were using legitimate gold to buy things, prices wouldn’t get out of control.

I get it, you really like GDKP and will try to grasp for any legitimacy you can. If you can’t see the behaviour it encourages, then you are willfully blind to it.

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that is False, look no further than classic wow… there were no GDKPs yet everyone in mass RMT for their consumes/mounts/BOEs/Profession leveling and a host of other reasons. you are so out of touch with reality i feel sorry for you

ok… ban RMT… we all agree with these terms as shown if you simply read through the forums… tell blizzard to enforce their TOS

try to grasp? there are many valid reasons people prefer them.
BAN RMT, problem solved… GDKPS are scalable… fight the root issue you guys have a problem with aka RMT… you dont need to ban all the reasons someone has to buy gold if you simply ban buying gold
if you still advocate for banning GDKPS then make sure you advocate for ALL outlets that people would buy gold to do IE consumes/mounts/professions/ah/boosts/boes
if you do not advocate for that consistency then you dont actually care about people buying gold at all and simply hate GDKPs and not the gold buying…just simply using whatever excuse you can to target the gdkp system itself… you are wildly disingenuous

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