GDKP in Season of Discovery

Exactly. I’m just unsure whether it would work because if you play on a server where buying gold is the norm, then you’re not going to stand out by swiping. So if you’re not standing out by swiping, why would you swipe?

I’m not sure, but it would be nice to see what happens.

I frankly love this idea, then blizzard can develop their AI for detecting these activities much more efficiently, and remediate.

Wild and Standard servers :joy:

You lasted about 5 posts then backed out.

I love when things work out like they do.

This is so a$s backwards. RMT literally was the reason GDKP got so big. How many of you “gdkps are bis raid type derrpppp” people would join a GDKP if the minimum bid on gear was like, 15 silver and walk out of a 30-35 min raid with 95 silver pot? Please, every single loser in a GDKP community is freaking out when people arent bidding enough to make their greedy pockets full. Some guy raid leading on firemaw eu on the biggest era GDKP community straight up told people min bid 200g, you can buy 1k for $11…and im like wtf did i walk in to with my little 400g (im a healer so they didnt even ask my budget) needless to say my 400g bid on neltharions tear was lost to someone eho bid 110k…on era

Bro they are so immune to bans they literally selling that gold openly every gdkp run. So dont say rmt isnt gdkp…

I am sure there are exceptions, I am sure there are people that do quests, sell mats on the AH, and GKDP is not a bad system at its core.
The catch is a LOT of participants DO buy gold, and in order to by gold, there is an army of robots destroying the economy. You want to make money as a miner? Goodluck
You want to make money as a herbalist, I guess there is grave moss, if you can out pick the 6 bots at every spawn location.
Did you get a nice blue? Well, there are now 15 of them on the AH!!

I never said people bid with silver. Though I have seen a 20 silver payout before. And one outlier where the lead made absurd min bids is an outlier. A rogue data point that has nothing to do with the average day to day. I don’t understand why no one acknowledges that in SOD you can make a hundred gold questing with friends for several hours. Sod has been set up in such a way that it is very easy to make your own gold. If you hard banned RMT then GDKPs would still exist. 90% of min bids in BFD GDKPs is between 1-5G with epics being a min bid of on average 20g. If someone has no competition on the epic sword and it is min bid of 20g then they get it for 20g. It’s not that hard to understand. I don’t know how to explain it in a way that can circumvent your clear bias based off misinformation or wildly extreme outliers.

Edited to add: I know no GDKP lead that has ever openly stated support of gold buying or has tried to openly sell gold. In Faerlina there is a mega discord server of about 20k players who will ban someone instantly if they are trying to sell or promote buying gold. I also want to note I had no idea what the price to buy gold was. Had it gone up since it was stated that it tanked a few days ago? Because players have been buying gold for longer than classic anything has existed. And if not for GDKPs then what?

Okay. If people buy gold then ban those people. Let GDKPs exist. If they can’t exist without RMTs then they will die on their own no? But if RMT is the actual problem then deal with the actual problem. That is what almost every pro-GDKPer has said for days here. Why must a few bad apples ruin it for everyone when they have the tools to just remove the few bad apples.

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Premade will only pair with premade. Unless it is slow with very long wait times, then this rule will be ignored.

Therein lies the problem.

This is anecdotal, this would not fly in my GDKP. And you jus said it - there is a community that should be respected. Preserving community and playing together is where we all enjoy the game.

Y’all are crazy. Blizzard is going ahead with the experiment. You need to accept it and either play the game without GDKP or quit for the time being. Either way we’re going to find out pretty quickly if the ban is having the intended outcome or not and Blizzard will have empirical data to point to.

If you are pro GDKP and know it’s perfectly harmless and healthy for the game you shouldn’t be worried and posting ad nauseum on the forums about how bad a decision this is. You should be happy that we are finally going to put the debate to bed.

I enjoy participating in GDKP due to limited time in this game. GDKP allows me to get gold I need for flasks and other consumables, funds the purchasing of my mounts, etc. As Blizzard thinks GDKP promotes RMT, am I going to have to turn to RMT to be able to afford the above? Again, I have limited time to farm gold.

Since Blizzard claims to have tools in place to detect the use of GDKP, then perhaps it’s possible to use those same tools to detect RMT? Blizzard claims this is in response to player feedback/request, but not MY feedback or request. This is the second post I’ve made on this matter; the first seems to have been deleted because I was critical of Blizzard’s decision in this matter. Deleting my post most certainly does not promote free speech and critical thinking. Blizzard claims to want player feedback, but then deletes player feedback? Seems fishy here.

On another note, nerf hunters. Hunters are too strong.

So glad they made this change before we got to L60. Blizz you’re killing it with SoD, love the experimental nature. Keep it up!


Out of pure curiosity, if P2 shows that people still RMT even though GDKPs are banned, will this be over-turned and allow GDKPs again? Since Blizzard states that this is a test, I believe this is how it will be handled? In contrast, if P2 shows that there is no RMT then GDKP will remain banned?

they should have banned GDKPs before launching SoD to be fair** I genuinely believe them doing this in P2 is going to destroy SoD onward. They did it too-late

I dont like MS/OS please cater to me so I can get into more groups with putting in zero effort.

Great ChatGPT post, LOOL.

By creating and going ahead with the ban they will push people out of the community who probably won’t come back if/when it is lifted. The uproar is about how they want it to effect RMT instead of dealing directly with RMT. They already temp ban people for RMT. Make the bans stricter. Go after gold buyers/sellers harder. Don’t completely uproot an entire community because a few might do RMT. There are people who don’t GDKP who RMT. There is no debate. People bought gold well before GDKPs existed. It is a well known fact. There were bots well before GDKPs existed.

But they also stated that this was based off player feedback. And given what I have seen on the forums the 10 people that have been crying about GDKPs existing and using inaccurate stats were probably the squeaky wheel. But the feedback would have been very one sided. So to tell people to be happy and to stop posting about it to the flood of people voicing their feedback isn’t very kind. Players were invited to give feedback, so they are. Be happy that they are using their voice. Just accept that they have a right to give their own feedback and either read the forums or don’t.

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I dont like gdkp’s but i kinda do sometimes… either way PHASE 2 NEXT WEEK