GDKP in Season of Discovery

They most certainly hurt main guild raids. Take for instance in 2019 Classic. We’d have people “randomly not show up” for main team raids of AQ or BWL since they didn’t need to gear only to catch them running a GDKP and just so happen to be on at regular raid time as “oh my schedule changed and I guess I could play at this time afterall but I went and did a GDKP earlier in the week and am now saved…”

These players would essentially use the guild to get gear but then not turn and help others to get gear as they no longer wanted to run that instance as there was no loot for them. This was not a problem before GDKPs became so prevalent.

GDKPs create a toxic selfish mentality rather than caring about the collective group and performance of the overall raid team/guild.

I see your point about GDKP’s impact on guild raids, but I think it’s more about how guilds manage and motivate their roster. If guildies are choosing GDKP over guild runs, maybe the guild needs to spice up its raids to keep things interesting? It’s about finding that sweet spot where everyone feels valued and wants to stick around.

Remember, players are gonna play how they want. GDKP just offers another way to enjoy the game, especially for those who can’t stick to a strict raid schedule. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about matching playstyle with personal goals.

Guilds and GDKP both have their place in WoW. It’s all about balancing individual preferences with guild objectives. Maybe a chat about expectations and commitments in the guild could help everyone get on the same page?

PS. I can’t say GDKP is perfect - but I don’t think it should be removed from the game.

This is fabulous. It stops people who don’t want to socialize and put in the time to form guilds/relationships/groups/etc. from getting the best gear. Raid content that requires a lot of people should not be able to be bought. This isn’t a single player game. You shouldn’t be able to get the best gear with your credit card. Go play Elden Ring or something like it if you want a solo rpg.

@Blizzard - can we get some type of salt tracker on the forums? A lot of “gamers” who “have the utmost respect and care for the game” and “want the experience to be organic” yet somehow support gdkp are going to complain

Hmm not obsseive behaivor at all lol.

Its doesnt just stop people from getting gear. Its going to stop people from playing lol

GDKP isn’t pay-to-win if RMT is properly handled. It’s a gold-based system for players who can’t always fit into strict guild schedules. GDKP adds variety and lets everyone experience raids, not just those with more free time. It’s about fair in-game play, not using real cash. If Blizzard keeps RMT in check, GDKP can be a great part of WoW that respects different playstyles.

Currently pugs are clearing BFD so the fact you say you NEED a guild and to socialize in a political guild heirarch is not factually true. They’re not guild run. You should consider that there is more than one way to play a game, and not Yuk someone else’s Yum.

Here’s an easy fix for this problem.

  1. Turn on Random Dungeon/Raid Finder.
  2. Create hard rule set for loot that doesn’t allow “master” loot option or equivalent in SoD.

Problem solved.

That would kill DKP and Loot Council for guilds.

Tbh I think the current state of Hardcore WoW (after the FOTM players left) is some of the best raid scene I’ve ever seen in WoW. Maybe they exist but I haven’t seen any GDKPs advertised on hardcore since nobody wants to risk their level 60 on unknown variables like random players in a GDKP. Sure we still have bots but since players don’t have as much incentive to buy the overall prevalence is much less.

While I still don’t think SoD is for me (tried it and just found the entire thing to have an uncanny valley feeling) I am glad to see them making this change.

Also as a side note people are far more willing to help each other out. Guy in your raid wants help to farm a dungeon for an upgrade? Well them getting that item increases your odds of survival as well in a roundabout way.

What I have been noticing is that the players that argue against GDKPs get real quiet when someone starts saying things like “we don’t want RMT at all so just ban those players instead”. Because none of them seem interested in banning anyone that uses RMT. But for some reason the anti-gdkp group are the only ones that can make gold in game with legit outlets but not those that attend GDKPs.

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Still have bots with no GDKP ?
Sorry, but I think this really does cut into the heart of why blizzard proposed this ban.

Well a couple things

  1. Blizzard has shown a complete lack or care of stopping RMT over the years. I am sure if people actually believed blizzard would crack down on RMT they would agree

  2. GDKP creates social issues in the game and not just being a P2W issue

Do I want RMT gone? 100% yes as it is the biggest issue in the game. Do I think blizzard will ever actually care enough to prevent it? Hell no. So removing a main source of motivation to buy gold is the next best option.

Also as an aside I know there are people who do GDKP and play the game legit (heck probably the majority as most people use it as a way to make gold easier than farming) however it cannot be argued that by participating in GDKPs you are helping those that do buy gold to use that illicit gold for in-game advantage and ultimately drive up inflation.

I’d like a new SoD server now with bans for GDKP. I bet the economy would be ten times better and you could easily compare and contrast to see if the your change is effective.

To think that banning GDKP would 100% eliminate botting is the height of folly. However you seem to have ignored the next part of my statement which said they are alot less prevalent. The number of bots is SIGNIFICANTLY less than on other versions of classic.

Yes it makes sense it’s difficult to run bots on a hardcore realm where if they die they are gone.

I frankly like Prystines’s approach have multiple SOD servers, one with a GDKP ban and one without let players self select and then gather data with an AB test. Data is infact the best way to make decisions and frankly if truly RTM and Botting Dissapear, I’ll happily join in on SR runs.

So because blizzard is unable to manage the RMT properly that has existed without GDKPs the players who enjoy the social outlet, mostly for their alts mind you since mains are in normal guilds, they must no longer be allowed to play the game how they have enjoyed it the last few years? If to you that is more acceptable than blizzard taking stricter action against the RMT they claim is the root problem and have and can track it then it is less about getting rid of RMT and more about forcing control over people who want to play the game a little differently than you would like. So saying it is about RMT comes across as a false statement. Ban those that RMT. A brief suspension is not the same thing. They can do it.

I don’t think it should be removed from the game either. Just from specific servers (together with carries, boosting and whatnot) so people can have a choice of how they want to play. Pick server type A if you’re fine with people playing in whichever way they want to play. Pick server type B if you want a more traditional WoW experience when you get what you earn within a guild structure.

However, and I see how selfish this is, I would rather it removed from the game entirely than allowed everywhere.

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If you don’t have the time to do a 45 min raid, how do you have time to farm gold for GDKP? Ohhh… I get it :wink:

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I mean separate servers tbh sounds better than just removing it as you stick all the bots and RMT players on a single server. It would be essentially the WoW equivalent of making a red light district and everyone else wouldn’t be bothered by it.

It has to do with strict scheduling, you can log in at any time to pick flowers, mine nodes, craft supplies and post on AH. I’ve never bought gold. period.