GDKP in Season of Discovery

Thanks for proving my point perfectly lol.

You and I define “worse” in different ways.
This is actually nothing.

This isn’t surprising nor is lack of basic economic concepts. The gold sellers are throttling the market to artificially inflate the market. Same concept as OPEC and such. But bots are down dramatically. Looks like the P2W kiddos are still taken the L. Cheers!

Update: Oh, you’re one of the people who says “Oh, just let it go out of control again. Surely it couldn’t happen for a 4th time?”
Go ahead, die on that hill.

Like i said ty for proving my point

Would you like to defend yours? Or do you think this somehow does something good for your image?

To clarify; You’re okay with them ignoring the problem again. And then the economy goes crazy again, and little things like potions costs hundreds of gold. You’re okay with that happening again?

Yup and every reply of you being obsessed on what i reply just shows that i was perfect right in my above post.

Okay, at least you took the time to make your last 3 posts obvious of your indifference. Thus meaning your opinion as a whole is laughable, at best.

+1 for you tho, amirite? (:

Oh your still posting? Please tell me how you are not obsessed with this? Tell me how this isnt like the us race lol. You literally cannot let it drop. If i thought you would actually be worth while to have a debate with i would do it. The thing is ypur not. You just are coming on here to scream at people and not have a constructive talk.

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I give up, you’re still being serious.
Have fun in those other threads. At least I stopped you in this one.

Stopped me? Lol if someone else wants to discuss with me in here i will as long as i think they are willing to be genuine about it. You are just like talking to a brick wall. Hurling out insults and arguing from emotion. Sounds like a waste of time to me.

So… What was your argument again?
Seems like it couldn’t be much. Since all I did was point out you’re okay with letting the econ die, and suddenly I’m not worth a “debate”.

Forgive me for mildly inconveniencing you, there are 600+ posts here. Point me to the nugget of wisdom you put out that I missed.

Retail doesnt use personal loot any longer

I admit, I caved at looked at your post history. And I was 100% right.
I look forward to your silence.

As a player who values the GDKP I’ll humor you for a minute, but do not Troll my posts.
This is my opinion, and you are entitled to your own.

Flexibility and Time Management: The beauty of GDKP lies in its flexibility, which is crucial for players with demanding schedules. The argument that no guilds raid after 9 PM is not universally true. People live in different time zones, have varying work schedules, and personal commitments. GDKP raids offer an alternative for those who cannot fit into the conventional guild raiding schedules. It’s not about poor time management; it’s about accommodating diverse lifestyles and commitments. This flexibility, in fact, represents the epitome of good time management, as it allows players to balance their gaming with other responsibilities.

Social Aspects of Guilds: While it’s true that guilds don’t necessarily require members to be highly social, the social dynamics of guilds can still be daunting for some. GDKP provides an environment where the focus is more on the gameplay and less on social hierarchies or commitments. This can be more comfortable for players who prefer a straightforward approach to raiding.

Opposition to Botting and RMT: I want to make it clear that I am firmly against botting and real-world money trading (RMT). These practices harm the game’s integrity and fairness. My enjoyment of GDKP is based on legitimate in-game gold earning and spending. GDKP should not be conflated with these illicit activities; instead, efforts should be directed at combating RMT and botting directly.

Seriousness in Raiding: GDKP groups often comprise players who take raiding seriously. The system provides an opportunity to raid with a reliable group of players focused on progression. This can lead to a more efficient and goal-oriented raiding experience, which is appealing to many players.

Economic Considerations: The concern about GDKP creating a monopoly-like situation is noted. However, GDKP operates within the bounds of the game’s economy, where gold is earned and spent in line with the game’s mechanics. It’s a different form of economic interaction compared to traditional guild-based raiding, but it’s still a legitimate part of the game’s economy.

For folks that say it’s Toxic, These are the rules by which the GDKPS I engage with live by:

Raid Rules: 1. Don’t be toxic. Do not flame other members or use offensive or hateful language. 2. Do not be disruptive to the run. Do not interrupt the raid leader or the bidding process. 3. You must pull your weight in the run. Members who are not adequately fulfilling their raid role will not be invited back. Extreme cases may result in removal from the run. 4. You must follow all directions given to you by the admins. This includes debuff, curse, and tanking assignments. 5. Gold will be split evenly between all members at the end of the run. 6. You must stay for the full duration of the run to receive your share. Your share is forfeited if you leave the raid early or are removed for rule violation.

It’s a different way to play, some of us enjoy the aspect of gold, and others hate farming. To each their own.


I’ve used every loot system at some point and there are some you missed out on

Regular DKP: The system is OK but it ultimately ends up with people passing on upgrades to horde points for the hotly contested items

Suicide Kings: This just basically makes the same issue as DKP but even worse as you go from Top to Bottom

/roll well you better hope the dice are in your favor

EPGP is imo the best loot system. It has some minor flaws but can be mitigated. You spend points like DKP but a fixed amount given the gear value of the item so there is much less passing on upgrades and hoarding points.

Also loot council can vary from awful to decent depending on how it is implemented.

Wow. A new policy. One that affects not one single person I know. Yay. Huzzah. yawn Wunderbar. Yeah. Great job. sigh

Here’s an idea. How about you guys enforce the policies YOU ALREADY HAVE. Specifically the RP Realms naming policy. Mmmmkay? I’m sick of seeing “Imahunterlol”, or worse, the vulgar/racist names, on my RP realms.

But hey, who am I? I’m nobody. Just a player that signed up for a realm with a set of rules that are promised in a ToU. Why should I expect those rules to matter?

And with all the CS firings in the news the last few days? Yeah… looks like the forums will be the only place where GM’s will actually do anything.

ROFL. I just realized. You people are the embodiment of the old adage “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” You have rules that you don’t care about, evidenced by your lack of enforcement of said rules, because not enough people complain about them. EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE RULES! And then you have rules that never existed, but you bring them into existence because enough people complain to warrant action. Which is fine. That’s how rules work. But try to remember the burden of bureaucracy. 1 rule is easy to enforce. 1000 rules… not so much.

Dennin Stouthammer - Hunter and teller of tales both TALL and small.
“May your tankards be ever full, May your friends be true and faithful, and May your God forever smile down upon you.”

How? If you’re a early morning/late night raider (both annoying, I’m sure) how does being in this situation make finding a GDKP that much easier or harder? If you are on certain hours, you have to go out of your way to find a GDKP too, right? Could be using that same energy to get into a guild and never have to look again. As then you could be a on a schedule. It’s more about poor time management, not exclusively.

I can’t really say more here. You aren’t wrong, but I still don’t feel wrong in my stance. Just have to look for a guild that is more for you. Which is ideally what you want anyways. Helps to completely ignore the last point, so it seems worth the extra time to find that guild for you.

And I’m with you on this too. GDKPs can come back. But “the weather” is no longer good enough for it.
I think we can both agree if Blizz clamped down on this literally anytime in the passed while since this has been a problem, this wouldn’t be as bad as it is. But unfortunately, they didn’t. And now we have to take these extra steps into just getting into starting that whole process.

Another thing that you can find outside of GDKPs, and many guilds also want this as well.
If this is going how you picture it, then there will be more serious raiding guilds forming. Which is awesome. Overlap is great here.

I never finish these seasons because the econ breaks. I’d really really like this to be the one I don’t feel the need to.

I only troll those who are asking for it. You used your words, that’s all I ask.

I did some GDKP runs on my alt for BWL & AQ in 2019 classic to make some gold for my main running Naxx with my guild in since it was far more efficient gold per hour than farming.

This was probably the most soulless and awful experience I have ever had in this game and although it was efficient I stopped doing it and reverted to farming after a few weeks. It just was not worth it.

Having kids and irregular hours means you cannot commit to a schedule, SOD is casual enough to where putting together a 10 man GDKP is a nice alternative, as I mentioned the players tend to be a cut above that of a PUG - MS > OS / SR rolls. That means as an example maybe I can raid Tuesday one week, and Thursday another…

Guilds with core raid teams want consistent players and if they’re doing LC / or any sort of guild managed loot those players who can’t fit a regular schedule suffer. Hence GDKP where a player DOES have influence over the loot they get, and where fresh alts are welcome and gear score becomes non blocker due to the nature of fresher characters tend to enrich those who are BiS as it’s a tradeoff players are willing to make.

I think we can agree here the real enemy is RMT and Botting. I hate both, and have been impacted by such both in PVP / Auctioning / and Raiding myself. I do not buy gold and I don’t welcome that activity in my raids either. Period.