GDKP in Season of Discovery

You are still just reaching my man. This will all be water under the bridge in a few weeks. If bots continue to decline and illicit gold in SoD continues to be devalued then we know GDKP was a major cause of RMT. If not then Blizz removes the ban and you P2W kiddos can swipe away. Time will tell but, as of now, it looks like banning GDKP is working shrugs

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No I just already addressed you and I won’t retype it. You just sound like a troll. If you won’t read things then what you have to say has zero value.

Sounds like a 40s man-child longing for his youth with rose-tint glass.

I don’t think GDKPers would request this. And those that don’t do GDKP have no understand nor say over how GDKP are played. How can you let some players dictate some other players play the game. GDKP doesn’t do any harm to those that don’t participate.

If the happier raiders were playing in a guild, why would they care how people run PUG?

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Don’t worry friend, I will read your long winded statement.

And now I can ignore it all, because you think even trying to combat the problem is a bad idea. Which is an oddly common stance to have on the other side of this fence.

So they should let the servers get out of control? And let the encon die like the other servers? That’s “fine” with you ?

I’ll use Blizz’s own words:

It’s also undeniable that GDKP contributes to and drives a lot of illicit activity, such as real-money trading (RMT) and botting, as it creates a demand for in-game gold that would not otherwise exist. GDKP can create an “arms race” effect that encourages participating players to purchase gold to be able to compete for the best items.

Apparently you are incorrect. Cheers!

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They can track RMT but they do not ban people for it. Which is made obvious because they give people suspensions for doing it. Ban people that RMT. The actual problem will go away fast. GDKPs would still continue. Not a hard concept to understand. But I haven’t seen anyone that is anti-GDKP say to just ban RMTers. Everyone seems to think that the players that don’t attend GDKPs are the only ones that are able to make gold that doesn’t involve buying it and only the GDKPers need to buy gold. Why do the non-GDKPers not want to ban RMT?

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That’s a sketch. Inflation does little harm, and it happens anyway without GDKP. Botting won’t just go away. As long as it’s profitable. illicit activity doesn’t have a huge impact on players happiness, and GDKP doesn’t cause that.

Should there be a point in time that selling gold is not worthy for bots, you will have a market saturated with gold. That means this policy won’t do anything. Until then, the bots won’t stop.

We will see over the next few months. You say this but bots do affect players, especially when in the open world. One must only google “SoD Bots” to see dozens of them in 1KN or Southern Barrens and thats only a single layer. Illicit gold is plummeting and botting activity is noticeably (at least on CS) reduced.

There’s the entitlement right there. The entire “how WoW is supposed to be played” mentality is really weird. I’ll play the video game how I want to, and you’re free to do the same.

Well said.

Well, yours causes bans now.
Ours is still (and always has been) how the game was played. That’s not entitlement, that’s how it was made.

You can hold a gun backwards, and easily shoot it. You can grab knife without ever touching the handle. You can walk into that campfire. Does that mean you should? No

SoOoOo… Maybe not.

“Man, I get off work at 9. Sure wish there was guilds that raid after 9. Too bad there’s none.” What world does this person live in?
It baffles me that people are trying to use the “I don’t manage my time very well, so I should be catered to first and foremost” mentality.

Also worth noting, you don’t have to be social to be in a guild. Guilds don’t mind the quiet group who are just there to clear. They want to clear like you do. It’s you who feels weird in a group of people actually trying to be social.

Using this logic…

…Define “fair”

This is a classic server(plus more). That’s what the entire point of these servers are. With or without GDKP. So, that’s a no.

Do you know what a monopoly is? Heck, have you ever played Monopoly?
" Don’t worry guys, I start with 5k more than you. But it’ll get back to you eventually. "

yea guilds were hosting gdkps even back then. that might have been how you played but it wasnt how i played.

Ok…? I guess.

It wasn’t at all like the vast majority of people were playing in my server. The word itself didn’t even pop into trade/general chat until WOTLK (again, in my server).

I would wager that this is the experience that a lot of people that played back then long for and possibly so many people that are playing retail that keep seeing this mode pop up , which is why they got so much negative feedback and decided to act on it.

Like I said before, I have no problems with GDKP existing, I just want to play in a realm without it. I would have preferred if they raised a more strict ruleset realm so we can all play the way we want to. :person_shrugging:

i know on mine we used to call them gar(gear auction raid)

thats fine but they listened to an echo chamber because people who were happy with gdkps were generally just chilling but now…i mean just look at the war on the forums lol. its worse than the us presidential race.

would have been cool if they had a split server to test this. like one that would allow vs one that it doesnt

I’ve never even heard of GAR until today.

See back then we had options, we could roll on a popular realm and have all these things happen, or we could roll on a small-medium RP realm and see absolutely not one of those things and just have like-minded people playing the game. Sure, in my realm, only one guild was doing Naxx (and not clearing), but that’s a very acceptable compromise to me.

I would have liked that split as well. But I would go even further. Call it something flashy and ToS ban:

  • Carries, Boosting, GDKPs, Gold Buying, Gold Selling, Bots, etc. All bannable offenses.

Yeah, no. The GDKPs are losing by miles. It’s hilarious.
Just cope thread after cope thread where OP fades away after about 5 reposnses and the rest of the thread is the fire that spread to the others talking.

Politics is a different kind of fire.

the gold has rebounded fyi so there goes your little conspiracy theory kiddo :wink: :rofl:

Questing at level 25 will earn you enough gold to cover consumable costs.

Pugging has never been a reliable way to raid. Find yourself a good guild and none of this is an issue.

It’s Blizzard’s mentality, not mine. Hence GDKP getting banned because it erodes guild communities and leads to RMT.