GDKP in Season of Discovery

I don’t know what you mean by that. If you played in 2006, outside of maybe Asmongold’s 1% guild, people farmed for gold. They grinded for gold. Fish for gold. Professions. Etc. etc. Questing is not the only method, just one of them.

This WAS the game. Making gold through interacting with the world, dungeons, exploringm pvping and raiding was World of Warcraft back then.

Stands to reason that if they want to recapture that feeling again, these modern practices that contradict those feelings should be stopped. Or at least tried to tone it down.

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Seems you’re ignoring the second part of that statement where it reads that raiding to get gold is also a problem. You probably disagree, so we’re not going to get to any conclusions here.

I’m going to sleep. Have a good night!

ive been playing since TBC, sure there are all sorts of methods of earning gold… there are also people that prefer playing the AH game. people buy mats of the AH, craft and sell for gold…

there is a myriad of ways people earn gold. and again… you seem to think that GDKP takes away form world play however there are always new people hitting max level that want in on these runs and with RMT being banned that will further incentivize them to go earn it…

i already responded to that, a partial reason people raid is to earn loot to improve their toon… gold also helps to serve this function and in effect is no different than raiding for gear… if blizz didnt want people earning gold from raids they wouldn’t make BOES that drop from raid zones. i can keep painting the picture on this response but im sure you get the jist

how many people would they have to ban for them to consider it not working?

I too would enjoy buying stolen goods that “fell off the back of the truck”. It’s still part of RMT. Everyone in a GDKP recieved laundered gold and many of the bigger groups on Discord that are running multiple GDKPs a week are turning around and selling the gold from their cut.

Look, this is an experiment, if it doesn’t do what Blizzard intends then I am sure they will back away from it and you can get back to amassing your giant pile of gold. If it does work then Blizzard can point to the data and make the ban official in all versions of the game. Either way it’s a win. We find out GDKP is completely harmless or it’s not.

Right now it hurts because y’all are going to have to work for your phase 2 gear and god forbid, actually play the game. Imagine running a raid because it’s fun and not a business decision? Oh the humanity!

Ban BOEs, ban consumes, ban the AH, as they are all recipients of RMT, all people that have listed items have recieved laundered gold.

you are also assuming that they all sell their cuts and you provide no hard evidence to back your claims… in -fact most people save their gold to bid later…most cuts after a run = about 10g… you think thats actually profitable vs the price and quantity the bot armies sell at lol? please

im sure it will backfire… and im not sure what you are talking about… gold cuts are not that big from these lmao… pieces go for 1-5 gold in general… the pots on average are around 10g… thats 5 quests or less worth of gold

the wow token disagrees with your conspiracy theory

that fact you are imply we didnt work for our p1 gear shows your ignorance to the situation at hand, I and many others worked out butts off farming gold/doing quests and other in game activities, then cleared the raid many times over… vs your system of go in and /roll

your version of fun isnt everyones version of fun… infact fun is a highly subjective word

The bait is real with this one

The problem that Blizzard themselves stated is RMT and Botting. They will also be able to confirm that RMT and Botting occur in every iteration of the game, even when GDKP doesn’t exist. So it is clear that this will never get rid of it.

The amount of anti-GDKPers that truly believe that the only way players can GDKP is to buy gold makes me wonder how many of them buy gold. They claim to make their gold via questing, professions, farming, and AHing yet do not think that anyone else that prefers a different loot distribution style could do the same thing. So maybe those claims are false (since everyone who is pro-GDKP that says they don’t buy gold are told they are liars) and they can only comprehend buying gold as the only way someone could make gold in the game enough to spend 5-10g on a piece of gear.

What the GDKP ban will get rid of is a flexible yet competitive raid (No SR or MS>OS pug is clearing 40 man Naxx) with a loot distribution system that is the most fair I have been apart of and I have been apart of all of it in every role you could be. The ban will hinder a large part of the community and take away a vast social outlet for most. Friends I have made of the years have a different guild tag but we are all apart of a large and helping community. Not everyone can share the same guild tag so sometimes this was the only way to have an opportunity to raid with some. The ban will remove most players desire to play more than one character and in turn hurt the servers community since players will start to raid log sooner and there won’t be a constant flow of players leveling out in the world or questing. The ban would remove a source of income for those who don’t have time to farm. Some players don’t know how to effectively use the AH to make gold also (no matter how many times I try to help them).

The list goes on. If you have never been to a GDKP then how are you so certain without a doubt how the GDKP operates? Based on what players are saying here that are so vehemently against GDKPs it is clear that you have zero concept of how one operates. I encourage you to try to attend one before you continue your crusade against them. And if you decide that it still isn’t for you and want to argue against it at least you can come to the table with actual information and experience instead of hyperbole and rude regurgitation of inaccurate information that they can never back up with facts that I have seem some post.

And to those just rejoicing about the ban. What will you do if it doesn’t end up happening? Because Blizzard wanted feedback since player feedback is what led them to this decision. Why would anyone that was enjoying GDKPs ever come to the forums to say “Golly Gee I do love my GDKP!” when they were too busy playing the game. What the forums were saying were only from those that were against the existence of GDKPs. But now that Blizzard made the announcement we are seeing the forums light up with all the pro-GDKP posts and information about why they are beneficial. I do hope that Bliizzard reads the feedback and rethinks their experiment.

Limit the reasons why someone would need to buy gold and you limit the RMT’ers and botters. There’s not a whole lot of reason to have a lot of gold at 25 or 40. You get mount at 40, you can maybe buy a rare blue, but that’s it. There’s no reason to buy gold otherwise if GDKP doesn’t exist, therefore there’s no reason to have massive bot farms to amass and sell it.

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I do hope you read the entire thing because I don’t think you did. Please continue to read. I assure you it gives more information.

I saw the part I wanted to comment on, otherwise I don’t generally care about this issue. I neither liked or hated GDKP, but I think it’s a good thing it’s gone.

And that there lies the problem. But I stated that Botting and RMT existed without GDKPs. To think otherwise would be to bury your head in the sand. GDKPs don’t exist everywhere and yet there has always been botting and RMT. I remember watching a bot kill turtles in hinterlands back in 2005. If you think botting and RMT will magically vanish then you are in for a very rude awakening if this actually gets implemented.

RMT and botters are able to exist in a state of the game where they are most effective at affecting player experience, which there is very little of in classic with a level 40 cap. Name the things you can think of that you need a lot of gold and would consider buying it at 40…

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If you aren’t going to actually read what I write in it’s entirety then you aren’t worth wasting my time responding to. You have made it clear that you won’t read a response in full why would I waste my time responding to you? If you only intend to cherry pick partial statements and then expect me to retype something that I already typed then you aren’t interested in an actual conversation but just want someone to talk at with your factless opinions.

Ok, so you can’t name anything you would need to buy gold for at 40, let alone 25 (outside of GDKP and mount that I mentioned). If you want to be sensitive about what I respond to in your posts, then I guess you shouldn’t post at all. I could really care less if this conversation continues or not, and I’m not going to be offended that you don’t like talking to me.

Why did carries (the majority of players in a GDKP run) do GDKPs if gold is so unimportant?

Greed? If you have nothing better to do, gold is still worth collecting for future use. And it’s not like there isn’t anything to buy, the problem is that the differences between items are barely noticeable at this stage, and the difference in cost can be extreme simply from rarity. I don’t think it’s worth it for 5 extra agi on an item, not enough that it will make so much of a difference in performance, but if you have the money… why not? And then you have to ask is it worth buying gold to get those items? Probably not, imo.

raiding should not be profitable in a fantasy world. you should be spending gold you get by playing the game to complete challenges and get loots randomly or however committed guild would decide to gear their players. with no authority there is no game economy and this is just 1 problem. but unfortunately even attempting this comes off as laughable to some of the most degen players considering wows long extensive history of game abuse going unheard. even still look at retail. full of cheats and abuse to sell carries of all content. at least one version of this game can attempt to do something so that’s all I would ask

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Terrible change and players will just find a way around it.

Those who are unlucky get banned you essentially kill your own playerbase for choosing to play how they want gdkp is no different to any other system of loot.

Players earn there gold they should be able to decide how they want to spend it.

Rather than target legitimate players who farm gold / earn it in gdkps you should be banning the bots , gold sellers and people who buy gold if you can’t do that / figure out how to then you shouldn’t be punishing others because of it.