GDKP in Season of Discovery

why not leave GKPS alone and all the benefits it brings to players and simply target and ban people that RMT? if they can cam people that do GDKPs then they should be able to find and ban gold buyers and simply leave all the innocent people alone that prefer that style of game play … but naw instead of taking out the root cause yall rather destroy the thing alot of legit people enjoy

ban RMT only, leave everyone else alone

its not intellectual dishonesty what so ever, in -fact you are projecting here… max level quests eventually run out… not to mention there are ALOT of people that HATE questing… however with that said, alot of people DO quest up gold then begin their GDKPs and are assumed to have RMT their gold… regardless… classic vanilla had no GDKPs on mankrik and the price of consumes was off the charts to the point that dam near every gold RMT for their consumes

sure, that works for a portion of the playerbase… there is also a portion of the playerbase that have jobs and other IRL commitments that they cannot commit to guild raid times… some people have irregular schedules etc

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Most people will stop, why risk your account over gdkp? Some people will of course attempt to continue gdkps

Can you cite your info on this or is this just your head cannon

Lots of people on both sides of the argument stirring up drama, it takes two to tango.

tbh no idea why you feel such a need to argue about this if you don’t participate in gdkp

RMT has been a thing WAY before GDKPs were around.
rather that punishing a large portion of the player base that legit enjoy GDKP runs… simply have blizzard enforce their own TOS and Ban RMTers… and leave everyone else out of it to play how THEY enjoy playing

of not we need to see some consistency. if we are banning GDKPS in order to reduced RMT at the expense of legit players… we also need to ban BOEs, Consumes, and the AH as a whole… as those are also outlets that people RMT for… pick one as you cannot have both

Yes they will and nothing will happen.

Want to know why? Allow me to tell you what will happen:

  1. The gdkp forms as normal through discord

  2. The players go into the raid on their toons accounts.

3, players clear the raid and now it’s time to Gbid on items

  1. All transactions are carried out between burner and alt accounts OUTSIDE the dungeon in major cities. (Just like they use when they buy gold and other services)

  2. The Final Cut is distributed between players burner accounts

VOILA!! The gdkp didn’t change at all in the slightest and zero gold treading happened inside the instance and is not tracked

Gdkps then carry on as normal!

I feel the need to say something because the cult is completely embarrassing them selves and the gdkp still isn’t going away. So it isn’t a win and it will backfire because now transactions just happen on burner accounts

I’m commenting because I’m fed up with this embarassment of a subject. People need to get a life

That’s fair. I’d wager that’s not the majority though. I will say though that Lava Lash barely had any GDKPs going on and people still pugged easily and often.

I think it’s also common knowledge that consumables become a problem later on in the game and they might have some things up their sleeves to combat that without allowing people to raid for gold to raid, for gold, to raid, for ad infinitum.

Also, RMT is only one part of why GDKPs are bad for the classic experience. Classic is about questing, the world, the adventures, mystery, exploration.

The type of player that enjoys being inside instances and doing only that came after classic, starting with wrath. I fully support a world experience exclusively for this version of the game

people havent left cities even before GKPS… blizzard destoryed or rather didnt create any good reasons to go into it / while making instance finders… one of the many things that made people miss classic… regardless you trying to conflate GDKP with people sitting in towns is just bad argument

Yes, that happened after wrath. Mostly with Warlords of Draenor and our strongholds.

There are things that remove the reasons to go out into the world.

Instance finder is one of them.

GDKPs are another.

Compounding them creates the problem. I’m glad they’re attempting to remove one and haven’t added the other to this version.

Honestly very easy to identify and track. I’ve never been in a group that didn’t divy up loot as soon as it dropped. Groups that don’t divy up loot instantly will likely be flagged as suspicious. Not to mention the requirement for anybody that wants to participate in gdkp now needing to have multiple accounts is pretty laughable

sure… people can do pugs… but with that you are running with new faces week in and week out constantly rolling against others on gear over and over and over as there will always be a new face that needs what you do… in the case of a GDKP at least you get gold at the end of it that you can use to save up to eventually earn all your pieces and taking out the RNG dependancy from it all phase long

they sure are going through alot of touble when they already have something up their sleeve called TOS… BAN RMT and leave people alone that play the game legit

Completey delusional take.

Transactions will be handled on alt accounts that are completely unrelated to the raid.

It is very common and practically the norm to have more than 1 account. I argue you are completely sheltered and vanilla if you don’t know this.

Every alt I play is on a different account solely so I can be logged into my toons at the same time if I need to. I have always done that for the purpose of collecting word buffs

with RMT gone…even more people would resort to questing to get an edge on the bidding war inside the runs… thus its promotes that in witch you advocate for ontop of keeping more people engaged all through the phase

Also fair, there are definitely benefits to a portion of the community, there is no denying that. But in general, I still think it’s negative for the game as a whole and definitely not just because of RMT.

But you’re preaching to the choir here. If I were to make a decision about this, I would have picked creating a realm with a bunch of those restrictions and leave other realms unrestricted.

Kind of like hardcore realms. If you’re in, you know what you’re getting. If you don’t like it, there are regular realms out there. Everyone is happy :person_shrugging:

Well I guess we get to sit back and see who’s right. Do most people stop participating in gdkps? Do people that continue Gdkps get banned? Effects of no more GDKP having on rmt and bots. We get to sit back and see how it all unfolds no need for theoreticals

Probably at first, sure. Then when they’re able to get money exclusively from it, then that fades away. The problem with GDKP is both RMT to get items and raiding to get gold.

Yes we will!

Burner and alt accounts are certainly not theoretical and is exactly what will happen

and once you get through your quests and your incentives to explore, that too will fade… not everyone wants to keep doing the same quests over and over

simply have blizzard enforce their own TOS end end RMT… done

raiding to get gold? whats wrong with raiding to earn stuff to progress your character? should we ban loot too?