GDKP in Season of Discovery

Genius way to kill the game guess it was going too well lol. GDKPs get people to keep playing even after BiS now people will get BiS and just not bother logging on anymore


That’s why they are experimenting with banning it.

GDKPs have actually been a thing since Vanilla we used to do them for orig Naxx and BWL which is why it’s hilarious that Blizz is listening to people who clearly didn’t play back then and try to claim it’s not something that was in the game.


Enriching wallets more like, and I am pretty sure Blizz knows exactly what they are doing. If you think they are just doing this on a whim and don’t have reams of data showing RMT in GDKP runs you are kidding yourself.

Crippling RMT and slowing down the money train. This is a very intended consequence.

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Anyone care to explain why? It’s still deleted btw.

I appreciate your point on RMT’s influence in GDKP runs, but I believe that completely removing GDKP overlooks its positive impact on many players like myself. GDKP not only diversifies the raiding experience but also promotes a more inclusive and dynamic in-game economy. Yes, RMT is an issue, but I think the solution lies in targeted enforcement against these practices rather than eliminating a system that has been beneficial for a vast number of players. By addressing RMT directly, we can preserve the advantages of GDKP, ensuring fair play while maintaining the system’s enjoyment and accessibility for all players.

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Please don’t fake your caring. I’m tired of it from people pretending to care about communities but refuse to actually experience what they are shutting down for themselves. I only mentioned it because the other person made a point that it was insulting to people who have RL problems but then he continued to prove that they didn’t actually care.

Why would people buy gold when you can quest for a few hours with friends and get 50-100g? The prices on CS have doubled because that is how things progress naturally when more people level alts and start raiding.

How is it a system haves and have nots in that split? You grossly overestimate how many people buy gold and attend GDKPs. And how are you at a significant disadvantage? I make gold by using my professions and the AH and questing. Your complete lack of understanding about GDKPs is very clear. The gold I get in GDKPs often makes me break even at best because I use it to buy gear for my alts because I enjoy playing several characters. SOD payouts are about 1-10g per. I make way more gold on the AH faster. Or questing.

The questing aspect of the game to make gold I feel like has been overlooked in all those complaining about GDKPs in SOD. The other day in 3 hours of questing I made around 50g. Make several alts and quest with friends on those several alts then you have amassed quite a bit.

ANd the claim that blizzard is trying to protect the integrity of the game makes me want to tell you to reread the blue post. This is an “experiment” and they are “hesitant” to try this out because they don’t want to discourage the “social aspect” that GDKPs bring.


Agree that Blizz needs to improve on their bot bans. Hoping to see more done about it soon!

Who says I am defending swiping for pixels? Stop twisting words to suit your false narrative please. It’s disgusting. I hate gold buying. I do not support it. I wish that Blizzard would actually address the problem because people will still buy gold with or without GDKPs because they have always done it and continue to do it in versions of the game where GDKPs don’t exist.

Legitimate question why are you listening to player who do not play this aspect of the game? You have already made boosting annoying as hell outside of guild runs while adding more and more gold sinks into the game like the axe on retail. Now you are making consumable farming just as annoying on classic. If you want to cut gold fine, then STOP adding in gold sink after gold sink. I would love to just show up and raid and never do another boost but that’s not possible with the current state of the game.

You are listening to people who do not partake in the activity. This would be like listening to me if I started complaining about how many world quests clutter up my map and that I don’t want there to be more than one a zone.

It’s an activity I don’t partake in and that I could easily ignore. Just hard ban people who advertise stuff outside of the services channel that’s what it’s for after all and if people still cry tell them to get over it. You are going to kneecap the people who want to actually play the game because of the sheer amount of gold annoyance they need to put up with and it’s getting to the point where it just isn’t worth it.


Didn’t you hear? Their plan is that by banning GDKP all bots and RMT will magically go away.

Your faux outrage fits this description.

Well to be fair. Cutting one of the heads off the 3 headed RMT dragon is a step in the right direction and will reduce overall demand for gold and reduce bots. Seems like a no brainer.

Now if Blizz can ban bots and gold buyers faster and more frequently we’d have a home run. For now I’m happy with a hit out to right field and getting to 2nd base.

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As someone who regularly participates in GDKP runs, I understand the intention to combat bots and RMT, but I don’t think banning GDKP is the right move. GDKP isn’t the root of RMT; it’s just one aspect being exploited. We should focus on direct action against bots and gold buyers. GDKP offers unique raiding experiences and inclusivity for many players. Cutting it out might not significantly dent RMT but will surely impact players who rely on this system. A balanced approach, targeting the real root causes while keeping GDKP, seems more effective.

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Bots are noticeably fewer in the Southern Barrens and WC. A simple /who will verify this. I will concede this doesn’t necessarily mean anything in a vacuum, but it is promising. Also illicit gold prices have tanked, again the same disclaimer as above.

I would think the GDKP folks would support this 100%. If things happen the way you claim then bots and rmt’s will remain consistent or increase, Blizz reverts this policy and all the P2W kiddos can tell those of us that have a negative opinion of GDKP’s to kick rocks.

If the current trend continues though and illicit gold continues to be devalued and bots are less prevalent of SoD then the P2W folks will have to concede they were the problem and suck it up. Or they could find another game I guess.


Banning GDKP’s won’t impact anything and just shows a complete ignorance of human nature.

The people RMT didn’t look at GDKP’s and go oh this is a good cost per dollar value so let me RMT. They saw the game had gold in it and that they could RMT it and RMT’d it. Which they’ll simply continue to do.

Glad to see a decrease in bots and illicit gold, but linking this solely to banning GDKP seems oversimplified. GDKP adds value to WoW through inclusivity and a vibrant economy. While I support combating bots and RMT, removing GDKP might not be necessary. It’s crucial to balance efforts against illicit activities while retaining positive game elements like GDKP.

I acknowledge this, time will tell though.

Perhaps, but simply have value is not a reason to keep something. You must evaluate the pro and cons of said thing and use to make a decision. It appears (and I agree) that the negative effects of GDKP’s bring to the game out weigh the good.

You may be correct on this and, if so, I will come to these forums and admit my assessment was wrong. After all we will know if it works or not by the end of P3 if not P2. If this approach is ineffectual then GDKP’s come back and you folks get to throw rocks at those of us that were wrong and I’ll be here for it.

I’m on record as stating that if RMT were not a factor I wouldn’t give two figs one way or the other about GDKP’s. But I truly believe they are the reason for the enormous amount of bots and ill effects on the economy. Perhaps I’m wrong and if I am we will know if 4-5 months time and the GDKP folks will never have to listen to people like me again. I just hope those that defend GDKP have the same approach if I’m proven right.

Would like to add I appreciate the civil discourse. Cheers!

I’m all for data driven decisions, blizzard made it clear this is an experiment. I hope they find a better way honestly. GDKP has been some of the most fun I’ve had raiding and frankly I’ve done SR / MS > OS / LC / Roll → GDKP is great, and I hate to see people talking about them so poorly when they’ve never tried it or experienced it… There are bad apples everywhere and I’ll go back to working the auction house.

Cheers mate.

I’ll admit that I have a negative opinion of GDKP’s and those that run them. Again, I believe GDKP is P2W and even if you aren’t buying gold you are participating in its distribution. Best part is we now have a chance to find out. I agree that in a perfect world Blizz would just find a way to nix the bots and all the RMT’s would go away, but we both know life is more nuanced than that. Hopefully there is way we both get what we are looking for. Enjoy your evening :slight_smile:

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