GDKP in Season of Discovery

Because there’s no Token in SoD is why. Blizz knows players sell them for gold to use in GDKPs. That doesn’t apply to SoD, so they won’t be losing out.

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Ah. How repulsive. =/

Huge win. Make it so in Cata.

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I mean. I am going through major real life issues and therefore could never even afford to buy gold but I greatly enjoy the GDKP structure and community. I also know how to use the AH to make gold and do things like quest with friends on a regular basis like most people who GDKP in SOD. So I am greatly insulted by your posts. If that is how we are going to logic it now. Using only black and white statements and not being open to the possibility that there may be any gray area whatsoever is not exactly healthy.

So does MasterCard.

Sincerely, hope things get better for you. There is always help and folks to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out.

The term “victim” used in this scenario is incorrect, disturbing and gross. No one is a victim in this.

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You just cherry picked partial sentences and twisted what was said and catered your reply to that. Ignoring the fact that I stated I have never bought gold because my real life issues have put me in a position where that would never even be a possibility even if I wanted it to be. I state that in reply to your saying that anyone claiming to be a victim in all this who enjoys the community is insulting to people with real life issues. Faked concern while still ignoring exactly what I said. Like actually yikes dude. Your whole reply and thoughts on this is insulting to all the people like me. Stop pretending to care about community and then when people actually express real concerns about the loss of their community by the choices others made that prevent them from playing the game (I enjoy GDKPing on alts but guess I won’t play alts anymore and just raid log on my main) tell them that their concern doesn’t exist because it goes against what you believe happens and therefore they cannot be suffering what is going on. “I ate today so clearly no one is starving.” Go to a GDKP and see if for yourself. No one is buying gold to pay 1g or even 10g for an item when questing can give you hundreds.


We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold.”

Here is an example that happens often.

Loot system does not matter.

insert crafting material, BOE gear (green, blue, epic), fish oil?<

Regardless the intent of the person winning the open roll / organicly looting the item.

Player A wins / organicly loots item
Player B whispers can i buy that?
Player C whispers can i buy that?
Player A whispers player B/C how much…

This has happend in every loot system and guild i have ever participated that wasnt a gdkp.

I can specifically recall winning a roll on a ZG tiger and ppl instanly msging just gold amounts unsolicited.

Could be “awarded for gold, first whisper, secret word,” dosnt matter the award mechanism is there once a 2nd player is involved

Can we please get better verbiage in order to avoid the automated ban.

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If true, not sure I believe you, then you are still not a victim. You have plenty of options left to play. Its a video game man, the took P2W out. Perhaps you should look the word “victim” up.

From my interpretation this would get you banned. You are selling raid loot for gold. You can try and see if they buy your justification but I bet this is an automated thing and an appeal could be lengthy.

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For the people saying “I never bought gold” ohhhhh ok……so you joined a GDKP via some friends and started amassing wealth via gold purchased by other players. So you encouraged the gold buying. Getting rich off of cheaters doesn’t really make you any better.

Congrats for outing yourself as a huge problem in the game. Don’t say it’s clean it’s not. And neither is my toddlers diaper.


I don’t think Blizzard should approach their game with your real life issues in mind. Sorry that you’re going through stuff, but it’s still their job to protect the integrity of their game. Even if 5/10 players in a GDKP have never bought gold, the ones who do and bid up the prices to get what they came for end up filling your pockets with dirty, botted gold. This over time causes inflation – the prices of consumables for example on servers like Crusader Strike have doubled in the recent months.

This creates a system of haves and have nots, those who buy gold/participate in GDKP and those who don’t. If you don’t buy gold or participate in GDKPs, you’re at a significant disadvantage. Is this the kind of MMO we want to be playing? Many of us say no, which is what led us to where we are today. Some players were running alt-mills of 8 characters just farming gold that way via GDKP, ending up with thousands of gold.

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Great job, great to see an instance where blizz listens to the community.

Okay so you don’t have any idea what POD is.

It’s a bor blue that is the best 2h available at 40. Guess who’s gonna farm it? Gold sellers. Guess who’s gonna buy it? They can’t get better in gdkp

Are we going to police and pat down people buying it? You never played this game before. It’s obvious.

Curious… why isn’t it banned game wide (Retail specifically where blizzard are the ones indirectly selling gold i.e tokens for $$, which players then sell for gold, sounds like slavery with extra steps - to quote rick&morty)… did you just call your companies business model Illicit?

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you and a big demotivating factor of wow is that it puts pressure on me to engage in very unfun gameplay purely for the purposes of generating gold and not enjoyment.

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So you’re claiming that one or even a couple BIS boe blue items are going to fuel the same amount of botting and RMTing as GDKPs?

Anyone here who thinks botting will slow down even slightly are delusional. Cheaper gold means more bots to make similar cash.

This is a trash PR stunt by a billion dollar company too cheap to hire a single GM to police classic realms.


Once again you are ignoring the whole of the post and cherry picking things. Your blinders are showing. You have zero understanding of how a GDKP operates.


Feeling compelled to conform to others’ opinions about how I should play the game is disheartening. The notion of adhering to a predefined “correct” way of playing is frustrating, and players ought to have the freedom to engage with the game as they see fit, within the confines of the Terms of Service (TOS). If the aim is to eliminate illicit transactions and gold buying, a more effective approach would be to enforce the TOS and focus specifically on eradicating bots.

GDKPs stand out as the optimal loot system for the “modern gamer,” particularly for those who prefer not to commit to fixed playtime schedules. To assert that GDKPs undermine traditional social structures is a misguided claim; rather, they enhance and modernize these structures. GDKP communities essentially function as large guilds comprising hundreds or even thousands of diverse players.

Additionally, the removal of GDKPs disincentivizes geared or fully “bis” players from clearing the raid and makes it harder for new characters to get into raid groups. Why would a fully “bis” character join a Gnomer pug in the future?

My plan for SoD was to raid with my guild on my main toon and do friendly GDKPs with my friends on my alt toons, but with the removal of GDKPs, it feels pointless to play alt toons. Why would I want to do Gnomergon and have to roll against people for every piece of loot that drops? It’s incredibly disheartening to repeatedly lose loot to random players and have no control over the outcome. Why can’t I use a loot system that allows me to have some control over whether or not I obtain an item?

Lastly, it’s unfortunate that people who support GDKP are vindicated in public forums and it feels impossible to have rational conversations and engage in discourse about the topic. Truly an unfortunate situation :confused:


Oh I understand just fine thanks, but continue to defend swiping for pixels if you’d like.

I’m writing to express my concern and offer a counter-perspective regarding the recent decision to prohibit GDKP in the upcoming Season of Discovery. I believe that GDKP plays a vital role in enriching the WoW experience and that its removal may have unintended negative consequences.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: GDKP raids have democratized the raiding experience, allowing players with limited time or irregular schedules to participate. By focusing on gold rather than gear or guild affiliation, GDKP opens the door to a wider array of players, fostering a more inclusive community.

Economic Stimulation: GDKP raids serve as a significant economic engine. They encourage the circulation of gold, which in turn stimulates in-game commerce. Players who have amassed wealth through various means have the opportunity to reinvest it in the community, benefiting both buyers and sellers.

Fair Loot Distribution: The GDKP system provides a transparent and fair method for loot distribution. It eliminates the subjective nature of loot councils or the randomness of dice rolls, ensuring that those who are willing to invest their gold have an equal opportunity to acquire desired items.

Revitalization of Content: GDKP encourages participation in older or less popular raids, breathing new life into them. This not only aids new players in gearing up but also keeps veteran players engaged with a diverse range of content.

Market Stability for Gear: By offering an alternative avenue for acquiring gear, GDKP raids can help stabilize auction house prices. This indirect regulation benefits the entire player base, not just those participating in GDKP raids.

Strategic Depth: GDKP adds a layer of strategy to the game, engaging players in a unique aspect of resource management. This element of strategic bidding introduces a new challenge that enhances the overall gaming experience.

While I understand the concerns regarding real-money trading (RMT) and botting, I believe that the solution lies in stricter enforcement against these practices rather than a blanket ban on GDKP. Addressing the root causes of RMT and botting directly would alleviate these issues without removing a system that many players find beneficial and enjoyable.