GDKP in Season of Discovery

These seem ‘obvious’ yes but how would you implement an automated system for identifying and detecting this that also filters out legitimate usage of these systems? I guarantee you any suggestions you throw out, the GDKPers are already thinking of it and will work around to minimize risk of detection. Shell accounts, VPNs, staggered delivery, tracing individual gold/items, verified middle men, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the reduction of GDKPs but just saying ‘dont do them you silly kids’ is not going to work.

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Yes it affect evryone the economie of serveur and the player skills in general …

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Sorry perhaps I wasn’t specific enough. I meant the conversation of ratio of PuG group v P2W groups since GDKP’s will be banned so they will not be advertised in LFG.

I have no doubt the P2W kiddos will continue their crusade to be able to swipe and win. If the bots are reduced and RMT’s decline I don’t think any amount of tears will change anything.


i agreed whit beanzey

Still deleted.

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You new to this game?


Losing a lot of context on that quote without the full comment, and it’s true in SoD BoE’s like Staff of Jordan just aren’t nearly as good because they are no longer giga bis items.

Bear with me here. If botting and RMT existed separate of GDKPs and you say that the current price for buying gold is going down then wouldn’t that mean there would be MORE bots to make up for gold being cheaper to still hit their goals or whatever they need to hit? And would cause inflation on the AH and make the problems worse without gold sink outlets? It wouldn’t take 3 months to see that. Add in they released this information over a week before and state that they would like feedback. A week is plenty of time to receive and review feedback to see if they will actually even put something into play. Some experiments never get off the ground.

No the price of RMT goes down because people that sell gold have too much stock - lots of gold to sell, but nobody to buy it. If you have too much gold to sell and nobody to buy it are you going to upscale or downscale your botting operation?

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Yes you might get your potions a few gold cheaper, however to think the underlying issue disappears is gross negligence, during classic on mankrik there were no gdkp yet bots ran rampant and people simply RMT their consumes thus everything was still inflated, you simply punished the vast majority of non RMT because you hated the few

Now the people that relied on the gdkp income with their limited game time will resort to RMT to afford their consumes thus negating what little effect this may have, congrats on hitting a nail with a nuke and killing all the civilians around

RMT and botting have existed as long as the game has separate of GDKPs. Why do you think that it will suddenly go away when the thing that didn’t exist the whole time goes away? I honestly am curious about your reasoning. It solves and changes nothing.

But if a bot needs to sell 100g to make x but now has to sell 200g to make x then they will have to do more to get the extra 100g. And since RMT existed before and separate of GDKPs it means that people are still buying gold so they are still selling gold. And if they have to do more to get that gold then it will make things even worse in game and on the AH.

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Yes you should have been more specific when advocating for something that punishes a lot of innocent people

The simpl fact you reduce the entire thing to P2W shows you intellectual laziness while ignore the wide arrest of other use cases that most get out of it that don’t RMT

You keep accusing everyone of swiping, while still ignoring the fact that a vast majority do not, a whale is going to whale, people will still ship for other goods, you attacked a symptom at the expensive of many innocent rather that going after the root IE having blizzard enforce their own TOS and ban RMTs and leave the innocent people alone that prefer to FARM gold or quest or AH… most pieces go for 1-5 gold….that’s 2 quests at level cap lol

Seems Blizz agrees w/ me on the topic, even sited RMT’s in the blue post. So yes GDKP’s are P2W, there are no victims lol


You saying there are no victims shows you are a complete liar and worth no further conversation with. Have a good day

There are zero victims in this pretending to be one is insulting to anyone going through real life issues. So you can’t p2w anymore so what, your life will go on. No need to be overly dramatic.

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A total of 5 posts of mine related to GDKP have been deleted over the past 2 weeks. 3 of them were deleting entire threads with hundreds of comments and likes. None of them containing anything but my thoughts and experiences over 20 years playing wow. Why?

Where was the twitter post asking for feedback on this important topic? Where is the compromise with the community on this topic? There was none. You didn’t even ask why GDKPs are popular. This is simply an uninformed draconian over-reach of a policy. And you’re deleting feedback like mine. Cringe.


By saying there are no victims this deep into the discussions shows that you are simply a lier and not worth having any further conversation with

I perhaps you don’t know the definition of the word “victim”. Nobody is a victim because they can’t swipe for pixels any longer. Stop being overly dramatic, it would much easier to have empathy if you weren’t being such a drama queen.

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i hope this policy transfers over to all forms of WoW


I agree, but keep in mind this is ONLY for Season of Discovery season 2 so far. This hasn’t been extended to retail or others. Great step in the right direction but that they’re clamping own on a game community killer in only this iteration of WoW BEGS the reason why they haven’t/can’t/won’t for every other facet.

Yes, I am aware of the long-standing cash cow of retail and its bots/RMT/GDKP, and that clipping ONE game mode’s issues in the bud (even if it’s the exact same on retail as SoD) would be- financially- foolish for them, but I want an argument ASIDE from that. It’s frustrating.