GDKP in Season of Discovery

Show me your proof that we are p2w
You people make assumptions as if we committed some crime or something g with zero evidence and proof
This isn’t guilty until proven innocent, it’s the other way around. Just because a few swipe doesn’t mean the overall majority do. also if your goal is to eliminate bots/ent don’t forget to advocate the ban for BOEs and consumables

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Blizz bans GDKP’s/P2W within hours illicit gold plummets more than 60%.

This is simply not true. Cheers!


A accusation you bring to crucify a entire community based on something the few do. Extremely immature, you bring ZERO proof of the majority swiping. You were probably born in the wrong era and was meant to be born back in the Salem witch trials

It literally is, try opening up wow unless you need me to take a screen shot of in game chat for you when I get home

Yeah they took a nuke to hammer a nail killing all the innocent people in the area rather than enforcing their TOS and banning RMT and sending the message that way…bravo on taking away the gameplay many innocent people pref just because you people want power over others

I’m looking now, there are hardly any GDKP’s in LFG and at least 5 PuGs. I’m on Crusader Strike

It’s 8:20 am pacific lmao most people are at work

not even close btw i dont play ICC and all that stuff im on SoD, i just didint change my photo in years. i never left a raid becose my item didint drop your just making assumption… so chek yourself

Thats fair, I can just be on both.

Still there are groups and the majority are not GDKP/P2W.

Also the number doesn’t matter, a whale is going to whale, you are punishing 90% of the innocent for the few, punish people that list items for sale in AH that some people rmt to buy aka consumes/professions

log on a friday nigth its alll GDKP

You are a lier, I’ll take a snapshot for you later today when I get off so you eat your words

That’s bs, because all the players I run GDKPs with play more and have more knowledge than randoms in pugs/guilds. People who don’t put any effort in complain about GdKPs and expect free loot after playing like crap.

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I’ll check and see. Tbh I’ve never really thought to compare so it will be interesting. But we won’t have to worry about this conversation after a week or so :slight_smile:

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the one boosting the 5 other in GDKP have more knowledge that for sure . im just mad at the peaple that get boosted to 25 then do GDKP and pay 200$ a cara its not a game anymore ITS JUST LAZY

Whatever man, I’m telling you what I’m looking at in LFG right now.

Have you ever ran a GDKP? Ever? That’s why. The more geared you get, you gain returns on your investment. Instead of running resets with pugs, you run in a GDKP. You farm up money to fuel your first one or two runs; after that it’s profitable- and you remake your money spent.

You’re to caught up on the initial cost thinking who could justify such an expense? It’s because you can make your money back as you need less gear. It’s win for you and win for the under geared player looking to get gear “less competitive”.

What is dumb is that gold buying existing or not, GDKPs are still an effective way to make money as a geared player and an effective way to get gear. Prices will just reflect the economy fluctuations, same as AH prices. Banning GDKP sounds like a move made by a team of people who don’t understand the real problem- botting.

Don’t ban players for developing social trading systems within the game because some number of players buy gold. Instead ban gold buyers and ban bots or make gold bound to character and only useable on vendors and AH. Banning players is incredibly lame and farts in the face of creative game play.

Everyone complaining about GDKP is really complaining about gold buying or p2w- wtf? Stopping GDKP does not fix the botting and gold buying problem. Gold buying has always been a thing - GDKPs haven’t.

Banning players for creating content activities using in-game currency is a huge loss- what a slippery slope.


Just because you have a hard time seeing something doesn’t mean that makes something true or not true… in cases like this in general… it’s best to give the benefit of the doubt rather than punishing a entire community over something that will probably have little effect on inflation as there are other uses for gold than just gdkp

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This hardly even effects you, you are just upset that people arnt playing the game the was YOU want them too because of the actions of a few whales

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Untrue, blizzard says they are experimenting and want to still hear from the community, aka this convo isn’t going to go away nor is it permanent