GDKP in Season of Discovery

Its not an issue on things such as retail the problem with classic is the same issue old school runescape has with bots it is using an ancient system that does not have inbuilt ways to detect modern bots, it does not have the hooks to implement these things either its a benefit of modern versions of games have over the classic ones we prefer, in order to properly adjust this you would need to drastically rewrite almost the entire game from the server side, this is both expensive and time consuming for a company that is becoming increasingly short-staffed (That is not to say it has not been done before ascension has done this but boy i imagine it was not easy) Right now the only real options we have to dealing with bots is to limit how much the larger bot farms can profit from these sort of things and hope that mass reporting of individual botters to alert the system to their presence this will not entirely eliminate bots but it would greatly lower the amount in the game. If you want to see the impact of just letting it run rampant with massive insentives for bots such as gdkp you only need to look at both player numbers and inflation rate in wotlk vs retail in wotlk the inflation rate is approx 124 times higher than retail not percent, Multiplied by 124 Something has to be done to limit this and any even small efforts to protect the game i will be on board for.

As I mentioned previously, the alleged incapability to fight bots is not an excuse.

They are literally doing something about it right now with this decision, if its impossible for them to detect and eliminate them completely what would your suggest course of action be oh wise one in the way of moderation? As an alternative to the ones they are already taking of course

I do remember them talking about botting, not a word on gold buyers though, very happy to be corrected.

I think there is no such thing as eliminating them all. But I also think that even you or I with access to account details can tell at least who looks super suspicious in terms of gold buying. Put a team on it assisted with machine learning processes, and I am sure they can clean a good 80% of the house in a month via systemic banning of gold buyers.

You are the one that is misinformed, GDKP indeed equals RMT, that is why it is now banned. Glad I could clear that up for you.k



Oh I see your confusion now. Its only a small part of the player base that run GDKP’s and a majority if not all of the use RMT. Cheers!

Yes, they are the only one that cares. We know you and other P2W kiddos buy gold and are now upset you can not use it to buy your gear. Lie if you’d like the gig is over.

Oh but the crying P2W kiddos don’t farm it, that’s why they are upset :wink:


Terrible change. I ran in one of the top guilds when classic initially came out. Got all of my gear through DKP runs, and then while running Naxx used GDKPs of content we no longer ran to amass a few thousand gold to gear up alts with BoEs. GDKP is probably the best means for geared players earning gold per hour.

You can get the gold needed to afford gear in a gdkp by learning how to make gold in classic. Especially, around level 60 there are a ton of ways to earn large amounts of gold. I did very well selling pots, and essence of water. I pretty much controlled the essence of water market for awhile.

There are multiple markets you can manipulate around level 60. When I first played vanilla WoW there was one economic student that controlled the entire AH. Cheaper was his name. He’d just buy every rare and relist 5% higher. He never left Ironforge. Had multiple times the gold cap. It’s definitely possible to get the gold to afford a GDKP without buying gold.

My SoD account has about 200g, and I’ve been slacking off on playing the AH. I’m also constantly spending money to gear all of my alts with the best gear for level 25. The only thing I do not buy are the BoEs if I wasn’t slacking off and leveling alts I’d easily have 1k to 6k gold on the account currently from fishing, and selling 14 slot bags. A friend of mine has about 6k gold from selling 14 slotters and fishing.

One thing for sure about GDKP players is that we love raiding.


We Do- Maybe this anti GdKP thing is ok for phases 1-3, But 4/5 40 man content should be allowed :100:

Police the gold buying/rmt/bots

It’s not just the inflation. It’s about not wanting to play with cheaters and everyone increasingly shifting to a loot method that is infested with cheaters buying gold. It’s been taking longer and longer to get into groups that are not GDKP. Guilds are switching to GDKP even. It’s still possible to get in normal groups, but the trend toward GDKP is obvious to where I could see that eventually GDKP would be the only option.

If you’re late to the phase’s raiding the majority of players are already going to be geared. The only means of getting a raid at that point is going to be GDKP. Why would they want to bring you to a raid if you’re not paying them?


You don’t even know how they fixed the premades yet chill out jesus

Too little too late. We’ve been asking for this since classic launch… People will still find ways to beat this. I for one like GDKPs now, and run with the same group every week. Much more organized and community friendly than regular guilds. Sucks for all the legit players that farm gold and earn it legitimately. Also was really good for people like me who have a life and can’t raid on a set schedule and deal with Guild shenanigans. .I don’t have the time to play a lot anymore and running 3 GDKPs for 30min each was an easy way to passively make gold. The group I run with also asks for proof on how you earned your gold and bans/reports suspected gold buyers. This will hurt more than it helps…

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Actually we do, because they wrote it down.

I cant belive peaple are defending GDKP… its a system to make lazy peapler even more lazy … wow is a game of struggle to get gear or a rank you got to work for it… and GDKP and gold selling destroyed that… now you can get anything for a price … its just sad but blizzard is finaly tryng to do someting about it years later…and you guys are cryng about it??? wooooooawwwww

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Banning GDKP’s prolly the dumbest thing blizzard or Microsoft whatever you call yourselves could do. Watch the unsubs come. Focus your attention on the thousands of botters and gold sellers/buyers. STUPID!

Man, this is called projection, and I get it, you’re struggling, you don’t know how to vet, or pick your pugs, it takes you 2 hours to do raids, because you just go with the easiest option, and GDKPs is almost always a 100% clear, because the people who set it up make sure to have people who carry, who will ALSO pump prices of things up to bait more gold out btw. So even heavier reason to bring more gold btw. Not sure you’ve noticed these things happen, but they do.

Secondly, my guild runs take about 30 minutes, I run them, I make them, I do them, I have to pug depending on the day and situations sometimes up to 5 people. Still 30 minute runs. You can join a guild and do that also.

Third, I run alts, and I specifically made them to do more raids to help try to get more people in guild doing alt runs together. Some days I just pug an entire raid, on a fresh, ungeared character. I spent about 10g on gear when I hit 25, and tbh, it is finished in about 45-50 mins, full pugs, because I ask questions. I told someone when they said they hate making raids, because people ask questions, I said, those are the people you want for your raid, because they’re asking for a reason, and that they don’t want other people ruining their time. Ask questions, and always take the people who ask questions, they know what they’re doing.

Lastly, if you really, really want to, you can make a raid yourself, and you can check logs, kind of funny saying that, but you can if you want to go that route. It’ll be harder to find people, but i’ll be real, I don’t check logs don’t feel the need to. It is pretty frowned upon to HR anything, and to check logs, and have gear requirements btw, but as much as we hate it those are the groups that will 100% clear in a normal timeframe.

You DON’T have to GDKP to run raids, and get gear. You just have had bad experiences a couple times and decided GDKPs are better, and you have 0 experience on how to actually function without them.


Unfortunate xd

LOL cannot even begin. Below is typical antigdkper I.E. You

  1. Too lazy to put in minimum amount of effort to get gold!
  2. But I still want loot, for free!
  3. My DBW drop from saurfang and I roll 100. Time to get the loot and get outta here bc I don’t care about 24 other people
  4. I’m a troll ooze mechanic in rotface hehe… Idc because what are they gonna do lolol this isn’t gdkp so they can’t fine me - 1k gold
  5. Where are all the carries? Why don’t bis geared people join my raid they should carry me for free, but NOOO they only join gdkps and not my raid. Shouldn’t they give me free service to get me gearz???

I never get to progress more than 7 boss in ICC and I hate people who gdkp bc they always get to kill LK OMG so unfair P2W! Ban gdkp!!!

^ That pretty much summarize what’s in your brain as you were writing your post

Ban gdkps, really blizz? This an embarrassing L on bot control.

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Show me the proof to back your claims, it’s general knowledge that it’s the small vocal minority that complain IE the few that have complained on forums for ages now to get blizzard to change this
Look no further than in game chat that is filled with people grouping up for gdkp that by far outweighs any other method…

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