GDKP in Season of Discovery

they cant even ban the bots lol

1.) I dont by gold… simply stating your comment isnt nearly as clever as you thought it was

2.) Most people in GDKP runs do NOT swipe but infact they farm and make gold by in game means but people like you ignore that and assume everyone swipes in order to cry to blizz in hopes of having your potions cost a few less gold or rather, you are angry irl at your irl and are looking to vent your frustrations somewhere

3.)GDKPs arnt going away

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alienating a MASSIVE portion of the playerbase because the FEW might swipe in order for you to MAYBE get your potions for 2g less… ahhh yes this is the best move ever made ever! meanwhile they are also selling WoW tokens on every other version of wow.

The GDKP ban is an experiment. They haven’t said it is a 100% permanent change to their TOS. They specifically worded it carefully so that they have wiggle room to revert the change at any point in time.

But also if GDKPs don’t exist in retail then why do bots and RMT still exist? What is it about GDKPs that people hate so much? Because despite the false narrative being shoveled hard here the majority of people, especially in SOD, do not buy gold to GDKP. Why would I buy gold when I can quest for a couple hours with a few friends and have a fun time PVPing at the same time and make 50+ gold? Why would I buy gold when I could buy the gear I want for under 20g and still get a 5-10g payout at the end? Or my items don’t drop but I still get my 5-10g at the end? It all balances out at the end of the day. And it is illogical and extremely narrow minded to believe that false narrative without ever attending a raid yourself.

If you have never attended nor seen it yourself and have no data or even anecdotal experiences to offer then why do you get an opinion on it? It is like a toddler saying they don’t like peas because they are green and that green crayon they ate yesterday tasted bad. Clearly the peas must also taste bad because they are green.

GDKPS are gone. There’s nothing anybody can do about it so just sit back and enjoy the game without GDKP.

Not all players that participate in GDKPs buy gold, but every single player that participates in GDKPs directly benefit from gold purchased through RMTing and Botting. If you can’t see the negatives it’s either intellectual dis-honesty or lack of int altogether

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complain to the gold supplier? its a bit hard to complain to the npc quest givers, its hard to complain to people that buy lock summons, boosts, the AH, random BOE drops, its hard to complain to the profession trainers that train consumables

You should reread the blue post again. They never said it was banned forever. They even said they are hesitant to make this experimental change. And would like more community feedback on their proposed idea.

It is gone for the all of P2, that much is set in stone, and can’t be changed by anybody

YEAH! also Make people that actually play the game and farm gold by various end game activities to get their gear forced into other loot systems that come with far more CONs and make them play the way YOU want them to play your game!

Please take the next step and ban all BoE gear. It gives an unfair advantage to people with gold and incentivizes RMT. Also please ban alchemy because people buy gold to get an in-game advantage. Let’s also make mounts free and anything else that costs a large amount of gold. Absolutely ridiculous that blizzard and some people in this thread thinks that GDKP is the biggest driver of buying gold.

Where does it say that it will be 100% banned for the entirety of p2? If I have missed that then I would like to read that information more in-depth. And thank you in advance for sharing that information with me.

and how will you know for a fact you are kicking a RMTer and not someone that farmed? I think you may have been born in the wrong era and should have been born during the salem witch trials

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While you are at it just ban trades as a whole. No more in game currency. Everything is free. No WBs. Who needs those? They also were against the spirit of the game and not what they intended and complained about back in vanilla classic. What else should we ban?

In the WoW video released with all the changes they very clearly say “If it doesn’t work out we’ll revisit this policy for FUTURE phases” direct quote from the video

a version of WoW actually becoming one of the very few none P2W MMorpgs never thought I’d see the day tbh

But do they explicitly say that it will last for the entirety of p2? Because that is key. I have not yet heard them say anything except that it will be implemented at the START of p2. That it is an experiment. And that they would still like feedback from the community on this decision since they made this decision based upon community feedback. They are using a lot of lawyer speak so that if they revert the change they can point back at what they actually said and say “No we never said xyz. We only said abc. You assumed xyz.”

They worded things very carefully;

Player feedback is what led us here, and we’re still keenly interested to hear your thoughts and feelings on this topic. Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery. We really appreciate the feedback we’ve already received on this topic which helped us arrive at this decision.

They made the choice because of player feedback. But why would those in support of GDKPs feel the need to say anything to those against it until now? There was really no need to defend GDKPs because we were all off doing our thing and just enjoying the game.

Nobody is bidding 50g for set items in BFD bud. They go for 1-5 g each lol. The times they go for more are when you have multiple people who have been playing SoD since the day it came out that need only 1 or 2 items and farmed hundreds of gold and have nothing to do with it since the game stagnated in December.


Phases are only 3 months my dude, What kind of a test would it be if it didn’t last for 3 months? There are many players that are annoyed they no longer get to directly feel the profits from RMTing and Botting with very little work when they themself did not RMT or Bot, it’s a pretty understandable response, but considering RMT gold prices are already dropping I wouldn’t hold my breath on them bringing back GDKP ever in SoD (and hopefully do away with it in other versions of WoW after a very successful test)


GDKP affects the entire game, not just an indivuduals experience. When a small number of people centralize and condense alot of gold within a small group…

Shame on you blizzard, poor form… Censoring how I can play the game i love. I have two young children. I’ve been playing this game since release. I’m part of a guild with my RL mates. I have a full time job. I play when time permits. I can’t raid when all my mates do and I don’t have hours to waiting for a random group. In addition, random groups are very specific on accepted classes, gear level and builds. Im never going to get a chance to raid anymore. If people want to spend their hard-ground gold earning loot they should be able to. I pay to play this game now you want to restrict how I can play it further. Thats a lot of content that isn’t available to me anymore. poor form.

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I mean you don’t have to buy it, thats what im trying to tell you. You farm it.

this literally will have no benefits, a fast majority of players that go into gdkp runs do it for a source of income… now instead you are taking away a legit source of income from people with limited time and now people will result to RMT to afford their consumes and everything else they need… but hey, good job on punishing a massive community that doesnt RMT due to the actions of a few rather than pushing on blizz to enforce their TOS