GDKP in Season of Discovery

TLDR he bought gold and is QQing he cant anymore and has been caught once already

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Blizzard doesn’t know wtf they’re talking about here

Gdkp not being classic experience? Koreans invented GDKP way back in 2005 vanilla, and all Korean guilds have been using GDKP since then

I play in Korean guild in lone wolf, and we use gdkp as loot system just like we did back in vanilla.

What are you going to do, ban all Koreans from your game? You are racist blizzard.

Most of us who are already BIS, are still raiding every lockout just to earn gold (gold to prepare for next seasons gdkp) and help our guildies new alts at same time. We had discussion yesterday, and all of our guildies stated they will simply quit and not raid on their BIS chars, if gdkp is banned. And guildies are also unwilling to raid on new alts, if there are no carries to make runs smoother.

As a result most in our Korean guild here in lone wolf are already losing interest in SOD now and are discussing on discord about moving to another game or something, while watching a South Korea vs Saudi Arabia match yesterday.

See ya SOD.


This is an insane take.

It’s really hard to take anything you say seriously when your post is dripping with hyperbole and misinfo.

I’m sure there are some toxic gdkps like you describe, but that has nothing to do with them being gdkp, they are just toxic people playing the game, removing gdkp does nothing to mitigate their ‘edgy’ behaviors and it’s bizarre that you even tried to correlate the two.

I just re-read it and wow, this is one of the weirdest takes I’ve ever seen here.

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I mean it is crazy but remember a huge chunk of wow players are actually insane. Like take your meds foaming at the mouth. They’re the two people at a political debate who would be gnashing at each other in the middle of the street while everyone not crazy looked embarrassed.

RMT does not equal GDKP; you’re misinformed. You’re welcome!

The dadposting begins

you’re in denial or just trolling.

Obvious troll. It’s not even funny it’s so obvious.

I also see Blizzard saying they “care for the integrity of classic” meanwhile bosses in P2 won’t drop loot, they’ll drop tokens! So like retail you can get whatever you want! No more feeling left out in Classic WoW! Now with more soulless parts of retail!

Im really disappointed in this decision and its because of my love for alts and my love for raiding. In wrath I have my main character the guild i’ve been in since 2019. Then i have 2 other characters i run GDKP runs with weekly, one on my second priest and one on my shaman. At point i was even doing 5 characters weekly in ICC.

GDKPS allowed me to raid on 4 extra characters a week and to reliably get clean and efficient runs. If you compare GDKPS of ICC to Soft reserve runs or MS/OS runs the quality of GDKPS are threw the roof. I dont know how many soft reserve runs have been completing heroic lich king, but gdkps have been doing Heroic lk since the 5% buff.

Why do GDKPS have higher quality players? because gdkps motivate 100% full best in slot players to continue to raid every week. Whereas a 100% full best in slot player has little to no motivation to attend a soft reserve run/ms/os. Theres no gain for the individual player, they could still go to help out some guildies or friends out. But if they dont have very much money they’re just dumping money on consumes. The fact that GDKPS have healers and tanked geared to the teeth is partly why their successful. People who already have the gear get gold to buy consumes and to continue raiding.

of course right now on season of discovery and for a period of time all the content will be meme easy, to the point that any group could potentially clear it. But when we get to 40 player content what am i going to do with my alts? what am i going to do with my 4 season of discovery alts? Will i run my 4 or 5 level 60 alts into soft reserve runs where some loot is either HARD reserved or every single player is going to be rolling on every single item? Am i going to bang my head against a wall in 40 player content for possibly 3-4 hours on end in unorganized runs because I feel bad for leaving a group that ended up not being very strong? This is the spot im forced into with soft reserve runs. Then at the end of a 4 hour raid (that probably could have ended in an hour or 2 if we one shot the bosses like we should) I get no gear and no payout and im just sad because i spent all my money on consumes. Its a reality i lived in when i didnt go to gdkps in 2019 or 2020. But over the past 3 years i started going to them because its fun. Because with gdkps i have more than enough consume money and i can spend time leveling alts instead of grinding out gold.

Throughout my years attending GDKPS i never bought gold. I was able to participate in bidding and ultimately get my bis items from weekly payouts. After awhile you have most of the items and you just get paid each reset. I can understand how gold buyers are the problem with gdkps. There’s a lot that can be done to potentially eliminate RMT gold from GDKPS. If illicit gold gets transferred through a gdkp it should be possible to delete said gold from those 1-40 players account’s. Then delete the item from the player’s character who bought it. Secondly, instead of banning gdkps as a way to limit RMT, i think you should ban 1st time offenders for 6+ months, or dare i say it even perm ban players accounts who are caught real trading for the first time. It sounds harsh and potentially could lose subscriptions, but i think it would scare people into not buying wow gold in season of discovery if people started getting perm banned. It would do much more than banning GDKPS. One thing for sure about GDKP players is that we love raiding.

I beg you for my alts, for my love of raiding, let gdkps continue. Ban the gold buyers, if bought gold is distributed through a gdkp, delete the gold. Dont ban GDKP Goers for wanting to attend consistent runs where you are rewarded for consistent attendance. Please don’t change the game so drastically like this. SOD is so exciting right now and i just want to focus on all the new mage healer runes and how to work them perfectly, and i just keep thinking about how sad i am that GDKPS are in danger.


Thanks for letting a small minority on forums crying about how others want to play the game dictate how a vast portion of players enjoy to play simply because they think their potions will lower in price by a few gold and assume all the people swipe when most do not. WP


LOL They always say they have software that can do such thing as Detect Gold Trading but they never been able to reduce Bot’s and Farmer in fact they’ve been increasing instead as we speak.

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makes one wonder… either A their software systems will work and detect Gold trading, if true, they can Detect bots ( then why are there still bots? they choose to ALLOW bots if this statement is true)

or B, their software cant deal with the bots thus it cant deal with gold trading either…

either way…

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ahh yes, can load up on way more gold now since its so much cheaper… def a win… for swipers

all because your potions might cost a few gold less in AH? shallow

Instead of banning gdkp, why don’t you just delete master loot and trade raid equipment, will that mean gdkp disappears on its own? As an open world game that limits player-to-player transactions, is that reasonable? Instead of restricting in-game transactions, you should limit gold generated by illegal means, which is mostly created by bots. You should create a program to prevent bots instead of waiting for players to report them because not everyone will detect it is a bot or pay attention to it.

The blue post said it themselves.

They are willing to perma ban players for doing GDKP.

Meanwhile RMT gold buyers are still going to get off with 1 week ban LOL.

Blizz apparently sees doing gdkp as bigger offense than actually buying gold.

Theyre clueless.

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yep, incoming undercover Karens and Virtue Signalers

Make sure you don’t spend all that gold in one place… not that you really have anything to spend it on anymore :rofl:

But boosting is ok even tho you tried to remove it in SoM

Yall have fun rolling against 40 people every week at 60 and being in rags, guess its back to wrath and Cata where you can get loot.