GDKP in Season of Discovery

Then Blizzard should PERMA-BAN the gold buyers & the problem is solved. Which means they would have to dedicate resources to policing their own TOS

They would need to stop firing gms and customer support yes

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what are you even…?!?..
Game has grouping system.
Game has built in loot distribution systems.
Player can’t comprehend the idea of using the games built in and offered options for loot distribution, despite simplicity of said systems.

like…what? what are you getting at, what point are you trying to prove or make?
feel like maybe they’re feeling worse for you.

Making it better with every post, I genuinely treasure you.

I’m happy for you that you’re being delusional. Unicorns are real, be careful.

Please bare with me as I am dyslexic and have some issues structuring my thoughts so godbless you if manage to navigate through this mess I’m about to smash out.

A recurring statement is that banning gdkp’s will bring back the social culture that existed prior to their adaption in the ‘old days’ by funneling people into regimented raiding guilds.

I have interacted with so many awesome people from dozens of different raiding guilds, my friends list is exploding at the seems with how many incredible people I’ve met (and many of who I consider friends and play games with outside of WoW). In the past I’ve never had this level of outside of guild engagement/ cross guild pollination that exists today and am worried that neutering this loot system without providing ANY alternatives is going to diminish a lot of peoples willingness to continue playing after a couple of lockouts.

Gdkp’s bring players from all skill levels together, provides a positive and rewarding environment for those opting to participate. So many people that participate in gdkp already raid in a regular guild and are enabled by gdkp to participate in drop in/ drop out raids whenever they like. One of the main benefits of gdkp is that it by far draws in the most players and is the only raiding format I have experienced that hasn’t had repeated rostering issues simply due to the sheer number of players that want to participate in these runs.

I wish there were better alternatives, and admit that the gdkp system has it’s flaws… but the overwhelming success of gdkp communities versus the current in game alternatives shows that some thought needs to be put into other options and that simply banning the current best available option and providing no further solution is not a solution at all.

One of the reasons I decided to move into GDKP is because I love raiding on multiple characters but due to personal commitments couldn’t commit to a week in week out schedule of a regular guild. The flexibility of GDKP is one it’s main positives, there are always more good players than can fit into a run and I am not going to be punishing or penalizing my friends if I can’t make a regimented Wednesday raid night week in and week out.

Due to gdkp I can raid in a high quality, content clearing raid environment on my schedule when it suits me and that is a beautiful thing.

Prior to GDKP I used to participate in SR>MS>OS runs and had enormous issues with player retention. Every other week someone who had full gear or near full gear would stop attending the runs because their characters were done and they felt like they weren’t getting anything from carrying others through these runs. It’s a tale as old as time, GDKP provides a direct solution to this problem by rewarding everyone who participates with items and gold.

I really think this is a terrible decision, especially if you are not providing any solutions to the problems that gdkp raiding address.


Have been doing GDKPs across 5 characters in SoD since launch and i have yet to see 200g set pieces and 500g weapons. typically 20-40g for good items and about 100-150g epics. Now does that mean it doesnt happen? No I’m sure it could and does but you are making a mountain out of an ant hill.

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So I will state form the start, that one of my accounts was suspended for buying gold, despite my dumb mistake of allowing children to play on my accounts and not monitoring or even policing their activity when I was suspicious of it going on, I am responsible.

I still do not believe suspending a player account is the answer for buying gold or GDKP. Let’s see if we can find a more prolific example…say The War on Drugs. So you are telling me just like TWD Blizzard is going after the symptom and not the disease, what a shocker! Considering that this addictive product is already modeled around a salivating market of lonely people jus trying to relax at the end of the day and get their nut like the mad, sad lil squirrels we are. Guilds have had titles removed for World First, cause the got caught buying gold, these people earned thousands of dollars I am sure with sponsors. There have for years been rumors and anecdotal evidence that previous blizzard employees have participated in gold selling as well. Annnnnnd Let’s not forget about the WoW token! The company itself is participating in this business model.

It all begs the question does Blizzard, now MS not want to solve this issue? Seriously?! Your game is broken and your Hack Fu is weak! If you as a gaming company after this many years cannot fix your game and start doing IP bans for Botting accounts. Whatever it takes, if you put 1/3 the effort you do into selling us micro transactions (Wow token, Mounts et) to soak rubes for more of their hard earned Real Money!!! Maybe this would give you something more to do than &%*$'n with the players, who just are trying to compete with the people exploiting your game that is almost 20 years old and you cannot seem to manage to deal with these bad actors, also I know you are aware of what type of organizations and people are selling this gold Terroist’s, Gangs and Botting Farms in china that cost fortunes to set up and run!!! My friends kids buying $30 worth of gold is the enemy?

This is not the political climate you probably want to FAFO in tbh, and that is sad in itself, but I am perfectly comfortable in my assumption that the nitwits who decided this policy are of the ilk that will be just as offended by the shear mention of the word trans in Micro Transaction, stating I am belittling the Trans community!

Same game different versions different Coc/ToS??? that is odd, maybe it beacuse you have let this go on so long that to change the TOS and COC in retail, you risk actual litigation for changing the product agreement so many of us purchased so so many years ago and really idk I am no lawyer but all this just feels like no one is looking out for us “The Customer” in all this! :frowning:

I just unsubscribed.

Maybe if you bring back our ability to play the game how we want ill get back into it.

Sweet! go buy gold in another game, degen.

I never had to buy gold.
Your comments are funny though… :popcorn:

If they have advance systems that can detect GDKP, then they should also be able to track RMT using these same systems.

Ban the RMT


Delusional on both sides at an all time high. Lmao

This is never, ever a good excuse to allow a system to continue to be used that is detrimental to the overall health of (in this case) the game.

I understand that there are some flow on effect negatives of the GDKP system (RMT and gold buying etc), but why aren’t you just investing more energy in to that? OR! why aren’t you just bringing out the token?

One of the biggest pitfalls I see happening with this change is what happens if you’re a fresh level 60 alt, or newcomer to the game & most people are already in AQ40 and beyond, how do you ever get any gear when people are forced/funneled in to guild systems? You want a guild to recruit someone with no gear? What catch up mechanisms will be in place?

Listing out some dot points to help me stay on track:

  • List item GDKP provides people that are already geared an environment where they are HAPPY to carry people, as they can be financially rewarded, instead of feeling burned out and playing other games instead.
  • List item It ENCOURAGES people to play alts, spending more time playing the game and being a part of communities.
  • List item There’s a “benefit” associated with doing run, where you don’t get any gear. This helps to make the run feel less bad when none of the stuff you want drops, and helps to incentivize people to keep doing runs when they don’t need anything from it.
  • List item “currency” used is transferable - unlike traditional DKP/EPGP etc - when you leave a guild, your unspent “gear currency” goes with you and can be used for other useful things in the game.
  • List item attendance! If you’ve ever tried running a guild you understand attendance can be a NIGHTMARE - this is a complete non issue with GDKP raids - there is ALWAYS people wanting to make some gold, and it makes people WANT to attend raids, instead of them being/feeling FORCED to rock up (ESPECIALLY when they are already full BiS)

No response about this.

Gotta love people still trying to cheese it so they can buy and sell gold

get gear the same way we did back before gdkp and gold buying was easy mode. Play the game

I am ok with this, but will you be nuking gold buyers with perma battle net ban? That really is the only effective way to kill the problem.

Don’t worry, the buyers will buy new account and some will refrain from gold buying and some may require 2 or 3 bans before they learn, but eventually they will learn if their account is perma banned forever.