GDKP in Season of Discovery

The only thing more pathetic than gold buying GDKPers are people who claim they don’t participate in such activities writing hundreds of posts defending it.


When this experiment fails SoD will be a shred of its former self.

Amazing!! Thanks!!

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GDKP/P2W pack going up o7 o7

what new player has access to a summoning network

I see your point.

I dont wish to be disrespectful, Its just hard to believe that the average GDKP buyer is 100% legit. Thanks for commenting.

Why would people make false claims on blizzard forums when blizzard could look at their accounts posted here and dig into their records in detail if they chose? This statement and the complete refusal to believe that people could make gold on their own outside of buying it makes me wonder if your viewpoint is so narrow because that is what you would do if you wanted to go to a GDKP? It’s really strange to me how convinced that you are that only people who GDKP buy gold and the only ones buying gold.

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Make a warlock? Ask for 2 people in general if they wanna make 30silver a summon.

It’s not hard

Plus you can buy 2 accounts and do it yourself but that’s just silly to me. $30 for 60 more silver

This is where you’re mistaken. This will have nothing to do with bots and gold selling/buying. This will still be going on meanwhile nobody can do GDKP…

I’ve taught so many people how GDKP works and taken them on raids, and after 1 run they got paid their cut of gold and they were believers. I recently tried GDKP for the first time myself and was like, oh, this isn’t a scam at all! I love this! Everybody wins here!

So again–You guys aren’t explaining how removing GDKP helps… you’re just saying that it will. That’s crazy. Meanwhile myself and others are going down the gamut of how GDKP raids and botting/RMT are independent of each other.

Obviously a gold buyer has an advantage in there. Guess what? They’re still gonna buy gold–from the BOTS! I’ve been making 10g at minimum per BFD raid on each of my characters. The whole raid made that AT LEAST depending on what dropped.

You guys don’t like GDKP and you don’t know why, but I assure you nobody is forcing you to run it, and quite honestly it’s not even the dominant form of raid! It’s ignorance.

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Best change yet.

PS stop buying gold people……I freaking love it.


Why though?

and what’s next? Are we going to prohibit warlocks and mages selling portals and summons? Because people might be buying gold to pay them? LOL.

THAT is how stupid this is. Did anyone consider that GDKP runs at least cut you in on the inflation caused by botting/RMT that Blizzard still isn’t stopping?? They get to keep on going while a legitimate roll system is being binned in ignorance!

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I had been sorely missing the social construct of dealing with callouts and a rotating bench. Thank god GDKPs are gone so that issue could come back. Now I get to invest even more time into this game in order to manage a competent raid team.

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thats completely different and you know that

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Theres already organized communities with hundreds of organized runs through discord. Has been for all 5 years of classic

It illicits gold buying, everyone knows it. Stop pretending it doesn’t.

It also ruins economy’s in wow.

There’s a huge difference of 1 gold summon compared to hundreds of gold if not thousands of gold for a weapon.

You know it’s wrong, you know EASILY 50%+ of GDKP buyers bought gold. Don’t play dumb, you obviously are smarter than that.

Love the change. Any and all trades should be flagged if it’s not a known bis item or epic of obvious great value.

Great change blizzard cheers :beers:


Great decision by Blizzard. GDKP is a plague invented by gold sellers to advocate their illegal gold. As indicated in the blue post, GDKP is aiming at weakening the notion of guilds and social aspects of the game. Additionally, by putting a price tag on everything, GDKP demotes this beautiful game into a mere trading game where the depth of your pocket becomes way more important than the depth of your game knowledge and skills.


Honestly- Blizz you just need to come up with a way to incentivize people joining a guild and providing ample rewards/reasons to stay with said guild and continue raiding. Probably harder done than said- but the possibilities are endless and I am sure you can come up with something. If you remain in control then exploitation can be managed.

Banning players for engaging in…… an in-game currency exchange system?

What is this? In no way should it be a bannable offense to engage in a social practice that uses in game currency. It is “undeniable” that GDKP runs increase the rate if gold buying? This is not untrue, but also not looking at the whole picture. It is also true that many people farm gold to be able to participate in GDKP- this is a form of “purpose”.

Punishing players for finding ways, wether legit or not, for using ingame resources is a horrible disservice to the community you’re trying to protect. You may have fond memories of guild runs but that isn’t everyone’s experience.

It should not be bannable to perform community interactions using ingame resources. Instead, change how gold works. Make it bound to character and only tradeable on the AH or something. Let GDKPs not be able to exist as they are, but again, banning players is abhorent.

I mean, after 9/11 there were so many memes about “random security” checks. Let’s not treat your players with this same logic.


It is easy to see all the gold buyers and no skill players here cause they QQing it is a bad change. Going to have to actually play wow now? That must suck for you.

Flasks contribute to and drive a lot of illicit activity, such as RMT and botting. Are flasks getting banned? Why don’t you tackle the actual problem.