GDKP in Season of Discovery

And that is the real beauty of this. If people move to just buying items for cash. It puts bots out of business. Because they thrive on the anonymity of I don’t know or care where the gold came from.

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I think its stupid to ban GDKPs. GDKPs would 100% still exist if RMT didn’t exist. Just like how RMT and botting will still continue to be a thing without GDKPs. There is no doubt they cross but they are not the reason the other exists.

I haven’t GDKP’s in SoD because I just never felt like it. Also they are very rare. I have pugged/run a few dozen BFDs and have seen maybe 10 GDKPs LFM. Where as I have seen 100s if not thousands of other group types. This is a pretty odd move Blizzard. Nothing about GDKPs are against ToS. The people that are RMTing and botting aren’t going to stop because GDKPs are no longer around.

The we have the tools part of this post is so tone deaf. If you have the tools to ban people doing GDKPs how about you actually ban the people RMTing and botting?

Player feedback led you us to here? Not sure what feedback you are listening to but it sounds like it was an echo chamber.

Doomed to fail. They’re just going to force the exchange of goods, not gold … or out-of-game, probably with real money systems and off-game communication.

In fact, “GDKP” (or gold bidding) would be the absolute best loot system if embraced universally and supported in-game by the client (popping up bid windows instead of Need/Greed). It self-balances the in-game economy and encourages more gameplay - for example, less-geared players can recoup their gold after gearing up by subsequently running content for others. This would all but eliminate the trade spam (since EVERY bit of content is gold-bid), and bots could only have a minor impact on the overall economy, in that it might inflate, but still be equitably distributed by players doing content (and they could add a “cut” like the AH to every successful gold bid which could fix the any inflation). It also eliminates one avenue for players who need gold - don’t buy from botters when you could just run content.

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That sort of language is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.


Blizzard catering to paste eating mouth breathers again SoD really is retail.

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Oh well at least when people complain about prices on the AH in phase 2 they won’t be able to use RMT and GDKP’s as an excuse for them just being terrible at farming.

You can google the average cost of gold in Classic. The prices have dropped like 33%. Get rekt, bots.


But then I’m talking about the actual impact noticed in game.

So like I said, will things suddenly become more affordable on the AH? are pug MS > OS runs suddenly going to become more available?

Have you never seen the stock market dip after some event occurs?

I would truly love to see some more explaining here. It sounds like claims made by people that don’t fully even understand it. GDKP or not people that buy gold will keep buying gold, and people that sell gold will keep selling gold.

GDKP gives incentive for geared players to still run with people / alts that are new to the raid and looking for gear. Everybody wins, everybody gets a cut. Nobody leaves the raid without something. Be it some items, or some modest gold reward proportionate to the economy.

This feels like political show. I’d be far more impressed if you came out saying you were going to eliminate botters and gold sellers/buyers. That would make a powerful, positive impact.

This blue post nor anyone I’ve spoken to has any valid good reason to prohibit GDKP. So many people don’t even understand or know how GDKP works!! When I explain it they think it sounds pretty good!!

Since when does Blizzard care about eroding an in-game philosophy anyway (not that I believe GDKP is doing such a thing)?? As I opened with–that’s ludicrous. You just took away one of my favorite motivations for continuing to raid after I’m geared, and leveling alts.

It is on Blizzard to eradicate RW transactions from taking place in the game. Not us. Taking away GDKP solves nothing.

Most of the people who complain about GDKP’s apparently including blizzard have only seen one or two click bait youtube videos and refuse to educate themselves about how GDKP’s actually go.


Way to kill the game for half the players.

“ can’t fix bots and gold buying so let’s nuke it”

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Does a heart transplant cure your lung cancer?

Things are done to address specific issues. Just because it isn’t a cure-all for every problem of the game doesn’t mean it has no benefits.

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I understand where you are coming from with helping players navigate the content.

But do you seriously think that buyers in raids farmed up all of their gold without the use of RMT? fresh 25 toon, new on the server, participates in GDKPs for loot, but also ethically farmed his own gold and bid 50g for a piece of tier? kind of a stretch to me.

I recognize you are not RMTing, but GDKPs facilitate and reward RMT players.


And banning GDKP’s is a placebo affect, I guess it will make some people feel better but it’s not going to tangible change anything they’ve complained about.

50g is a few hours questing at level 25. And if you’re running GDKP’s you’re also getting pay outs which are mitigating your outgoing gold.

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You can make 20g an hour selling summons in a group of 3.

You can quest in duskwood and make over 50g

Whatever, Ziryus. Bots and gold buyers can get bent. I applaud Blizz for this.


/shrug like I said we’ll see if there’s actually an tangible benefit.

Here’s why this move is detrimental to the game and the company:

  1. Player Freedom and Creativity: GDKP was not only a unique gameplay aspect but also a player-driven economy within the game. It allowed players to engage in a different style of raiding and loot distribution, fostering creativity and diversity within the WoW community. Banning GDKP stifles this freedom and removes an avenue for players to express themselves within the game world.

  2. Community Engagement: GDKP runs encouraged social interaction and collaboration among players. These events often brought together players from different guilds and realms, fostering a sense of community beyond individual factions or guilds. By banning GDKP, Blizzard risks alienating a portion of its player base and weakening the community bonds that are crucial for the longevity of an MMO like WoW.

  3. Economic Impact: GDKP transactions contributed to the in-game economy by providing a gold sink and regulating the value of items. With GDKP gone, the flow of gold and items within the game could become unbalanced, leading to inflation or deflationary pressures. This could equally disrupt the economic equilibrium within the game and negatively impact the player experience.

  4. Player Retention and Satisfaction: Many players enjoyed participating in GDKP runs as a way to acquire rare items and gold efficiently. By removing this feature, Blizzard risks losing players who were drawn to WoW specifically for this gameplay element. Dissatisfied players are more likely to churn, leading to a decline in subscriptions and revenue for the company in the long run.

  5. Innovation and Adaptation: Banning GDKP sets a precedent that Blizzard may intervene in player-driven activities arbitrarily. This discourages innovation and experimentation within the player base, as players may fear investing time and resources into activities that could be banned in the future. Can warlocks no longer sell summons? Can rouges not sell dungeon loot? What about hunters selling tribute buffs? A more adaptive approach that involves solving the root of the problem would be more beneficial for fostering a dynamic and thriving game environment.

  6. Misplaced Priorities : Banning GDKPs seems like a diversion from more pressing issues such as botting and gold buying, which have a far more significant impact on the game’s integrity and economy. While GDKPs are a legitimate player-driven activity, botting and gold buying undermine the game’s fairness and disrupt its ecosystem on a much larger scale. Players who resort to buying gold often do so to gain an advantage in the game, whether it’s acquiring rare items, enhancing their characters, or simply progressing faster than their peers. GDKP runs provide an avenue for these players to utilize their purchased gold to participate in high-end content and obtain coveted rewards. In essence, banning GDKPs without addressing the underlying issue of gold buying is akin to cutting off one branch of a tree while ignoring the root system that sustains it

In conclusion, Blizzard’s decision to ban GDKP from WoW is short-sighted and risks harming both the game and the company in the long term. Instead of stifling player-driven initiatives, Blizzard should seek to embrace and support the diverse ways in which players engage with their game world, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and sustainable gaming experience for everyone involved.