GDKP in Season of Discovery

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When is WoW Token being removed from Classic World of Warcraft?

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Glad to see this change, but honestly, I think this is only just going to drive GDKPs underground making competition for gold buying even higher for those still participating. Gold buyers will always buy gold - when they were bidding against nonbuyers, there was a good chance that the bids would stay low. But when they’re bidding against only other buyers, the bids will escalate and they will need to buy more to get ahead of the other buyers and it will just snowball.

The effort has to actually be made to ban buying accounts and ban selling accounts, and restrict IPs of farming accounts. GDKPs are just a side effect. And honestly, legitimate nonbuyer GDKPs can be a really helpful way for players who only have a bit of time to invest to either meet their cash goals or to get a few pieces of gear. I don’t participate in any myself but I can see the merits as well as the obvious problems

Could not agree more, some of the best runs i’ve been in have been GDKPs. These are progression focused players typically.

Awesome change! Thanks for giving it a try Blizz.

They should just lower the gold cap significantly and make it per account. Then the RMT would have to have even another hoop to jump though.

Legit player really dont have a reason to have more than 10k gold. After that just have mats.

So will your detection system flag selling an item via the trade window as illegitimate?
I am worried I will get banned for doing so.

Now all GDKP bids or whatever replacement will be done outside WoW and not much changes.

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Im sure it would only track dungeon and raid items… not a stack of cloth lol. Items that are SOULBOUND, not BOEs

It feels really weird to give a blue post a heart.



Something that is not being said is if they do take it to RMT outside of game. Then it doesn’t affect people in the game that don’t participate. Which is the point. There is less gold inflation on consumes. (although people will buy gold for consume too but not at the same extent).

Like somebody might be willing to spend $100 dollars on some item. But that is just another person with that item. Instead of another person with that item and 100 dollars worth of gold “added” to the community. Added is a bad description because it comes from the bots farming, which they would have less reason to do.

Selling items for real money is still bad but its harder for bots to do. As it takes gear to be effective, as such its easier to police. So while gold seller might have a pristine geared char now that they use to run GDKP’s with plausible deniability on where the gold comes from. They would run the risk of getting their geared char banned, which is a much bigger hit than losing the burner bot accounts.

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"GDKP is the best loot system imo, because it’s the most flexible, and yet, also the most fair system. Gold buying is just an unfortunate consequence of the system, and not a core feature. It holds several advantages over “normal” loot systems.

If something happens, your fake internet points can vanish. If you get kicked or leave a guild, your efforts are wasted. Someone can literally steal the fruits of your labor, and you have absolutely zero recourse.

Also, it’s easy to find raid replacements, because you can fill your ranks with pugs. Which means you almost never have to run a raid with less than the max # of players, which becomes a huge problem later in game. In a “normal” loot system people get pissed off when you inv pugs, because they expect to be rewarded for their time, and that doesn’t coincide with your loot system.

In GDKP, everyone is rewarded for their efforts. You can even offer bonus payouts to encourage competitions. This in turn encourages people to put in effort and creates a much more smooth run. It also adds another layer of fun to the game.

If the run goes badly, people won’t want to come back. This doubly incentivizes the core to always bring their A game, and ensure things go off without a hitch.

Good GDKPs attract the better players on the server, because it’s a great way to make gold or to get that last item you want. There’s a lot less drift wood that needs to be carried. The best runs I have ever had were all in GDKPs. I have a world first Garr Parse, and it was in a GDKP.

People actually have gold, so they can buy consumables and wbuffs, though I loathe wbuffs. This was a huge issue in your typical casual classic guild. Farming gold without cheating was a huge pain. One of the exceptions is GDKP, so in “normal” guilds a lot of people just don’t bring proper consumes. For example, the number of guilds stuck on loatheb, because the raid wouldn’t buy the consumes is quite astonishing. Unfortunately, that fight is really stupid, and you are basically required to use expensive consumables.

More or less eliminates loot drama. The person that bids the most wins. That’s it… People dont get butthurt over fake internet points and perceived levels of effort and support.

The entire raid is excited when a good item drops, because they are happy for the soon to be winners, and they know they will make more gold. This creates a more enthusiastic fun environment." A friend of mine said this. I fully agree with him

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Say “hi” on Lava Lash Alliance, Fuzzy.

I’ll hook you up.

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Will do! :smiley:

Not sure what I want to play though.

The thought process behind this clearly doesn’t include any input from people who attend GDKPs and do not buy gold. I raid in a guild on my main with a LC form of loot distribution, like most GDKPers. But I would do GDKPs on my alts to play with friends who were in other guilds and overall just have fun in raids. I didn’t want to join several guilds so that I could play more than one character since I enjoy the play style of several characters.

GDKPs are the most fair loot distribution system. It also allows some guilds to have an alt raid plus revenue stream for the guild to help out their raiders while not having enough alts to fully fill out an alt raid. I have seen guilds break over LC decisions or DKP errors that caused people to rage quit. I have been to SRs where people leave because their item doesn’t drop or they don’t try because they don’t care because we are passed the boss they wanted something from. Or they don’t win an item and they just whisper the person asking to buy it. What I have never seen is someone complain about loot in a GDKP or rage quit because they didn’t win an item from a roll or LC decision.

Bots have existed before GDKPs did. Gold buying and market inflation existed before GDKPs existed. Maybe fewer people will buy gold and there will be fewer bots but there will also be fewer players as well so it will still be a problem on the same scale. And people will just try to buy an item off someone via whispers in SRs or MS>OS pugs or even in guild raids. I have seen all of that occur with GDKPs being a thing. But to think that the only gold that is “tainted” is gold in GDKPs is very short-sighted as well.

I also know a lot of people who have demanding jobs or families or odd work schedules and the rigid schedule that most non-GDKP guilds have doesn’t enable them to actually raid. The flexibility of GDKPs and GDKP based guilds allowed those people to be able to play and enjoy the game still. The GDKP ban cuts out a lot of people from being able to participate in raiding and is encouraging exclusion of anyone that cannot conform to a more rigid schedule. I have done rosters in a guild where because of work schedules some people would miss random raid days and it was a nightmare to manage. Most guilds that clear content wouldn’t put up with a raider like that on their roster.

The communities that are created by GDKPs may not be all under a single guild banner but that makes them no less a community of players who enjoy playing together. And the 10 people I see that are not just against GDKPs, but are actually hostile and abusive towards anyone who has enjoyed the loot distribution type, are just screaming the loudest.

But also, the 10 people I have seen that are so vocally against GDKPs that they are actually participating and encouraging harassment and abuse towards anyone who supports GDKPs, what happened to actually make you so aggressive towards someone enjoying a play style that has no effect on anyone who doesn’t attend the GDKP? Since GDKPs can exist without RMT. Are you just mad that people enjoy the game in a different way than you? I am actually curious on the why it is so atrocious for GDKPs to exist without the parroting of the lie that everyone who GDKPs must gold buy.

Why not instead ask the community, since we know that GDKPs can exist without RMT, “What can we do to combat RMT and botting that doesn’t actually alienate a whole portion of the player base who isn’t doing anything wrong and just wants to play the game in a way their schedule allows.” Because input from anyone who has never attended a GDKP and has no idea or concept about how it works shouldn’t exactly be a credible source. I feel like this is approaching the actual problem from the wrong direction.

And before the anti-GDKPers pounce on it no I don’t buy gold. I make gold off the AH very easily myself. I hate farming and don’t waste my time with something so boring (but someone might love farming and that’s great!). I have led both normal guilds of varying types of loot systems as well as GDKPs and have been apart of several different types of communities.


Remember when everyone thought Bitcoin was completely anonymous and couldn’t be traced?

Ask Dread Pirate Roberts hiw that worked out for him.


And I think it’s silly to think there’s going to be any noticeable in game change for people who weren’t participating in GDKP’s beyond just not seeing them advertised.

The people grouping with you for pugs will be the same, the prices of various things on the AH will for the most part be the same, but I guess it’s a safety blanket for some people to not see GDKP’s /shrug

Wanna stop Gdkps but thats not the issue… 1. Hence all the lock bots in dungeons no gear just the level to get to they can sum
i have 200g on my horde lock from selling sums with a friend helping… if i had 6 accounts and the summons are going to get even more expensive at sod goes on… wait till Flower and DireMaul drops… average cost of a summon will be 7-10g
every 2 hours when songflower goes off selling 30-50 summons for 30 mins of work
210-350g every 2 hours in a for 4 hours of work 800-1200g per day 30k a month
thats 1 lock and all those bot Locks are doing that in the future. and Most of them are gold sellers… Or attack the glyches in Dung that mages and others expliot to mass pull dungeons making money… Stop the selling of dungeon loot 8 gold for a item drop…


You gonna start banning boost communities in retail yet?
They are still here.

GDKPs will still exist via discords. how will you even police this?

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You didn’t have to buy gold.

Your buyers did it for you.


If it were me I would be looking for anything from trading BoP gear for gold all the way to gold payouts to multiple people in the same raid lockout, including mail

I’m not a smart person but those two seem obvious