GDKP in Season of Discovery

Why aren’t you reading?

How do you make sure someone you’re interacting with didn’t RMT?

Why are you so paranoid that GDKPs only have RMT in them?

It’s fine that you won’t answer, because you would have to admit being wrong above.

You probably sell gold, that’s why you’re here defending the ban.

He cant because i would never do what hes saying.

I have literally never seen someone buy a raid spot in a gdkp lmfao.

Is Aerogosa still crying about the price of level 45 consumables?

Aerogosa, who constantly claims that there’s an entry fee for GDKPs, given too many opportunities to provide evidence and everytime they’ve fallen short by miles and proven numerous times to be wrong, still somehow clings onto this silly idea.

This is boring. Where are the complaints about inflation? Anyone else want to make up fantasy arguments about billions of gold injected into the economy? Any other IRL economists want to chime in as if they had even a slight idea of what they’re even talking about?

What about you devs? Didn’t you say something about being more “steadfast” about the economy? Do you even have any idea what you’re talking about and what the economic issues are?


You don’t have to pay anything.

Nobody forces anyone to buy gold.

Most players don’t want to risk losing their accounts, so they don’t buy gold.

You oversight the best part of gdkp—it’s inclusive. There are many ways to make gold in this game, why do you just assume everyone takes the easy way out with rmt?

Proof of your projection. Chill out, it’s ok that you’re wrong.


The cancer right now in SOD is hard reserves and loot councils.

it’s dumb to get banned by RMT. All the trades are discussed on discord. One of the ways to legit trading gold is that the buyer only needs to post scammed price like 1s/10000g and ask the seller to buy it. The scammed price is allowed so, there is no way to blizz to trace. The only downside is to sacrifice 5% to AH.

Wrong person with that quote. Im not the one claiming everything in this game is being done with rmt. But you know that because the quotes are right there.

In this thread, anti GDKPers attempt to force their personal experiences and opinions on everyone as a fact while simultaneously ignoring the positive features of GDKP and ignoring the actual facts about bots and RMT remaining a problem.

For instance, look at this gem.

Oh, is that a fact?

Oh, that’s right that’s your opinion. Period.


Still waiting on an updated policy that better reflects what players want.

This one time in a GDKP, I had fun, I got loot, I got gold. I made friends, and there was no drama over loot.

I miss those days.


You can never back up anything you say lol

Here is some player feedback to the opposite. Keep GDKP banned. How’s that for player feedback?


Comparing Items on the Auction House to Bind on Pickup gear is comparing apples to oranges.
One is designed to be traded or sold and the other is not designed to be traded or sold. Blizzard indicated this in the original design by setting the items to Bind on Pickip, and clarified an additional time within this post regarding traditional guild and social structures.

Items on the Auction House are usually not as powerful as their raid counterparts and are considerably more rare due to the guaranteed chance to drop loot within raids that are repeated once or twice a week.
Items on the Auction House can also typically be acquired in other ways such as making it yourself, acquiring from a guildmember, or farming the target monsters yourself. For example of the hundreds of gold usually spent on the dungeon tier quest line, I have spent 100gold aside of the quest gold sinks.
I was able to acquire the related crafting materials myself or from a friend, and I was able to acquire the Duke Summonin garb from farming the mobs and trading with nearby people for complete sets. Necklaces were acquired by a guild druid supplied by guild materials and killing the lesser bosses while the raid group farmed summoning materials.
No gold expenditure was required for me to acquire the Cinder of Cynders.

This is not true of acquiring raid loot in a GDKP loot system as it requires gold as a fundamental of said loot system.

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WoW without gdkps is a waste of time.

Blizzard is just way out of touch.

If they actually ban people for rmt, gold selling and gold buying, but they dont do any punishments whatsoever, game has no integrity. Soda bough 50k gold without any punishment.

And then they ban the best loot system in the game, because they are too stupid to actually fight rmt. Instead they are working on how to bring in lvl boost, token, incursions or a new store pet. Just shut it down already, private servers did better job recreating your own game.



Agreed. He should have been perma-banned, imo.

Thats, like, your opinion, man.

AAAAAND theres the doom spiral.


“It wasn’t in the game’s intended design.”

I do find that approach quite amusing.

The sales of player services wasn’t part of the game’s design? Maybe players themselves aren’t meant to be a part of the game’s design as well? or is Blizzard so absurd that they want players to be part of the game without some of the most standard player tendencies? What a joke.

This is the ONLY game where they police loot distribution. Want to pay someone to help you kill a boss? Congrats, you get banned for doing NOTHING wrong. GREAT selling point.

Anyway, put an end to this “experimental test” already and make it an official policy. Add it to the ToS and become the official joke of the whole MMO genre if it isn’t already.

Yes, you are correct.


You’re not interesting enough. Your IQ is so low that you have to lie to create arguments. When are you going to bring up your imaginary greedy GDKP friends again?

I dont have to, they know, I know.
The only person here who knows nothing is you.


I also accept your concession.

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You’re not even going to ask me to quote your lies this time? That didn’t work so well for you last time. Let’s hear more about your fake friends. Their guild no longer needed gear 3 weeks into Cata, yeah? They needed to bring in fresh blood because they were so greedy for more gold? As if any of it even makes sense only 3 weeks into Cata. You sure you don’t want to keep that lie going?