GDKP in Season of Discovery

I have been doing gdkps since classic launched and I have not once heard of any gdkp where they charge you for a raid spot.

Either you’re making this up or you play on a crazy server.

This is verbatim the exact conversation you tried to have with me before, before someone corrected you that was for gdkp and you stopped denying it.

Im not going down that road again, frankly.

Player feedback is also quite vocal that they would like to continue being able to participate in gdkp’s.

Wouldnt you want to keep making money you dont have to worry from where it came from for free?

Gdkps prey on peoples fomo just as much as their greed.

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I would never stop denying it because I have never seen it and I have been doing these runs for over 6 years my guild literally runs the biggest gdkp discord in classic.

But I’m sure you know better than me

You stopped denying it in that post–ill just try to find it when i get off of work.

I think you’re making stuff up

Dont really care what a gaslighter thinks tbh. Back to muted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Funny because that’s exactly what you’re doing to me

Unless he backs it up.

Guild GDKPs are a thing too.

Plus, are you sure your guild mates aren’t buying gold? How do you know they didn’t RMT to skill up professions?

This defeats the entire point, in all honesty.
Stop ignoring the question, why was a boe cloak made from one of the easiest to level professions the example you tried to use?

Explain this, please.

The auction house has illicit activity in it too. Trading in general does, should we ban all of it?

How can you be certain that the player making whatever items your buying, didn’t RMT to help in the making of those items? Are you vetting every single player you interact with? What if they RMTed to improve their power level and now you’re grouping with them?

For all I know, your guild is full of RMT players. There are zero ways you can prove it to me.

That’s why the argument of GDKPs have RMT in it is so stupid. You have the exact same evidence I do in claiming your guild members have RMT activity.

What is to explain? Participating in a gdkp in guild where you still have to pay defeats the point of being in a guild. Period.

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How does it defeat the point of a guild?

It’s a loot system rofl

Your ignorance is showing if you don’t think guilds utilize GDKPs.

I join a guild to do content with people in a non pug setting and certainly without me having to pay them for my time and effort.

If i STILL have to pay you walnuts whats the point of being in a guild with you?

I honestly just feel like youre just talking in bad faith just to get attention from someone and would be better off ignored, asking intentionally stupid questions like this.

Still havent answered my question. Why is a a boe cloak from an easy to level profession the example you tried to give for why the AH would be “needed” to do content?

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I did, you didn’t read.

Again, you’re being very ignorant in thinking guilds don’t use GDKP.

I dont consider an intentionally dishonest answer a real answer. If youre so afraid that anything in the game has rmt attatched to it except, coincidentally, what you have personal stake in, why play the game at all?

Seems exhausting to be so paranoid.

Answer me for real this time. Why is a boe cloak from an easy to level profession, an example you tried to give for needing the ah when you dont need the ah to make the item and you dont even need to buy gold to make it?

And if youre not going to answer and are content to just keep talking in non-answer circles I’ll just ignore ya.

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Are you sure everything on the Auction house isn’t from RMT?

Are you sure everyone you trade with hasn’t had RMT done?

You need that cloak as a tank. If you can’t make it, how do you ensure the person making it for you didn’t do RMT?

Again, if you’re thatparanoid, no answer i give you will be sufficient. Seeing as how you refuse to answer, its clearly going nowhere.